《Billionaires Tainted Love》T W E L V E


𝘐'𝘷𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘦𝘥 𝘢 𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘷𝘦, 𝘦𝘯𝘫𝘰𝘺.


5:00 am.

Are four hours of sleep enough?

We got back home yesterday by eleven at night and the fear gripping my soul was nowhere near gone, I honestly felt suffocated.

I felt trapped, with nowhere to escape.

I really need to distract myself.

With that thought in mind, I got up and marched straight inside the bathroom, first things first- contact lenses.

I wore my contact lenses and let them adjust.

The moment I caught the reflection of myself in the mirror, involuntary, I picked up my shirt a little bit to see the scar stretching from my chest to my waist.

The faded look made it seem even worse, I ran a hand down the scar and shuddered.

The pain felt fresh.

I've always believed that everything that has happened to me was because of a reason.

The beatings, the ignorance, and everything else.

But this scar was different, did I deserve this?

It made me question my own existence.

My back had no marks except the cigarette burn in the lower back.

Both of these held one name engraved in them- Harry.

Why is life so against me, why does it hate me so much?

I know I killed mom but wasn't the beatings enough?

The ignorance enough?

The pain enough?

I wiped away my tears and practiced smiling.

I do this every morning, just look in the mirror and smile.

So that I can perfect it enough to actually smile, I stared at myself until my tears disappeared.

Why did I pain never go away?

I looked around the bathroom and decided to get ready for the day.

By the time I was ready, it was already five-thirty.

Mary did say she had errands to run today, and she's always so good to me so maybe, I should surprise her?

I put my hair into a high bun and went to the kitchen with the thought about Ian, a smile embraced my face.

What a cutie.

I felt pumped up and in the mood to cook today and over that I have a lot of time, so why not prepare full-fledged breakfast? After all, I don't know what Ian or Maya loves the most.

I took all the ingredients I needed and made a soft dough for the croissants, once that was done I let the dough rest and started cutting the strawberries and oranges.

I put the eggs on the boil and started making chocolate croissant, time to put them in the oven!

I swiftly moved to the other side of the kitchen and grilled some bacon strips along with waffles and by the time it was seven everything was ready!

I smiled at myself-

Coffee check

Bacon strips check

Croissants check

Fruits check

Boiled eggs check

Waffles check

Yogurt check


Just then, the main door opened and Maya came in with Ian on her tow, the moment Ian saw me he ran to me and held up his hands asking me to pick him up.

I bent down and picked him up placing him on the kitchen island, I still can't carry him because it pains my back because of the broken rib, which was now almost healed.


"Good morning, you two!" I exclaimed smiling at Maya and Ian "I'm a little late because this devil right here refused to wake up" Maya said and rubbed her nose with Ian's to which he started giggling.


They're both so adorable.

"Well, breakfast is ready!" I said while Maya looked at me confused, for a second, before her eyes followed my mine and she looked at the dining table making her eyes widen.

"you made all this?" She asked

"Nah, Gordon Ramsey visited this morning," Maya started laughing while I hoped I wasn't making a fool of myself.

I heard the name of this chef a few days back when I was seeing TV with Maya.

Ian looked at the food from the kitchen counter and started clapping his hands "I love cro-croswants"

Aww, he's absolutely adorable.

"well, they are all for you." I whispered, as though it was a secret, "really? All for me?" I smiled because of his infectious smile, "you can eat as much as you want!"

"Mommy did hear that Pweety lady made all the croissants just for me!" Maya smiled at Ian and looked back up at me, "thank you so much, Sara, you're a blessing" I grinned in response.

Ian jumped down the counter and ran to Alex's room, "I swear he's the only one who's allowed to go into his study or room to wake Alex up otherwise, Alex is not a pretty sight when he's working or sleeping"

"Sara, since you've already made breakfast, I'll leave? " I frowned at Maya's question.

"Don't you want to eat?" I asked

"Oh I stuffed in some bread and milk but Ian hasn't eaten and I need to leave, as early as possible"

I nodded understandingly, while Maya hugged me and left.

Where did Ian go again, oh right Alex's room?

Without giving it too much thought I went to Alex's room and the moment I got in I started laughing.

Tears streamed down my face because of my continuous laughter and Alex woke up to the sound.

"Why are you in here without my permission?" He grumbled and scratched the back to his head just then Ian jumped on the bed gave Alex a sloppy kiss on the cheek "good morning Addy" Alex smiled at Ian and then scrunched up his eyebrows while he looked at the time "shit, no time for a workout" he mumbled.

"Alex your fa-" I said but started giggling again, because Ian narrowed his eyes at me "the breakfast is ready, you two come out fast," I said reframing my sentence.

"Addy do you have to go to the office? I don't want to eat on my own and need help" Ian said pointing to his plaster.

"Anything for you, bud" Alex picked up his phone and called someone to inform them that he won't be coming in today "Has Maya left already?"

Alex asked me and I nodded in response, "get me some black coffee?"

I nodded again not trusting myself to open my mouth because if I did, I'd probably die laughing.

I went to the kitchen, reheated the coffee, and headed back to Alex's room only to find him playing with Ian "there you go" I said and handed the coffee to Ian.

I was about to go back to the kitchen but Ian stopped me, "let's wait here pretty lady, till then Addy can get ready?"

Alex fished his coffee and went to the washroom while Ian and I stared intently at the door.



"AHHHH what the fu-"

A second later, the washroom door opened and out stepped Alex, his face now red with embarrassment, or was it anger?

Ian and me, both burst out laughing.

"Why is my face painted pink and purple Ian, Sara, you knew-" Alex came towards us but I picked up Ian and ran out of the room while both of us were still giggling.

After fifteen-twenty minutes, Alex came out of his room and shot us both an annoyed look, I smiled internally and served food for all of us.

Alex sat on the table and grumbled on while, to my surprise, Ian went to Alex and pulled a chair beside him and proceeded to stand on that chair, and jumped straight into Alex's lap "I love you, Addy"

Alex stared down at Ian with narrowed eyes "I love you too" he grumbled.

They're both so cute

"Can we see a movie and eat breakfast?" Ian asked looking back and forth me and Alex "sure bud" Alex exclaimed, and instead of going to where the Tv was, both of them went up the stairs so I followed them like a lost puppy.

Right beside the gym, there was a door which, I failed to notice, but when Alex opened the door, I gasped while two pairs of eyes stared back at me.

I've never seen a movie or gone to a theater!

I danced internally with excitement while Alex and Ian still looked at me as though I was a weirdo, did I care?


I've only read about theatres in books, and this felt like a dream.

The theatre had a huge couch in the front, which seemed very comfortable by the way, and about five chairs at the back of it.

Let's just say it was all magical.

"What is your favorite movie, pretty lady?" I looked back at Ian.


I haven't seen a single movie in my life, how was I supposed to know?

"I love the bee movie but, Addy hates it, so what should we see?" I rummaged through my memory and remembered a book I read which was going to be turned into a movie.


As far as I remember, that was the name of the book I read all the time as a kid.

"Matilda, it is, "Alex said and I relaxed.

At least the movie still does exist!

All of us settled down and Alex started the movie, I ate and feed Ian as well because of his broken arm.

From time to time Alex too fed Ian but by the time the breakfast was finished and we were not even halfway through the movie.

After one more hour, the movie was finally over, I looked down at Ian and hoped that he was asleep but he seemed to be pumped with energy.

"Addy, can we go see stitch?" Alex smiled and looked down at Ian, "sure but once we're back you'll have to take a nap. Deal?" Ian wrapped his pinky finger around Alex's "deal"

"Let's go, pwetty lady!" Ian called after me and I smiled, "you want me to come?" I asked Ian "yes, don't you want to meet stitch?" I looked up to Alex as if asking for permission and he shrugged.

"Let's go" I exclaimed, even though I did not know where we were going.

To my surprise instead of taking the car, Alex and Ian told me that we only had to walk a few blocks only.

A lot of firsts for me today.

People would probably think I'm crazy if I told them that I'm crossing the road for the first time.

"Look, pweety lady, snitch lives there!" I looked in the direction at which Ian was pointing and saw an Animal shelter on the other side of the road.

Once we were inside, I saw a lot of animals all around the shelter, the first thing I saw was a horse.

A horse!

I've never seen a horse before.

Ian was now in Alex's arm and without even thinking I pulled Alex's sleeve lightly, "look Alex, a horse!" I exclaimed.

"Let's go see stitch" Ian exclaimed taking Alex's attention off me.

Thank god.

All of a sudden Ian got down Alex's lap and ran towards a huge dog, "stitch!" The volunteer smiled at Ian and opened the door for the huge dog to get out.

The dog himself seemed very excited to see Ian, Alex left my side and patted stitch.

A dog!

I've seen a dog after soo long, the last time I saw a dog was when Sara wanted a dog for herself, and like always sir did get her a dog too but once it pooped on her mat she made a huge mess out of it and gave the dog away.

All of a sudden, I felt a body rub mine and I looked down to see Stitch rubbing himself on my leg as though asking for my attention.

Carefully, I bent down and patted the dog and a second later my face was now wet because of his lick.

All three played around for some time but soon, Ian started draining off his energy and got back into Alex's arms, within a few seconds he was out.

Alex and I headed back home silently which I only broke once to know how they first meet stitch.

Apparently, Alex found stitch hardly seven months ago when he was a newborn baby, he was left on the road with no one to take care of him.

A short fifteen-minute walk later we were back home, Alex took Ian and put him down on his bed and decided to go and drink some water but Ian called out for me in his sleep, 'pweety lady'

"you can lay down with him for now if I, pick him up again he will wake up and start crying" Alex suggested so I got down beside Ian, who was in the center of the bed and Alex sat on the other side reading a book on stocks within no time I was in dreamland along with Ian.

When I woke up after a good three-hour nap, I looked at the time and noticed that it was about three in the afternoon, I tried to get up but noticed that Alex's hands were now wrapped around Ian and me both while Ian had buried his face in my hair.

I smiled slightly looking at Alex because he still had his glasses on and the book was now on placed on his stomach.

Seems like both these boys will sleep for some more time.



𝘐𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘮- 𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘪.𝘩𝘢𝘩𝘢

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