《|| Touch || Peterpan FF ||》🥀✨ Chapter Six ✨🥀


Peter pursed his lips as he looked up at the night sky and stared at the star that led to his home. He slowly frowned, sighing as he sat on the roof of Madison's house and decided to stay there for a while, feeling the breeze hit him.

"Why do you still pity humans even if they've done a lot of bad things? Why do you have to suffer just for them?"

His voice suddenly rang in his mind, unexpectedly allowing himself to remember the past.




"Peter... I know you're upset but understand me. You shouldn't interfere with humans... Let them live their own lives and they'll get the price of their own deeds... Controlling a human's lifespan is already above the line and you already went through it far enough.", a man's voice said.

"Isn't this what you wanted? Young people won't feel the pain that old people made them carry. They'll live longer if those type of people are gone. They won't feel anything as if their life was some trash that was used for its purpose and get throwned to wherever, just to get stepped on and to never be used ever again.", Peter retorted as the man looked at him with a slight frown on his face.

"My life is an exchange for them to have another chance in life.. To cleanse their sins by--"

"Adding another sin?", Peter suddenly said, cutting the man short on his words as a few men stepped forward and stood behind Peter, ready to hold him back since he was really starting to get disrespectful.

The man looked at the men behind the boy and gave them a reassuring look that meant 'its alright'.

The men looked hesitant yet slowly nodded and took a step back, lowering their heads.

The man then looked back at Peter and sighed, deciding to disregard on what and how the boy responded to him.




"Peter...you know that you'll get punished right...?"

Peter's eyes slowly widened as he stared at the man in disbelief.

What does he mean by 'punishment'..?

He didn't deserve any punishment.

He did

Peter thought to himself as he shook his head at the man, disagreeing on what he said and obviously not believing that this is happening to him right now.

"Peter, what you just did...it's very unacceptable. I hope you understand.", the man spoke up again and noticed Peter balled his hands into fists as his expression slowly turned to slight anger.


, Peter suddenly let out in an unusual tone, making the man raise an eyebrow at him.

"Pardon.?", the man asked as he didn't expect what the boy would say next.

Peter closed his eyes tightly, driven by his own emotions as he unexpectedly blurted his words out loud.

"And is that?", the man asked again as his expression went from calm to stern while he stared down at Peter.

"I... I only went through the line b-because "- Peter

"Even if you cared you with something .", the man suddenly raised his voice as he emphasized some of his words with full authority.


Peter flinched at the man's tone and immediately opened his eyes in shock, realizing that he already went too far and horribly regretted on what he had said.

He gulped and instantly lowered his head, feeling extremely afraid all of the sudden.

"You be punished. Whether YOU LIKE IT ", the man said as Peter stayed silent.




A few seconds of silence and tension around the atmosphere had occurred until the boy heard the man sighed deeply before letting out the words with a calm tone that's mixed with something that Peter hated that time.

"I'm sorry, Peter."


Peter hardly bit his bottom lip to avoid any more words to come out.




And before he even knew it...




...his suddenly felt warm tears slowly stream down across his cheeks...

Peter's face scrunched up as he held his head, groaning softly.

"What the... Why did I just remembered that-- A-ah..", he winced as his head slowly ached.

"Peterpan, who went far through the line of controlling one's life and death..."

His eyes widened, hearing a line along with another man's voice as it echoed throughout his mind.

"No, no, no... Stop. Don't make me remember...", Peter frantically mumbled to himself as if something was making him remember on purpose.

He instantly gripped on his red hair with both of his hands as his eyes started to flicker to green while it slowly watered.

No matter how much he tried to stop himself...



.... he's slowly starting to remember another memory that he couldn't bear the most to remember.

Peter just stood there, speechless as he stared in disbelief at the person who stood as the speaker in front of him, which who held an old paper where Peter's sin had been written on.

"Peterpan, who went far through the line of controlling one's life and death. You are now from the place you once lived in and go to the land that you'll now as your new , the speaker said as he paused and looked at Peter with full disappointment written on his face before continuing the last line.

Peter's eyes widened in shock.

"W-what?! I-I never stole them! I never take what isn't mine! They wanted it to be taken! It's their choice not mine!", Peter let out, as a few men started walking towards Peter.

Peter noticed them getting near him as he immediately took a step back in fear.

"You may now leave.", the man said in monotone as he stared at the boy blankly.

'No...', Peter thought as his eyes started to water and took another step back when the men continued to step towards him.

"G-get away from me!", Peter shouted as his eyes flicker to green for a second before it returned to its natural color.

Everyone was surprised by the sudden change of the boy's voice as if it was glitching back and forth with another unusual tone.

The speaker was alerted by this as he suddenly yelled at the men.

"AH!", Peter groaned.

He shook his head vigorously and stood up as he swiftly let himself fly up and away from Madison's roof.


Tears suddenly streamed down as he flew across the cold night sky...



....and towards the star that led to his home...




"Peter! Peter!", a boy called to him as Peter looked down below him, since he was currently sitting on one of the tree's branches and staring at the sky.

"Yes?", Peter responded, looking at the boy below him before letting himself float off the branch and flew down to face him, the boy was wearing a fox costume and goes by the name, Slightly.

"How'd it go? Did you talk to Madison?", Slightly asked, making Peter frown and look away from him.


"Ehh? That's a bummer." the boy pouted.

"Yeah...", Peter breathed out and slowly looked up at the sky once again, staring at the star that stood as the gateway for him to go to Madison's World.

Neverland was always a land full of fantasies that any kid could ever dream of; mermaids, a tribe of Indians, some animals roaming around, fairies that had different kinds of purpose depending on their own color of clothes and last but not the least... the pirates that are known for doing mischief but fails to do so, thanks to Peter.

Peter had a group of young boys that he also treated as a family, which they called themselves Lost Boys. After Peter was punished for what he did. He told them everything. And like he said to the Man, they really wanted it. They wanted to be taken away from their own life, but after the last boy, who is the youngest of the group that now wears a skunk costume, Peter promised himself that it would be the last soul for him to take, and never dared to do it again.

The Lost Boys loved Peter as their own older brother despite of the fact of them leaving their own world, and they were sure to themselves that Neverland, was enough for them to be their precious home.




Ever since from the start, Peter told them about Madison and the boys were already interested on his stories as they always waited for his arrival every time he returns from the Human World. He also told what happened that night and the boys, ofcourse, comforted him about it, and even tried convincing him to talk to her again.

"Where are the other Lost Boys?", Peter suddenly asked, changing the topic as he looked back at Slightly, who was staring at the sky as well before looking back at Peter.

Slightly, blinked at his sudden question and hummed in thought before grinning at Peter.

"They're playing with the Wind Fairies. You know, the ones that wear a purple leaf clothing.", Slightly said as he made gestures with his hand, making Peter let out a chuckle and nodded in response.

"Why don't you go join them?", Peter grinned, making Slightly's face lit up in excitement.

"Can I?", he smiled as Peter nodded with a smile.

"You gonna be okay alone, though?", he asked as Peter stood still and nodded slowly at his question.

"Yes, I'll be alright.", Peter reassured, making the boy nod at him and waved goodbye before he started to walk towards the direction of where the other Lost Boys were.

Peter watched Slightly until his figure left his sight before letting himself float up once again and sat on the branch he was sitting earlier. He sighed deeply before leaning his back on the tree's trunk and closed his eyes, wanting to rest his mind for once.

"Peter?", a woman's voice called out as Peter's eyes instantly opened and widened in shock.

He clearly knew who's the owner of the voice as he stood up at the branch and looked everywhere around him.

"What a nice name.", the voice rang again in his head as he held it with his hand, realizing that it's another memory.

"Ouhm.. T-thanks...", Peter stuttered as he looked away from the person in front of him.

It's the very first time he had a compliment along with a conversation with a human that's not in her young/teenage years.

The woman chuckled seeing him flustered as she cradled a baby in her arms.

"What's that you're holding?", he asked as he never seen a small human before, he only seen the ones that are in their toddler or teenage years or even a bit taller.

"Oh, this is my daughter.", she smiled as Peter tilted his head in confusion.

"T-that's your daughter?", he asked as the woman raised an eyebrow and nodded.

"Yes, she is. Anything wrong...?". she asked as Peter pursed his lips before opening them again to speak.

"It's just that... She's tiny...", he mumbled, making the woman laugh.

"Of course silly, she's still a baby. You don't know what a baby is?", she asked and the boy slowly shook his head.

"Hm... then let's put it to this then.", she cleared her throat as Peter listened.

"A baby is a very small human that had just been born into this world. They have a fresh start of life... not having much knowledge in the world... very sensitive and tends to grow more as the years come by.", she explained as Peter nodded.

"Do they have a specific personality?", he asked as the woman thought of it and answered.

"Well yes, you see... A human's personality depends on what he/she's facing through life. The longer they live, the more they tend to experience anything that can come through their life. And by having the knowledge that each one has, they tend to grow more perspectives other than their own."

"In what way?", he asked curiously, looking interested by the topic as she smiled and thought of an example.

"For example, some humans accept and understand everything around them while others reject on understanding everything, making themselves get blinded by their own perspective and not even thinking about what others think or feel.", she answered as Peter was impressed by her answers and immediately understood what she meant.

"What's the baby's name? And yours as well?", he asked, making the woman smile at him.

"I'm Jane, and my baby's name is Madison."

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