《Billionaires Tainted Love》T H I R T E E N


𝘐'𝘷𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘦𝘥 𝘢 𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘷𝘦, 𝘦𝘯𝘫𝘰𝘺.


I looked around the empty house and sighed.

Maya left after making dinner but Alex was still not back home.

I generally wouldn't have been worried about Alex but he did say he'd come back by eight.

He said that to Maya, not you.

My consciousness reminded me.

But does that matter? He had to Come back by eight, and he still hadn't and that's the main point.

Maybe I should ask Maya to get Ian here more often, I can help him study too!

I looked up at the time and saw that it was about to be eleven-thirty.

Maybe I should wait just a tad bit longer?

I sat down on the couch and switched on the TV.

Yes, I know what you're thinking!

Maya told me I can see the TV anytime I feel like it!

Just then, the door opened and in walked Alex, his face graced by a billion-dollar smile.

He looked at me and continued smiling as though he won a billion-dollar.

He probably already has more than that though.

Have I actually lost my mind? Is he, Alex Taylor really smiling? What in the world is happening?

"umm, you-you're fine?" I asked and Alex shrugged and responded, "never been better"

"Dinner, I'll set up the dinner while you freshen up!" I said and rushed to the kitchen, what is wrong with him?

He literally never smile!

He does.

No, no he doesn't.

you've seen him smiling before too

That is hardly twice, I fought with my consciousness.

But, amazingly, he's smiling and that's good because smiling stimulates our brain's reward mechanisms in a way that even chocolate, a well-regarded pleasure inducer, cannot match.

I let out a groan and set up the plates, just then something caught my attention.


There was a drop of blood on the floor.

I looked around to see a trail of blood drops that started from the main door to Alex's room.


Without giving it much of a thought, I rushed to Alex's room and opened the door without knocking, blood there was blood on the floor.

I looked around the room but Alex was nowhere to be seen, just then I noticed the open walk-in closet and rushed inside.

What is wrong with him.

There stood Alex with one of his hands bleeding and staining the carpet I looked up at his face and he was still smiling.


Is he CRAZY?

"you-your hand, it's bleeding!" I cried out.

Control yourself, Sierra, you've seen a lot of blood all your life.

I took a deep breath and put my emotions in check.

"That is not good Alex, you're hurt and from the looks of it, the wound is right on your left-hand ring finger and the nerves in that finger are very, and I mean very sensitive you need to treat it right now."

Alex looked at me then down at his hand, "honestly it's fine, I'll just wash it and this blood was so worth it."

What does that even mean?

Without arguing or giving a chance to Alex to argue, I got the first aid box and pulled Alex into the washroom with me.

I washed his hand and from the looks of it, the wound was probably not infected.

I almost wanted to laugh at how familiar wounds seemed to me.

"How did this happened?" I asked, still nursing his wound, he can totally get angry at me right now for questioning him.

"Just an amazing car race?" I frowned, race?


"Yes race, I don't do it often but once in a while and it was totally worth it. I got a deal signed in return"

"you did all of this for a deal?" I was surprised that things could go down to this level in business.

"yes, well I am now a thirty-two percent owner of Bugatti"

My eyes probably got big enough to pop out of their sockets, Bugatti is one of the leading luxury racing car retails, one single car can cost you millions.

"You like cars?" I asked looking up at Alex.

"Grew up around them" to say I was surprised would be an understatement, Alex never talks about his childhood.

"Really? I've only been in a car three Tim- I mean, I've been in a car for more than a billion times and I still don't understand the obsession."

what a smooth lie

"Dad was always very passionate about cars, he was the one who got me interested but once he left, I had to make his dream come true but that was until you fuck!ng came into the picture" the look of love Alex held in his eyes when he was talking about his dad quickly changed into a more venomous one.


He looked at me with so much hatred at that moment it made me want to run away, it was as though I was looking at sir.

Alex pulled away from me his hand now wrapped hand and walked out of the washroom.

What have I ever done to him?

I stood there for a moment and gathered enough courage to leave his room and stood up, I have to leave.

I was about to leave Alex's room when I heard an irritated voice, should I go and see?

probably not.

I have to see what's wrong, with that thought I took slow steps towards the walk-in closet and saw Alex struggling with his shirt buttons.

He had opened all the buttons except the last one which was probably tight, I took slow steps towards him and when he noticed me he clenched his jaw but said nothing.

I gulped and opened up the button for Alex and ran out of his room, he hates me.


He hates me and I don't even know why!

I went to the dining area and set up a plate with the home-cooked chicken noodles, Alex is probably hungry, right?

I put down the plate outside his room, knocked, and rushed behind the couch.

I looked up a little so that I could see Alex, and just then the door opened and Alex came out and noticed the food.

His expression gave away nothing but he did take the plate inside his room and closed the door again.

That means he'll eat it right?

I walked back to my own room and sat down on the bed, I hope he eats.

Usually, when sir would get angry and did not wish to see me, Mary would serve him the dinner otherwise I would if no one was home, which was very rare, I'd serve him food just like how I did now.

This way he did not have to see me and he also got the food.

I looked at my bedroom door and went to the washroom and took off my contact lenses.

When I started back at my reflection in the mirror I felt guilty.

How many lives have I destroyed?

Knowingly or unknowingly I have caused pain to a lot of people and it's all because of me, maybe I should not be here after all?

I wiped away the tear that just escaped my left eyes and took out my mum's picture.

What have I done mum, what in the world am I doing? why can't I keep a single person happy, why do I end up disappointing everyone I know?

Maybe it was you who should have survived mum, maybe it was me who should have died. We have both switched positions and it shouldn't be this way. You should be here right now.


I should be dead, I don't deserve this life mum. I don't.

A sob broke out of my lips and tears started flowing down my face.

I need your mum, I really do need you. Herewith me.

I can't do this alone.


The constant knock on my door was now getting slightly annoying.

I groaned and woke up to Maya's voice, "Sara darling wake up, you have to go out today, Sara?"

"I'm coming," I said in a slightly higher voice and rushed to the washroom and put on my contact lenses.


I opened the door and there stood Maya "good morning, darling"

I smiled.

"Morning" Maya walked inside my room and pulled me out with her.

"I'll have some juice ready for you in no time, till then go and start getting ready" I frowned, "get ready for what?"

Maya clapped her hand excitedly "There's a match today, Alex is betting on one of the horses too!"

"What match? horses?" I was even more confused than before now.

"Oh darling, there's a horse race today and Alex is betting on one of the horses. The horse is actually Alex's itself. Alex got that horse when he was eighteen"

"Alex" I mumbled and thought back to everything that happened last night.

"Alex said that you like horses!" Maya exclaimed.

"I do? I mean, I do!" even though I've only seen them once in my entire life and they do seem very adorable.

"He said you got excited back at the animal shelter after seeing the horses " I smiled at the thought of Alex remembering my excitement.


All I can think about is, how many lives have I destroyed?



𝘐𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘮- 𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘪.𝘩𝘢𝘩𝘢

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