《Billionaires Tainted Love》T W E N T Y T W O


𝘐'𝘷𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘦𝘥 𝘢 𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘷𝘦, 𝘦𝘯𝘫𝘰𝘺.


After looking at the water run over my feet for some more time I finally shrugged and walked back to the beach house.

It is extremely hot outside.

Once I reached the beach house I looked around wide-eyed in surprise, everything was color-coded and was mainly gold, white, and turquoise.

"excuse me?"

I gasped and turned around at the sudden voice to see a lady "I-I'm sorry, you took me by surprise."

"That's a fine miss, but I must stop you right here. I don't know how you got in but I switched off the security system for cleaning and it is on again. This is private property and the owner is actually here today. I'm going to have to ask you to leave right now, or I might have to call the cops. This part of the town and beach are both privately owned and the security will be back on round pretty soon please find your way out immediately."

I frowned and tried to defend myself. "I-I've come with Alex."

"Excuse me Miss, but everyone knows that this property belongs to Mr. Taylor that does not prove anything, leave. Now." The lady commanded with a much more firm voice this time around.

"I- you can call Alex and ask him! I've come with him! ALEX?" Fear started gripping my voice as I called out to Alex.

"leave right now, or I'll call the cops this second."

"ALEX? please just call him once, he knows!" I screamed again but my voice probably failed to reach him.

The lady lightly shoved and hit the exact spot on my shoulder which had dislocated about three months ago. The push was light but my arm fell numb and my skin stretched to a bad red color.

"I-I promise, I'm w-with-" the lady finally pushed me out of the house and closed the door on my face while tears fell down my eyes.

Not because of being thrown out but because of the severe pain I felt in my shoulder.

Don't cry, Sierra. Don't cry.

I whimpered and took the phone out of my pocket to call Alex, after two rings the line went dead. I tried a few more times but my phone slipped out of my hands and fell , I gasped at the severe pain that shot through my arm again.

I stood right outside the door and looked up at the sky, I closed my eyes and tried to calm myself down.

Alex will eventually come to know I'm not at home right?

I know he's angry but he'll back, right?

I looked around at the beach and gulped, it is very hot outside.

I waited outside for about twenty minutes and realized that slowly my breath was becoming both Rapid and shallow.

I tried to take a deep breath but failed. I tried again and felt a slight pain in my chest.

It felt as though my heartbeat was way too rapid.

I was almost able to feel it.

Alex, I need Alex right now.

I picked up my phone and tried calling Alex again while I was feeling extremely dizzy and out of breath, luckily he picked up on the second ring.


"I'm on a conference call right now ask the maid for whatever you want and don't disturb-"

" Outside t-t-the ho-house. Ale-"

"Sara? SARA? why are you outside, what happened I'm coming wait fo-"

" I ca-can't breathe."

Suddenly everything started moving and just then I felt myself lose control of my body but before my body could touch the ground strong pairs of arms wrapped around me and I looked into Alex's eyes.

He's here, like always.

"y-you're her-" things turned black before I could finish my sentence and the last thing I heard was 'oh god no, this is all my mistake, SARA?'


" This was a clear case of medical emergency Mr. Alex, her body temperature rose to an all time high of 108 F. The recovery time for heatstroke is variable; initial recovery may be done with 1-2 days. Another concerning part was that she had-"

I felt myself go out of consciousness and come back to conciseness again and again for some time until finally, when I was able to open my eyes.

The air conditioner seemed to be at its lowest temperature and water pads were put on my head, shoulders, and stomach.

I looked around for Alex but failed miserably, a sudden shuffling sound grabbed my attention and I looked down to see Alex lying on the carpeted floor right next to my bed.

oh god, why is he on the floor?

"Ale-Alex?" I called him and pushed my hand out but retreated it back at the sharp pain I felt go through me.

Alex opened his eyes at the sudden disturbance and took a second or two to realize what was happening and then he snapped.

His eyes got big when he saw that I was awake and he stood up in a hurry "you're awake, water do you want water? Of course, you want water just give me a second."

Alex rushed and poured out a glass of water for me "hey, it's fine. I-I'm fine." I tried calming him down but she seemed to gotten even more hyped "fine? no, you're not fine. Dad said he was fine too, and he left. You're not fine, don't you get it? you're not fine. Heatstroke, you had a severe heatstroke because of me. I did it, my fault. All of it. You could've-" I pulled Alex's hand down with a jerk and he fell right beside me while still staring at me.

"I'm fine, a-absolutely p-peachy." Alex started straight into my eyes for a minute and all of a sudden hugged me.


What's wrong with him?

"I'm sorry, I should have come inside with you. I was on a conference call, that's why I wasn't picking up your call an-"

"Shhh, it's fine. You got there on time, that's what matters."

"Yes but-" Alex kept on going but his muffled voice made little sense to me because of the position he was in, finally he pulled back and looked at me.

"I had a few drinks before you woke up because I got so tired and it's gotten a little out of hand. I'm not drunk but well almost tipsy. Don't mind me tonight."


So that's the matter he's being touchy and vocal.

"well, I think you should come on up on the bed and sleep because it is eleven at night and you need rest." I reasoned and Alex hummed to me while getting onto the other side of the bed.

"you'll have to deal with the AC, the doctor asked me to keep it at sixteen for tonight."

"that's fine, I don't mind it right now." I smiled a little at Alex but he shrugged.

Wow, still as void as he is when he's not drunk.

Honestly, it scares me.

The idea of him being drunk but still being in the same room as me, I've grown up seeing what alcohol does to people but for some reason I know, I just know that Alex won't hurt me physically like others used to hurt me.

"holy moly!" I screeched when I Realised that today was my first night in Bora Bora and I wanted to check the sky.

I tried getting up but a pain shot through my body and the feeling of weakness hit me "Sara, get back down. What's wrong?" Alex asked with a commanding undertone to his voice.

"I- I want to check the s-sky?" I answered and looked up at Alex trying to sound as confident as u could.

"what?" Alex frowned.

"The sky, I want to see the sky."

"yes, right...no. Not tonight, you can't move out of the bed today." Alex ordered and laid down on the bed again.

"B-but its important I need to see the stars from a different angle. Please" I kept on babbling and tried my best to convince Alex while he looked at me- bored.


"You know what? Fine. Get up" Alex said but made no effort to get up himself he just looked at me and smirked a little when I failed at lifting myself from the bed because of weakness.

"I-" I stumbled across my words but then shut up realizing that Alex already knew I'd fail at getting up.

"I do want to see the night sky but you're right, I-I can't!"

Alex looked back at me for a moment then groaned, he pulled himself off the bed and came to my side.

"It's fine, you were right. It's just I got super excited and-" I kept on explaining myself but all of a sudden two hands went under me and Alex picked me.

"Wha-" I stopped when Alex gave me a deadly glare.

"Trust me when I say this, I'm going to regret drinking tomorrow. A lot" Alex said and kept on walking out of the door.

I felt my arm drop and pain struck it lightly but Alex quickly pulled it up and wrapped it around his neck.

"hold on"

Alex walked up to a different room that had curtains all around it and put on down on the sunken bed again. He pulled back and opened up the huge curtains making me gasp.

It was all glass, the entire room had glass walls. Alex went out of the room and put down a bag next to me, he then proceeded to find a remote like thing and settled down next to me.

"ready?" He asked me lightly and looked up at me.

I nodded feeling confused but the moment Alex clicked the button on the remote the glass roof good down and so did the wall there was no roof anymore and the walls had come down to a smaller height.

"It is-breathtakingly pretty," I said and looked around the magical place.

"And it's safe too because the roof is alined with a few natural herbs to keep away the bugs and mosquitoes! " Alex said then pulled up the bag next to me and took out my book and binoculars.

"Before you ask me, I know you use these two things fo your stargazing and I did see them in your bag earlier."

I smiled up at Alex "D-did you know that Bora Bora is Pora Pora, meaning "fi-first born", in the local T-Tahitian language? There's a "B", but in fact, there is no "B" in the entire Tahitian language! Early s-settlers thought the natives were saying Bora Bora, not Pora Pora, and from that, the name stuck!"

Alex hummed and looked up at the beautiful night sky while I did the same " Are you not going to use your dairy and all that? "

I frowned looking down at my things "I want to but I don't think I can write and I can't pick up the binoculars either. "

Alex shuffled around a little and took my diary "I can write down for you"

I smiled "oh it's fine, I'd like to observe tonight that's how I always do it!"

Alex put the diary down but then a picture slipped out from between the pages. I tried to reach out for it but failed and Alex picked up the picture.

"who's this?"

I looked up at the picture in Alex's hand and smiled "that's mum"

"your mother?" Alex confirmed and I nodded

"she was really pretty and I took stargazing as a hobby from her," I said and looked at the picture lovingly.

"she has beautiful eyes" Alex complimented.

"she does, I feel blessed to have the- I mean I feel blessed to look even slightly like her. It makes me feel closer to her." Alex put the picture back inside and both of us looked back up at the sky.

"Look there's this super long tower-like thing in the water!"I exclaimed.

Alex looked up to where I was pointing and smiled "What? That's the lighthouse! Have you never noticed one before?"

I frowned and shook my head- no.

"Well, it's there for navigation and security both. I have personal security there too because I own a few wild horses, I think they'll be back from the vets visit tomorrow"

I looked back up at the sky and thought back of the little furball we have back in New York. After an hour or two more of stargazing in silence, I looked back at Alex and he was fast asleep.

I shifted a little closer to his side and soon everything turned black.

Get ready to be surprised tomorrow, Alex.



𝘐𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘮- 𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘪.𝘩𝘢𝘩𝘢

Pineapple with Pizza or no Pineapple with Pizza?

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