《The Berlin Wall》Chapter 34 - Friedrich


I looked down to the stupid girl, all cut up and caught in the wire, my gun pointed straight at her. I couldn't believe how close they had got to crossing the wall, how could the others let this happen? She had done it once already, but this time she wasn't so lucky. Fortunately, she fell and screamed and all I had to do was hop over the wall and here she was. I thought I'd have to hunt her down but she simply fell into my lap. What good luck. Now I had her, and I held her fate in my hands. She would not get away this time. She would die. She deserved to die.

Her head lifted up, straining her eyes and neck, just about managing to see my face, wincing slightly as more barbed wire scratched her face, getting cautiously close to her eye. A look crossed her eyes. Shock? Dread? I didn't know. I didn't care. She deserved to die.

She let her head slip back down to it's original position, her eyes looking out over the Death Strip. Her mouth opened for a moment to say something, or to scream for help, but then closed. Good idea kid. No one would help you now. You got into this mess, you get yourself out. I let out a small chuckle to myself as the thought of her trying to get out of this situation crossed my mind. How interesting.

I looked back down to her. She was such a stupid girl. As I thought so, a tear rolled down her cheek as if she could hear my thoughts and in that moment I saw the beauty of her face, her bone structure and perfect lips and silky hair. I shook my head. She was a stupid.... beautiful girl.


Suddenly a wall of emotions hit me as I stared at her. No, it wasn't a wall hitting me. It was a wall collapsing, falling down. A wall that had been built up inside me to keep out all emotions was being torn down and everything was flooding back in a tsunami of feelings. Seeing my gun against her head, I looked to my hands. What was I doing? Don't do it! I shouted to myself or rather to my controlled robotic body.

But my fingers didn't listen. I couldn't control them anymore. I was trapped inside my own head.They began twitching uncontrollably as the officer's voice echoed in my ears. Everything around me started to become clear and I realised how blurry it had all been. I realised how wrong I had been, how many bad things I had done. My sister... How could I have pushed her like that? And shot people... What did they do to me... I need to save this girl, I can't shoot her.

Then I pulled the trigger, a simple click and the bullet hurtled through the air towards Kirsten Stein.

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