《|| Touch || Peterpan FF ||》🥀✨ Chapter Four ✨🥀


"P-peter! Peter stop it!", Madison shouted as her eyes widened.

Peter was holding her father's neck, yet it didn't looked like he was gripping on it, but the touch just made the man fell on his knees by the minute.

NEVER EXISTED in the first place...

Peter thought as his eyebrows furrowed in anger, getting impatient as the man is still fighting to stay awake.

Peter clicked his tongue as his hold on the man's neck slowly tightened as if he was slightly gripping on it.

"Peter, let him go!", Madison said as she managed to get herself to stand up with her balance unstable.

She was about to hold him back until Peter raised his voice at her for the first time.

, he warned as he kept his gaze at the man, staring back at him with wide eyes.

"Please, peter let him go...", she sobbed, feeling helpless.

The man slowly felt himself suffocating the longer Peter held his neck as his expression suddenly turned into complete terror while he immediately grabbed Peter's hand, trying to pull it away from his neck yet he can't get himself to do so.

, Peter stated as the man started to choke, blood suddenly came out from the side of his lips, feeling as if the more time it passes, he would be officially gone by then.

"I know what you're saying but this isn't right! Please...", she let herself fell on her knees and looked at him.

Peter's eyes suddenly flickered back to his usual brown color as he flinched by the sound of her knees hitting the floor, making him instantly turned his head to look back at her.

His face suddenly softened at the sight of her.

Madison's long hair was messy, some strands of her brown hair were tangled everywhere due to her father pulling it roughly earlier.

He then looked at her face, instantly noticing a stain of blood showed on the corner of her lip...

Peter's eyebrows furrowed in anger as his eyes finally went down to her arms, seeing bruises that marked her fair skin with a blueish-purple color.

He didn't like the sight of it...

He --

Peter slightly shook his head, shrugging away his thoughts as he averted his eyes away from the bruises and looked up at Madison.

She looked at him teary-eyed until tears slowly streamed down, making him frown at her.

"Please...let him live..."


"He'll get the karma he deserves but not now. So please..."





Peter sighed in frustration, feeling easily defeated because of seeing her state. He then looked back at her father and slowly removed his hand away from his neck and took a step back.

The man immediately fell to the floor, catching his breath, it was faint but slow and heavy at the same time.

His face is already pale as he felt his entire body slowly got numb while feeling the rest of his remaining energy drain away from him until he finally passed out, unconscious.






Silence filled the room until Peter snapped his fingers and the body of the man suddenly disappeared infront of them.

Madison's eyes widened at what just happened as she blinked a few times in disbelief.

"W-what did you do to him?", she asked, feeling a sudden fear around her body as Peter turned to face her with an unreadable expression.

"Relax, I just teleported him back to the living room...", he answered as he looked away from her, crossing his arms on his chest.

"Did you..."

"No.... But no.", he simply cutted her off as Madison went silent for a few seconds before speaking up again.

"Will he...remember everything when he wakes up?", she asked with a hint of worry.

"No. Infact, there's a big chance that he'll wake up remembering nothing or just wake up like he had just woken up from a nightmare. Aside from that, he'll be very much weak for a few weeks.", he answered in full honesty as he lets himself float up, standing on mid air while his arms are still crossed.

Madison watched him slowly float up and calmly answered her. She frowned when he didn't even bothered to look at her once.

"What was that all about..? Why did you do that?", she asked, remembering what he did not too long ago.

"Because he was hurting you again.", he simply answered.

"I said I was use to it---"

Madison was cutted off on her words when Peter suddenly flew towards her, his face dangerously close to hers as he glared at her.

"On what part of you showed that you gotten used to it?", he stated, sounding pissed as his eyes flickered back to green when he emphasized some of his words.

Madison blinked and quickly looked away from him, having no words to say. Peter had his eyebrows furrowed as he distanced himself away from her and floated down until his feet came contact with the floor, now standing infront of her.


"Why do you still pity him after all the things he has done to you and to your mother?", he asked again as Madison felt his gaze on her as if he's really waiting for a reasonable answer for stopping him earlier.




"I-I... I don't k-know..."

, he snapped, making Madison flinch at the sudden tone.

"Don't tell me you begged me for nothing--"- Peter

"I begged you to stop what you're doing."- Madison

"Tell me why.", Peter commanded.

Madison took a deep breath, she slowly stood infront of him while looking weak due to the beatings earlier.

"Because his death won't be decided by you and you know clearly to yourself that you don't have the right to control anyone's life, even when it comes to their life and death....", she said straightforwardly and turned her head to look at him.

Her statement made Peter's eyebrows raise for a second and furrowed them after as he looked deeply into her eyes with an unreadable expression.




"....Even if I cared about them...?"

Madison frowned at his question, pursing her lips as she took another deep breath while they stared at each other until she answered.




"Yes. Even if you cared. Because you shouldn't interfere with something that's .", she answered, looking away and making the boy infront of her look shocked by what she had told him.

Peter's eyes turned back to normal as he frowned at her answer, not saying a single word.

Peter shook his head, quickly putting away his thoughts as he was about to start remembering the things from his past.

And those things just had to be the ones that Peter hated the most.

He pursed his lips, looking away from her as he finally let out the words.




Peter's slowly floated up, standing on mid air while he looked at her with an unreadable expression.

Before he turn his back on her and head towards the window, he spoke up.

"I'm sorry that you had to witness those things earlier. I just...couldn't take it anymore. Knowing that you've been beaten up alot from the monster to be , is making me want to interfere..", he confessed calmly.

Madison looked back at him again as their eyes locked.

"Everything that I hear from every single night...is terrible. The sounds of you getting beaten over and over, the screams, yells and insults you had to face by the end of every single day.......", he said as his voice suddenly turned into a tone of anger and a hint of sinister, making Madison stood there, frozen as she listened to him.

"Knowing the fact that you're already suffering too much from the pain makes me want to kill him in order to ...", he let out, his voice now having the hint of sadness and concern.




"But it seems that...I ended up being another that stood infront of you...", he chuckled, pain written on his face as he looked away from her, making the girl frown at his words.


"I'm sorry that you've met me. I shouldn't have showed up in the first place..", he let out softly.

"W-wait, PETER!", Madison called out as she quickly went after him as soon as he instantly turned his back away from her and flew out of her room.

Madison abruptly stopped by the windowsill, reaching out to him yet it was too late.

He was already too far to reach...

Why did he just leave her like that...?

Did she said something wrong...?

Did she...made him feel offended?

Did she hurt him in some way...?

There's nothing wrong on her answer...





She immediately brought her hands up to cover both of her ears, tightly closing her eyes as she tried to ignore the thoughts that slowly kept getting louder and louder until it rang in her head...

It's your fault...

He's just worried about you...

But instead of understanding...,

You just hurt him with your words...

She couldn't take it anymore...

She helplessly sat down on the soft bench as tears streamed down her face once again.

"I'm s-sorry...I-I'm really s-sorry...", she sobbed and removed her hands from her ears and brought them down to her arms, hugging herself as she hoped that it would somehow calm her down.

She then remembered the pained expression on his face when she told him her answer...

She bit her lower lip, trying as hard as she can to contain her sobs yet she couldn't handle it.

She immediately covered her mouth as she tried to at least keep her uncontrollable sobs down.

It was so hard...

She wanted to cry out loud...

She wanted to atleast cry everything out...

But she didn't want to wake her father up right away...

She doesn't want him seeing her like this...

So as much as it pained her even more, she just sat there feeling hopeless...,

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