《Billionaires Tainted Love》T H R E E


𝘐'𝘷𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘦𝘥 𝘢 𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘷𝘦, 𝘦𝘯𝘫𝘰𝘺.


He really did mean it, didn't he?

He wanted me to go away from them forever and to act as though I was Sara, but would I be able to do it?

I've never had a problem being a replacement but can I do it forever?

I know better than to mess this up for Sir, he will have my head.

He really will.

I look around my room one Last time, everything around my room was now packed.

The pain I was feeling right now was killing me, physically and emotionally.

I don't want to go, I don't want to leave Mary behind.

Mary is all I have, I-I can't leave her.

Tears welled up in my eyes.

I am not sure about what the future holds for me but it can't be worse than this, can it?

The problem is that I like this 'worse'.

I like to be with Mary and work around the house, it is difficult to deal with sir at times, but I deserve his anger.

I destroyed his life.

But if Mary won't be around then there would be no one, for me.

Who will I lean towards when I need support?

Who will I look out for when I need that little bit of affection?

Who will I look up to?

Wiping off my tears, I bent down and picked up my bag which was lying on the mattress and zipped it up.

The bag was a little heavy since it had my diary and my college books inside it and other important things, other than that, there were only four pairs of clothes, that's all I owned.

The only problem physically is my broken rib, it hurts a lot.

Sir took away all the expensive clothes from my cupboard yesterday.

The ones I wore when I replaced Sara saying the exact words that "you don't need them anymore, wear whatever you already have and leave, if Alex feels like it, he might as well give you some more clothes".

I always liked replacing Sara, but now that I think of it, I'll have to become Sara for the rest of my life?

Does that mean I have to forget myself, my choices, my likes, and my dislikes?

It felt as though my existence was going to change altogether.

I pulled out the bag and exited the room, I felt numb.

Absolutely numb.

Leaving my room always felt like leaving my safe spot.

Outside his room, all I know about is my work, the kitchen, and sir.

I was never attached to anyone other than Mary, but sir made sure that Mary was not here when I was leaving.

She doesn't even know I'm leaving forever.

I controlled my urge to sob.

I don't know how the relationships between parents and their children work, but I wanted to make a mark in his world for Mom and for Mary.

I always dreamed of a day when Sir would accept me as his daughter and Sara would talk to me but Mary had a special place in that dream, I wanted to give her everything she did not have.

Her own house, her own bakery that she's always dreamed to own.

I want to live to full fill her dream, my mom's dreams, and my own dreams.

All of a sudden a sharp pain shot through my body because of my broken rib and I almost lost my balance.


Slowly I walked down the stairs with my bag and went straight to the kitchen, placed the letter I had written for Mary in the oven, and left.


I hope she reads it.

Sir stood at the door, when he saw me coming he rolled his eyes "there is a car outside for you, get in and leave. I have to celebrate, after all, I will not have to see you ever again, but remember Sierra I am always watching you. You are going out as Sara, so you better hold your secrets to yourself or else the results will not be good"

I am always watching you.

I stiffened at his words and a shiver ran down my spine "ye-yes s-sir" I nodded and opened the gate.

A small smile unknowingly braced my face.

It was beautiful out here, there was greenery all around me and the birds were chirping out.

I looked to my left to see a squirrel climb up a tree, so beautiful!

For a moment I felt as though I was in a wonderland, I've never seen a garden in my life, and to say it was better than my imagination would be an understatement.

It was breathtaking.

Absolutely beautiful.

"Ma'am!" the driver suddenly called out to me and I headed to the car.

Looking at the car it seemed way different then what I remembered a car looked like.

I have sat in a car before, I think I was five.

No six.

But I don't really remember much of it.

The driver opened the car door while I settled inside the car.

Quietly I placed my bag next to me and looked upon at the driver "how long is the drive?" he looked at me and smiled "forty-five minutes, ma'am"

I nodded and mumbled a quick thank you.

Leaning back a little onto the seat, I looked out of the window with anticipation as the car started, everything I read about was true.

There were so many people so many shops, cafes.

It was beautiful.

I-It was exactly like what Mary described it as and how the pictures in my books were.

There were so many people it scared me a little but there was a hint of excitement as well.

After some time, I noticed people kept staring my way, or was it the car?

"why are they looking at us?" I questioned and in return, I heard the driver laugh "Mr. Taylor handed over this car to me to pick you up, ma'am. This car is yet to release in the market, it's a Range Rover." I nodded as though I understood what he was saying though I did not exactly understand.

All the cars that Sir had were also somewhat like this.

I wanted to ask more but I kept my mouth shut thinking to myself - would Sara ask this?

Finally, the car stopped in front of a tall building with bodyguards and hammers roaming around the premises.

The driver gave a slight nod to the security guard who let him in.

Once the car stopped, I got out with my small bag which the driver politely took from me and carried for me.

At the entrance of the building, another security guard stopped us "your ID, ma'am?" the guard asked me and I looked up to my driver, what is an ID?

I have no clue.

The driver took out a card from his back pocket and gave it to the guard "there you go" and soon after that, the entrance gate to the building opened and the guard let us in saying, "top floor" into his handset.

I got into the lift which then dinged open and clicked on the button leading to the fiftieth floor; there is a lift in the Vega house as well, which is why I know how to use one and honestly, it felt good to know that I could use one.


It felt familiar.

Is it weird to find a lift familiar?

I don't know.

"Ma'am, please keep this card with you safely, it will allow you to enter certain areas around here." The driver said handing over the card to me, which I took and put in my pocket.

The lift opened, and I got out, giddy with excitement.

There was only one door on the whole floor which we arrived at so I went ahead and knocked on the door and a woman opened the door she seemed to be a house worker from her uniform.

Her aura felt very similar to that of Mary's.

The driver set down my bag and turned to me, "I will be leaving, ma'am" I gave him a smile as he left.

He had been very helpful to me today.

I looked around the house as the maid started at me for a while and then finally smiled, "have a seat dear, Alex will be here any moment." I nodded and took a seat on the couch.

The house was very beautiful, better than the Vega mansion but it seemed to have only four bedrooms, it is a penthouse, I think.

Or at least that is what my limited knowledge told me.

The house seemed to be color coordinated; there was black, grey, white, and silver.

Sudden footsteps caught my ears and I turned to see Alex heading out of one of the bedrooms which I had earlier left out.

He seemed to look better than last time if that was possible.

He wore a suit, just like Sir used to but he looked a thousand times better, it was as though the suit was made for him.

I expected him to greet me or at least look at me, but what he did confuse me.

He ignored me.

He totally ignored me and went to the kitchen and came out with a glass of water which he was drinking from and finally, he looked up at me.

His deep unreadable honey brown eyes looking straight back at me.

Yaaaaay, he noticed me!

"Maya will be showing you to your room, I am leaving for work right now. We will have a talk once I return."

With that Alex Taylor, left me here with Maya, who was smiling at me "don't mind him, dear, he is like that with everyone." I smiled at her "Hi, I am Sara" I introduced myself as my twin and held out my hand.

But instead of taking my hand Maya pulled me into a tight hug "my name is Maya, I look around the house and for the big baby that just left."

To say I was shocked would be an understatement.

I have never really had physical contact of affection in any way, from anyone other than Mary, but it felt good.

"Come on dear, let me show you to your room." With that Maya took my bag from me and headed to a room opposite to that from which Alex came out off.

I expected the room to look like the one I had left merely an hour ago but to my surprise, this room was big, very big and beautiful!

It was white and silver color coordinated and there was a laptop on the table as well!

Can this room be any better?

Does this mean, I can continue with the offset online course that I joined after university finished?

I grinned at the thought, after my exams got over I joined another offset course which is hardly one month long but I, enjoy studying.

I wish Mary was here, she would have loved it too!

"This is such a beautiful room," I said, looking around while Maya grinned, "you think so? Alex asked me to arrange it because he didn't want to get into girly decorating, his words not mine" I giggled at what Maya said, instantly loving her attitude.

But I miss Mary.

After almost an hour I was done unpacking, Maya helped me a lot too. I closed my eyes and leaned onto the bed.

It was so soft and comfortable it felt as though I was sleeping on a- on a cloud!

It feels crazy to even think that this room is mine, I've always slept on the floor with a thin mattress for support and now I have this big beautiful bed and room.

It felt like a dream.

I closed my eyes for a moment but Maya's voice interrupted me "Is she your mother, Sara?" I looked up to see Maya holding my mom's photo in her hand, I smiled.

"Yes, she is. Isn't she so beautiful?" I questioned, looking up at Maya waiting for her to respond.

"she is, I love her eyes" Maya's comment made me smile even bigger than I was, I know I am not the prettiest person in the world but looking even a little bit like her makes me feel like the prettiest person to exist.

I loved the fact that I shared the same eye color as my mom.

Finally, I got up from the bed, "do you need my help with anything?" I asked while Maya smiled at me, "no dear, everything is done. But I do have to bake a cake, interested?" I clapped my hands getting excited "holly Molly, yes!"

After almost one hour, we were done baking, my hands were paining due to the bruises from earlier this week but I hid it well, after the cake was done baking Maya and I sat in the kitchen

"you surprised me when I first saw you, When Alex told me you were coming I did a little research. The magazines said that you were rude, a little self-centered, and not exactly sweet but now that I look at you I think the reporter had some personal issues." Maya said making me laugh a little "not everything we read about is true, Maya! how long have you worked for Alex?"

Maya smiled a little.

"When I was seventeen, a seven-year-old boy was taken into the same orphanage as me, it was my last year in the orphanage and I was expected to leave as soon as I was eighteen but, in the span of that one year, that little boy seemed to become more like the little brother I never had. After I was eighteen, I left the orphanage but struggled to make the ends meet. Eleven years later, I was working as a waitress in this small restaurant and I saw Alex there after eleven years, he was not the little boy I once looked after, but the moment he saw me he took me with him, and now here we are. I am so proud of him and of what he has made of himself, he wanted me to start a new life, he still does but I enjoy it around here. He has now really become a little brother to me. He is my baby brother."

Maya held so much love in her eyes when she talked about Alex, it made me want to talk to Mary.

"Maya can I call someone, am I allowed to?" I asked carefully, sir did not allow me to use a phone but Mary did make me learn her personal number incase, I ever got into trouble.

"You never need to ask dear, call right away!" she said and I waited for her to give me a phone.

She stared at me for a moment but did not understand.

"Umm, actually I do not have a phone, is there a phone around here?" my question surprised Maya.

She seemed shocked.

"Oh, I am so sorry. I thought you would have a phone after all you are a model, right?"

ahhhhh......... what do I say now?

"Correct, but i-I broke my phone on the way by mistake?." I cringed at my own excuse but Maya seemed to buy it.

She smiled and handed me her phone.

I took the phone from Maya and called the number as I remembered, the phone ringed thrice before Mary picked up "h-hi Mary" I started and with that Mary fired "oh my god love, my princess, where are you? Mr. Vega said that you are gone. I don't understand bub, where are you? I did see your letter but-" Mary kept firing questions at me and after five minutes she finally stopped allowing me to answer her.

"I saw a squirrel and sat in a car today, Mary!"



𝘐𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘮- 𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘪.𝘩𝘢𝘩𝘢

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