《|| Touch || Peterpan FF ||》🥀✨ Chapter Three ✨🥀


Their eyes widened at the heavy knocks on her door.

"You need to leave.", she frantically said in a shush tone and stood up from her bed, trying to push Peter towards the window as he avoided her hands, letting himself get 'air-pushed' towards the window.

"W-wait, what's g-going to happen to you?!", he said back in a hush tone as Madison opened the window hurriedly and quietly shooed him out.

"I'll be fine, just go."

"But, Madi-"

The window was already shut as Madison draw the curtains closed before Peter could even say something.

Peter frowned as he flew to the side of the window so his figure won't be seen from the inside.

He pursed his lips as he stayed quiet, listening for anything that's occurring in the room.

As if it's on cue, Peter heard the door finally opened along with a few heavy steps and then a sudden yell from Madison's father.

"N-no one, father-"

A slap came across her left cheek as soon as she answered him, making her fall to the floor due to the sudden impact.

Peter flinched by the loud slap he heard inside as his eyes widened.

"Don't lie, I heard someone else's voice here. Are you secretly meeting someone while I'm gone?!", he screamed, making her flinch at his tone and shook her head frantically.

"N-no.", she denied, instantly feeling her hair get pulled up roughly as she yelped and immediately held her father's hands, trying to make him let go.

"P-please let go!"

Peter heard her begged, his jaw clenched as his hands slowly balled up into fists, tightening even more by each second he heard Madison's cries.

He can't leave her...

Not like this...

He thought as his eyes suddenly started to flicker from brown to green.

"I SAID DON'T LIE!", her father yelled, letting go of her hair as he raised his hands and started hitting her harshly.


Madison cried, closing her eyes tight as she felt every hit that her father made go even heavier than before.

She immediately curled up into a ball, trying to cover herself as much as possible from the punches,





...but it was no use.




She still felt each and every one of it.




She took quick breaths, starting to feel dizzy as her head began to ache...

The pain was starting to get unbearable by the continuous rage beating she received from her father.

She knew she was about to pass out at any second now by just a few more hits but...

Her father abruptly stopped, making her let out a shaky sigh as she tried to breathe normally.

He...he suddenly stopped...w-why...

She thought, and as if on cue, she heard the familiar knocks on the window, which is the reason that got her father's attention in the first place yet she didn't heard it right away.

The man looked around her room, searching for where it came from as his eyes now landed on the window, seeing a figure of a person.

Madison's eyes widened by the realization that Peter didn't leave yet.

Peter knocked again and this time, he knocked even harder as if he really wanted to break the glass.

"I swear if this is the person, Madison. I'll kill him infront of you.", he threatened, gritting his teeth as he started to walk towards the window with heavy steps.

"N-no. W-wait..", Madison tried to get up while her legs trembled, yet she failed to do so.

She groaned in pain as she put up the little strength she had left to slowly sit up and held the side of her bed for support.

She watched with her eyelids halfway open as her father now stood right infront of the window.



Eerie silence...



The man suddenly felt spooked by the weird feeling of the person's eyes stared daggers at him from outside.

He then reached for the curtain and took no hesitation to draw it open. His eyes immediately locked eye contact with a pair of green eyes as it glared at him, seeing the anger on the person's face.

"Hello, could you let me in?", he asked politely that's mixed with an unusual tone for Madison to hear.

The man scoffed, seeing how young Peter looked as he mockingly laughed at him.


"You're the one that my daughter secretly meets?", he laughed as Peter continue to stare at him with a blank expression.

, the man asked with his deep voice as Peter didn't respond, making the man more pissed as he is.

"Please , Peter said, his words slowly sounded like a demand as the man ignored it and continued on his words.

"You know entering someone's house without the parents knowing is called breaking in right?", the man said, attempting to make Peter scared at what he had done yet he remained unfazed.

"Let. Me. In.", Peter said, sounding like he was now ordering him to do so as the man scoffed at how freely the boy spoke to him as if they're in the same level.

"Disrespectful child. Do you wanna get beaten to death?!", he yelled as Peter raised an eyebrow, feeling his patience had finally slip away from him as he let out the words,

"I'd like to see you try.", he playfully smirked, making the man growled at him, telling him,

"I see how it is.", the man chuckled darkly, obviously driven by a huge load of temper as he stupidly opened the window and was ready to teach him a lesson.

Yet, as soon as he did so...,




He immediately knew that the tables have turned.

Once it opened, he was taken aback by the sudden strong winds that harshly came in, almost making him stumble back yet he thankfully maintained his balance.

Peter let out a deep chuckle and spoke up.

, he said with a tone filled with anger as he stared at him intently.

"Who...who the fuck--doesn't matter. Stay away from my daughter or I'll kill you!", the man screamed, hiding the fact that he's starting to get scared as Peter tilted his head and finally went inside Madison's room.

"YOUR Daughter?", the boy pretended to look like he's taken aback before letting out a bitter laugh.

, Peter laughed in a slight mocking way, as if the man said something completely wrong.

"She can't be your daughter...after all the things that YOU'VE DONE to her.", he said sternly as his feet landed on the floor.

, Peter stepped forward, making the man take a step back as chills ran down his spine because of the way Peter looked at him.

Madison's eyes widened, confused on what Peter was saying as she couldn't do anything but to watch on what's happening infront of her.

, he deeply emphasized the last word, pertaining to someone else other than Madison.

, Peter tilted his head dangerously at him as the man gulped in fear.

The man stayed frozen in his spot, completely lost for words as his eyes widened when he knew who Peter was preferring to.




His wife...

, Peter lowly growled as he took another step forward as the man immediately took a step back, his legs trembled in fear as he do so while his hands slowly started to tremble as well.

A massive chill always went on his spine every time Peter gets to finish his sentences...,

... because his voice just kept going deeper and deeper...

It doesn't sound normal at all as it became far too different than the boy's usual voice.

Madison stared at them, taken aback by what she's witnessing along with this new side of the person she's with throughout a few years. She stayed in her spot, feeling she shouldn't interfere at what's happening before her eyes and watched both of them.

, Peter started off again, taking another step while the man did the same, his back already against the wall.

The man tried to remember the things he'd said earlier yet he was too afraid to even think straight at the situation.

Yet again, as if it's on cue, Peter made him remember by repeating his words.

, Peter stopped in his tracks and smiled at the man, satisfied on seeing fear in his eyes.




, he trailed off as they looked into each others eyes.






, he said, making both Madison and her father's eyes widened.

Her father felt his hangover left his body at the boy's last sentence. And felt even more afraid when he said one more sentence with a voice that's already similar to a demon itself.

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