《|| Touch || Peterpan FF ||》🥀✨ Chapter Seven ✨🥀


Morning came by as Madison sat at the soft cushions of her bench that's been placed under her windowsill. She stared out at the distance and then suddenly looked up at the sky...

It's already bright outside so she knew Peter isn't out of his home at this time...

She sighed and lifted up the book from her lap and continued reading it. So far, all of the books that she had read ends with happy endings.. It made her wonder,

Will she ever have a happy ending?

Thoughts started to fill her mind about what would ever happen next if she would follow what Peter had said in the letter he gave her.

"I'll come back like I always do, but this time, please don't wait for me."

"If I don't wait for you... will you really come and atleast let me know that you're there?", she mumbled to herself as her fingers softly tapped the book a couple of times as she wondered.

"P-peter! Peter stop it!"

"Isn't this what you wanted? You won't live in pain anymore. You'll live longer if he's not around you and you won't feel like trash ever again."

'You shouldn't interfere with something that's not yours."

"Fine, I won't interfere."

Their voices rang in her mind as she instantly frowned, remembering the last time they've seen each other.




"MADISON! GET DOWN HERE AND ARRANGE THE GROCERIES BEFORE I LEAVE!", her father yelled downstairs, making her snap out of her thoughts and stood up as she responded to him.

"C-coming, father!"

Peter along with the Lost Boys, gathered inside their home, which was the biggest tree in Neverland. It was so enormous that a few wooden furniture were placed inside like a normal home, except for the gadgets that can be seen in the Human World. Despite of not having such technology, they all find it more cozy to live in as they had grown to love the land's nature.


"Peter are you okay?", Slightly asked worriedly.

Peter's been spacing out lately, due to remembering Madison and some memories from the past. It's honestly making him dizzy at some point and becoming unaware of his surroundings.

The Lost Boys, who were so worried that he might hurt himself if he keeps staying at that state, decided to pull him inside their own house for him to rest and to also check if he was feeling anything wrong.

"Yes I'm okay..", he simply answered.

"You don't look like it though...", Nibs, the boy who wears a rabbit costume said.

"I'm fine boys... I'm just-"

"Missing her?", the twins who are both wearing a racoon costume, guessed in unison, making Peter looked at them, not knowing what to say at their statement.

"Oho. Peter... exposed?", Cubby, who is wearing a bear costume, giggled and making the other Lost Boys smile and chuckle.

"Oh shush, everyone.", Peter shushed them and instantly looked away, making the boys snort while holding their laughs.

"What're you thinking?", Slightly asked as Peter sigh.

"I've been really secretive to her lately, mostly when it comes to something personal. But when I ask something about her, she's willing to answer like an open book while I'm--"

"A closed one?", Cubby smiled as he 'sort of' finished his sentence.

Peter sat in silence and nodded after.

"Ehe, to be honest it's very easy to keep a secret, but can you still be able to hide them in front of the person who's very close to you?", Nibs asked out, making all the Lost Boys shake their heads side to side in response.

Peter blinked as he slowly get his point and slowly shook his head as well.

"You gotta tell her the truth, Peter. She deserves to at least know.", Slightly then said as the other boys nodded repeatedly.


Peter looked at all of them and let out a chuckle.

"You guys...are really good at convincing me to talk to her."

"We know.", the Lost Boys said in unison and giggled.

It's already night time and Madison was already fast asleep, she was obviously tired throughout the day and had another beating session from her father.

As for her father, well... he went out late at night since his rage got the best of him again.

As the moon illuminated the streets from outside, Peter landed his feet at the side of the roof that's just above Madison's window. He flew down until the side of her window frame and peeked inside since the curtains were already drawn closed.

As soon as he spotted her, his face softened, seeing her already asleep. He sighed as he placed his hand against the glass window. To his surprise, it suddenly clicked open, startling him in the process.

His eyes darted to Madison who slightly moved in her sleep, thankfully not fully waking up by the noise.

He quietly sighed in relief and looked at the window with a hint confusion on his face.

She didn't lock it...?

Peter face palmed at the thought as he looked at Madison and sighed.

He shook his head as he disregarded his thoughts and decided to open the window slowly before flying inside her room without making any noise. He then carefully closed the window and flew towards her until he arrived at the side of her bed where he lets himself float down until he lands both of his feet quietly on the floor.

Peter tilted his head as he stared at her calmly. She looks peaceful in her sleep, making the corner of Peter's lips curve up into a smile.


His smile instantly faded when something caught his eye.



A bruise was found on her right cheek as he spot another by the left corner of her lips.

Peter frowned, immediately lifting his hand and was about to caress the spot where the bruises were.

"Do you wanna hold her?"

A woman's voice rang in his head, making his hand abruptly stop just an inch away from her cheek.

"I can't."

His voice rang after as he pulled away his hand from her and held his arm cautiously, his eyebrows furrowed as another memory flashed on his mind.

"Why? What's wrong?"

"I-I can't touch humans...I don't want to anymore..."

"Why not? Is something wrong?"

Peter was hesitant on telling it to Jane, who is also Madison's mother.

He took a deep breath as he pursed his lips before letting out the words,

"If I touch them.....", he paused, looking at her in the eyes before finishing his sentence.




"...their lifespan will decrease."

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