《The Berlin Wall》Chapter 16


I ran to the wall, my plan was to ask around to see who had been let through or if anyone had been caught trying to go across and if all went to plan I'd be able to either bring him back home safely or I'd ask to cross the wall; a decision that I already knew the answer to; no. But it would be worth a try.

Coming to a stop, I took a heavy sigh as I saw who was on guard at the point nearest my house. Wow, I had missed him. Good old Caesar. He had the same resentful expression carved into the stone stature that was his face and his crisp uniform that covered his bulky body. The only difference was a dark purple bruise surrounded his left eye that squinted in the sunlight as if he were trying to wink at someone but failing miserably. As his good eye spotted me, he face contorted into a revengeful expression before spying my backpack when his hand gripped instinctively onto his gun that sat across his waist.

"What are you doing here?" I had forgotten his deep gruff voice. It was nice to meet someone I knew for once. Well was an acquaintance of at least. Sort of.

"Nice to see you again too." His antagonized look showed just how nice it was to see me. "Had anyone been allowed across the wall recently?" I carried on, not sure why I was asking or even talking to him still.

"What's it to you?" He replied just as resentfully.

"I need to know." Holding onto the straps of my backpack, I glanced to my left and right along the wall.

"Well that's none of your business is it." I sighed at his helpfulness, I would just have to try a different route.


"Okay, has anyone been caught getting over the wall?"

"What's it to you."

"Ugh!" My eyes then got caught on the black eye he had acquired. "Where did you get that?" He touched his eye tenderly before holding up his gun to my face, bringing back memories of the good ol' days when he tried to shoot me.

"Stop asking questions. Leave." He jabbed the gun into my shoulder, pushing me back.

"No. Did someone punch you?" I pushed my way back forwards to my position, trying my best to not look weak and small like my appearance. I began to become aware of a small amount of people looking in our direction, which seemed to catch Caesar's eye as well as he closed his eyes for a moment, calming himself slightly before speaking, having lowered his voice.

"I don't know."

"What do you mean?" How could he not know whether he was punched or not? It's kind of an obvious thing, right?

"I can't remember."

"Tell me."

"I was working like normal and then the next thing I remember is waking up at home with this." He said pointing to his eye. Could it have possibly been Lukas? I know he had the ability to do this but would he have actually done it if he had the chance?

"Would I be able to get across?" That made him laugh.

"A teenager with no qualifications, no licenses, no job and no valid reason to get across? Hell no. You would stand more of a chance getting to the moon!"

"Would you be able to get me across?" This would either make him laugh or be the death of me.

He smirked slightly until he realized I wasn't joking and his face went blank before looking at me in bewilderment. I just stared at him for a moment before all I could see was a gun resting lightly against my forehead.


"I should shoot you right now for trying to corrupt me." His hands had a slight shake that I hadn't noticed before and a glint to his eyes. He couldn't do it. He couldn't do it last time and he couldn't do it this time.

"Why can't you shoot me?" I tilted my head slightly, staring at the gun then at him.

"I can. I'm just going to let you go."

"No, you can't shoot me."

"Don't tell me what I can or can't do! If I wanted you dead, you'd already be lying on the floor!" He pushed the gun against my head, pushing me back before letting the gun drop to his side. "Now go!" I watched him as I began walking away, he continued to watch me, trying not to let his guard down but I could see the built up regret in his eyes.

I couldn't get the thoughts of how to get over out of my head, what could I possibly do? Could I get over the wall and make a run for it? No of course not, even I wasn't that stupid or ignorant to the number of deaths from previous runaway attempts. My motif was different to theirs, but the situation and result would be the same none the less. No. I had to think of something unique. I'd heard of people trying to use huge balloons or crashing through the wall with a car, but likewise that had not gone down too well for them.

"Psst!" I sharply turned my head to the source of the whisper but all I could see were the decaying buildings around me with the dying sun behind them. I shook my head, frowning, must have just been the wind or myself going insane. Either one will do. "Psst! Over here!" No. I had definitely heard something this time. As I turned once again, I saw a middle aged man crouched in the alleyway of two shops, glancing around cautiously. Instinctively, I looked around as well before making my way over to the man. He stood up once I got over to him and further into the alleyway, and might I say he was probably the tallest person I'd ever seen in my life, way over 6ft4.

"I saw you at the wall, talking to the guard." He said, clearly trying not to give anything away in case someone else was listening. He paused for longer than I thought until I realised he was waiting for some sort of conformation so I nodded. "There's been interesting ways of getting over it, making a run for it, balloons, trying to make out to be on a trip of high importance," okay this was weird, it was like he was ready my mind from earlier. "What else, oh there's bribing guards, pretending to be guards, tunnels." He said the last with such emphasis that I just stared at him in shock, I knew exactly what he was planning and what he was asking me. This was perfect. I had my plan sorted.

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