《Billionaires Tainted Love》T W E N T Y T H R E E


𝘐'𝘷𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘦𝘥 𝘢 𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘷𝘦, 𝘦𝘯𝘫𝘰𝘺.


I leaned in towards the source of warmth and snuggled in, I don't think I've ever had such a good sleep before.

I opened my eyes a little and it stuck to me that the oh-so-comfortable-pillow was Alex, I shuffled a little and looked up to see a very peaceful Alex sleeping with mouth slightly open.

I put my finger under his chin and forced his mouth shut while he grumbled something in sleep and pulled my waist further to his side and put his head right between my neck and shoulder blade.

A shiver ran down my body, it felt different when he touched me- he felt different.

It feels good, nowhere as disgusting as it used to feel when they touched me. Mary once told me that 'you'll know the difference when it feels right'

But Alex? He feels perfect.

I smiled a little and snuggled more into my new found favorite pillow, do I have the guts to be as close to Alex in person as I am now when he is asleep?


But do I love this?


I stayed in the same position for about an hour more admiring Alex but then finally pushed my laziness off and got up. I looked at Alex's phone kept beside him and checked the time.

5:30 am, Perfect.


I quickly ran back to the room I was originally in yesterday and freshened up in record time, once I was done I ran down to the kitchen and explored the entire area.

Alright then, let's get this day going.

I whipped up the batter for the Macarons and tiramisu side by side while heating water for the one-pot chicken pasta I was planning to make.

As time passed by, I kept myself organized and one by one, I placed the deserts in the oven to bake and grated some cheese for the almost ready one-pot chicken pasta.

Once everything was done I checked the time and smiled, It almost 7:00 am which means Alex will wake up in about half an hour.

I headed towards Alex room while I took a glass of water along with the Advil tablet and a small note in hand which said 'eat me for a less painful hangover'

Once I reached the room Alex was still sleeping in so I tip-toed and put everything right beside his phone.


I ran back to the kitchen and arranged everything I made for Alex onto the table but just then a shuffling sound startled me.


Oh no, is Alex already awake?

I turned around slowly but sighed when I was it was the caretaker who seemed to be in her sixties, she wasn't the same one as yesterday though.

The lady came up to me and smiled worriedly "good morning ma'am, I am extremely sorry you had to make breakfast yourself. I was informed to come here by 7:15 am. I'll be early from tomorrow on-"

"uh its f-fine, neither I nor Alex eats breakfast this early. I just wanted to surprise him which is why I woke up early." I explained and smiled at the old lady.

"ah young love, I remember when Josh and I would surprise each other this way. Silly me, good morning ma'am my name is Malissa, and I will be serving you for the next few days" Malissa said and smiled back

"uh we are not- I mean, Alex is my fiancé, after all?" my statement sounded like a question to me itself but I continued "please don't call me ma'am, You are older to me and it's not respectful of me side to let you call me ma'am either, my n-name is Sei-Sara"

Malissa's smile widened "oh my child, you are such a sweetheart. You deserve Alex to be yours, he's an amazing boy."

I frowned "I'm sorry do you know him personally?"

"ah yes of course I do, I was one of his caretakers back in the orphanage. He was always a quiet little child, hardly did he ever show affection or talk just like how he still is but don't get him wrong, he observes and his way of showing love is well- different" Malissa explained.

"If you don't mind me asking, w-what does that mean?" I asked.

"The boy doesn't know how to feel about the world, it's as though he's being eaten on the inside but he is not able to help himself. In reality, all he craves for is a little love, most of the people who work for him are ones he has known personally. Alex prefers to be the hidden gem, even the people who work in his office are mostly from families who have suffered in poverty or ones who've grown up in orphanages. Alex funds for the education of more than five hundred thousand kids on his own but not ones has he bragged about it. Ah, darling, I'm sorry you probably know all this already after all you're his soon to be wife!" Malissa said and winked at me.

"umm, once Alex is done with the breakfast will you please ask him to come to the beach?" I requested.


"sure love, anything else?" Malissa asked.

"Actually yes, where are all the bedsheets kept?"

Time to start with plan B


A proud smile graced my lips as I looked at the small pillow fort I had built. The weather was perfect because it was slightly cloudy today unlike yesterday and the wind was cool.

Will Alex like it though? Is it childish?


I got rid of the negative thoughts and took a look at the small first one last time.

The thin mattress was spread out with some small and big pillows for comfort, Four big sticks were holding another bedsheet as a roof to the mini fort and inside the mini fort, there was some snack along with six books and my laptop in case Alex felt like he wanted to see a movie instead of reading.

I smiled feeling pleased with myself and sat down inside the fort, I hope he likes it.

I took out my phone and for the first time in my life, I sent a message to someone.

Alex to be specific.

I waited for a moment and my phone vibrated.

Oh god, is Alex feeling irritated? nope, don't overthink Sierra it's probably just in my head.

I waited for a message from Alex and finally after fifteen minutes my phone vibrated.

I took a deep breath and calmed myself down, if he does not like this I'll try something else next time.

I am not going to give up easily.

I walked out of the fort and ran towards the house once I saw Alex coming out.

"Hi" I greeted meekly

Alex stared at me for a second before his eyes ran down on my body.

Holy Moly, I did not change after cooking and I have zillion chocolate and jelly spots on my clothes.

"I- did not have time to change," I explained

Alex continued to stare right back at me and suddenly out of nowhere he raised his hand and ran it over my cheek.

I shivered slightly at the sensation and unconsciously leaned into his touch.

Alex pulled his hand back and continued to stare at me "you had flour on your face"

"Oh," my face probably resembles a tomato right now.

I took a deep breath and got over my embarrassment, I took Alex's hand in mine and headed towards the fort.

I half expected Alex to shrug off my hand but to my surprise, he did no such thing.

once we stood infant of the fort I turned to Alex and gave him a small smile "ah, I thought I'd surprise you with a beach day because you, well you deserve it and- Just come in first."

I ran inside the fort as my excitement started building "come on in Alex, I promise you'll like it!"

Alex looked at me a little hesitantly but eventually gave up and got inside.

"books or movies?" I asked.

"movie?" Alex mumbled and I smiled.

"How does The Hustle sound?" I asked and Alex shrugged.

Not like I even knew what the movie was about.

Alex and I settled down as the movie started and by the time the movie ended I was lying on Alex.

I moved away as my face started to redden up but Alex held my wrist and pulled me to him and I fell on his shoulder.

"I-I have a gift for you?" I confessed.

Alex looked at me questionably and I pulled out the small box hidden between the pillows.

I opened the box and pulled out the small moon colored stone inside it.

"It's not something very valuable but it belongs to my mums, s-dad gave this to her in middle school. It meant a lot to her, after she left us, no one was allowed to look at her things but I have a few things that belong to her and this is one of those. Mary said that the moonstone was very important to mum because it made her feel safe as though d-dad was always with her and to me, You feel safe." I concluded and played around with my fingers.

Alex pulled me further to his side "thank you for everything, I do appreciate it even though it might not seem like it but-"

Suddenly Alex bent down a little and the next thing I knew his lips were on mine and it felt as though sparks were flying around

Holy Moly.

I wrapped my hands around Alex's neck and for the first time in my life, I responded.

After the uncountable forced kisses thrown at me, for the first time I responded and once we were both breathless Alex pulled back a little and continued.

"- the problem is, that I was not supposed to feel safe. Quite the opposite actually" Alex pulled back a little and got up.

"I left my phone inside, I might get an important call from the office. I should go get it"



𝘐𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘮- 𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘪.𝘩𝘢𝘩𝘢

Apparently today, some guys whose IQ was lower than his age drenched me in water by over-speeding his car on a huge ass puddle.

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