《Her Euphoria -Lizkook COMPLETED》Slap
It was a little after 7pm and Rosie was the first to arrive back to the dorm. Punching in the passcode she entered and saw Lisa's shoes by the front door sitting askew on their sides as if taken off without much care. Her eyes adjusting to the darkness she could just make out a figure lying on the couch, thinking it was Lisa she moves with quiet steps to the kitchen placing the Gamjatang she bought for Lisa on the kitchen counter before heading to the bathroom for a quick shower. She had been worried all day since they'd left the dorm to visit their families, she never liked leaving any of them home alone if they were sick; especially Lisa because she had no family in South Korea. Leaving the light off in the lounge she hurries past the lounge down the hallway to the bathroom armed with her pink polka dotted pyjamas Lisa had gifted her for Christmas she quickly set about her task before exiting making her way to the kitchen.
The door chimes as the passcode is accepted and Jennie followed by Jisoo enters the dorm. Spotting a sleeping Lisa on the couch Jennie holds up a forefinger to her lips signalling to Jisoo leave the sleeping girl to rest as they walk past quietly also not touching the light switch. They could hear Rosie pottering around in the kitchen and Jisoo enters to place the snacks they'd bought for Lisa into the pantry and fridge.
Neither of the girls spoke as they looked at each other passing a knowing glance between them. With worried eyes Jisoo heats the kettle wanting to make Lisa a cup of hot chocolate before waking the sick girl. She leans against the counter chewing on her thumbnail in worry but thankful that Lisa had listened to her advice and stayed home noticing that the pills she'd left by the handwritten note she'd left earlier were now gone. Jisoo is pulled from her thoughts by a screaming Rosie.
Placing the heated bowl of gamjatang onto the tray with a cold glass of water Rosie gives a quick nod to Jisoo as she walks out to wake Lisa, they knew she would not have eaten as she never does when she is unwell. She picks up Lisa's bag laying on the floor and wonders where the barely eaten sandwich and medicine had come from. Did she go out? On her own? Filled with apprehension she switches on the side lamp, a soft glow fills the room as she reaches down to carefully pull the blanket away from Lisa's face, the sight fills her with fear as she takes in Lisa's shaking form, her bangs plastered all over her face. Feeling an immense heat radiating from her body Rosie places a hand to Lisa's forehead feeling how clammy she was. She tried to wake Lisa with a soft shake of her shoulder, with no response she tried a little harder and still nothing from Lisa. Sweat continues to pour down her brow and now Rosie was beyond alarmed. No no no no no! This was not good!
"Oh my god Lisa!!"
"Come on Lisa wake up!!"
"WAKE UP!!!"
Jisoo runs into the lounge to see both Rosie and Jennie try to wake a seemingly unconscious Lisa. Rosie has Lisa's head resting in her lap as Jennie was lightly slapping Lisa's cheeks trying to get a response of any kind but to little avail. Taking action Jisoo runs to her bedroom grabbing her bag from the bed she pours the contents onto the floor before picking up her handphone quickly dialling their manager.
Running into Lisa's room she throws open her wardrobe and swiftly made her way around Lisa's room grabbing a few items of clothing and toiletries tossing the items into Lisa's overnight bag before running back into the lounge to await their manager. Throwing herself down next to Jennie taking Lisa's limp hand into hers rubbing it furiously in vain hoping to warm her clammy skin a little. Looking at the table beside her she sees the items JB had placed there earlier not knowing the slightly older male had bought the items for Lisa. Making a mental note to tan Lisa's hide when she was better for not listening to her strict orders to stay in bed, Jisoo rubbed a little harder.
"Come on Lisa, hold on. You'll be ok, we are here with you. We got you sweetheart, hold on." Jisoo spoke with assertiveness so the other two girls could draw strength from her steadfast words.
"Rosie, keep her head still. Jennie pack the medicine into her night bag here and grab her hair brush please. You know she will want to brush her pesky bangs soon as she wakes." Jisoo spoke with fondness at Lisa's habit of smoothing down her bed hair upon waking.
Jennie soon returns with hairbrush and hairdryer in tow packing the said items into Lisa's bag beside Jisoos feet. The girls sat around Lisa silent as their eyes all trained on their friend, their sister laid helpless in Rosie's lap. Their ears trained to Lisa's laboured breathing as every breath she takes emanates the soft whistle of a wheeze. They wondered what could have possibly happened to have made her so ill to the point of being unconscious in their arms.
A persistent knocking shakes them out of their concentration and Jennie jumps up to let their manager into the room standing aside as he approaches the sleeping girl. Laying the back of a hand on her forehead he wastes no time in pulling out his handphone from his shirt pocket and quietly converses with someone before turning his head to address the others.
"Girls, Lisa is very sick and I need to take her to the hospital. Stay here and rest, I will contact you with news once Lisa is seen by a doctor, but I must go, NOW!" He was just as worried as the others. Lisa had always been his favourite, she was not afraid to play with him and was always a source of enjoyment in an otherwise stressful occupation riddled with rules, restrictions and more rules. He loved all of them equally, but Lisa was special and it pained him to see her pale and completely unresponsive.
"No. We are coming oppa." Jisoos firmly replies moving to sit in front of Lisa, her eyes taking on a shine surprising them all because Jisoo never cries.
"Jisoo, you...." he only wanted them to rest unless they too fell sick, but they weren't having any of it, "No, where Lisa goes we go oppa" they all chimed simultaneously again surprising him at how they were always intune with each other.
Looking at them one by one he could see his attempts to make them stay back at the dorm would be futile and likely land on deaf ears. He'd never met a group of women who were connected by their soul as these four young ladies in front of him defiant and staring him down, daring him to try again.
"Ok, fine. Jisoo grab her things."
"Already done oppa, why are we wasting time? Let's go!" Jisoo stands ordering Jennie to grab their handphones, their bags, coats and to turn off the lights. Rosie checks the hallway and it is clear, giving their manager a sign as he lifts Lisa's limp body and quickly walks out the door following Rosie & Jisoo as Jennie shuts the door behind them before joining them in the lift. They were grateful for the empty hallway and elevator, the last thing they needed was a scandal and Lisa's fans to worry knowing full well that her popularity could potentially prompts hundreds or thousands of her lillies and blinks to camp outside the hospital.
A few hours later the tired group had gathered in the waiting room, barely speaking they all waited for news of Lisa's condition. Doctors and nurses were going in and out of the Emergency Department no doubt busy with other patients but no one had approached them for hours and Jisoo was close to stalking her way into the ER demanding someone take her to her dongsaeng before she screams the place down and their manager had his own plan.
Just as they were close to the edge of being fed up with the wait a middle aged woman wearing a white coat and mask resting under her chin she walks towards the waiting group who are now standing behind their manager holding onto each other eager to hear of Lisa.
"Good evening, my name is Doctor Park from General Medicine. Are you here for Miss Manoban?"
"Yes yes, this is Blackpink and I am their manager." Their manager oppa lets out a little too quickly hands wringing at his front.
"Ah yes, hello. I see on her records she does not have family here in South Korea and that YGE is her next of kin making you her extended family."
Their manager was pleased that their idol status allowed them a privacy including a seperate entrance into the hospital strictly reserved for VIP patients and Lisa was indeed a very important person to them all.
"How is Lisa? What is wrong with her and can we please see her?" Rosie begs, not liking one bit that her best friend slash sister was not conscious enough for her to watch Disney movies with.
"One question at a time young lady. First, Miss Manoban is now stable. She is very lucky you brought her in as soon as you did else she could be in for a longer recovery period."
Rosie and Jennie gasped at the news, both girls holding each other as Jisoo steps forward, "We want to see her."
"I understand that but she has a very bad case of pneumonia. We have administered some medicines and placed her on a drip for now. She is also slightly malnourished and this pneumonia could be a sign of her being burnt out. When did she last eat and is there anything that is placing a huge amount of stress on her at the moment?"
The girls knew what stress she was under with her relationship with Jungkook but the news of Lisa being malnourished took them completely by surprise. Thinking back none of them could remember seeing Lisa eat a meal or anything resembling a snack for almost two weeks now. Their eyes silently speaking to each other as their manager watches them communicate in a way he was not privy to, but he knew something was going on, he just didn't know what.
Jisoo speaks up on behalf of the girls, her tone calm but her insides churning like the raging waves of the Pacific Ocean, "I can't remember if she'd eaten anything these past two weeks. We've all been very busy with our schedules sometimes crossing each other. Rest assured we will take care of her from here. No one will get past us."
The meaning behind her words not lost on their manager, he was going to talk to the girls privately and get the back story, he knew something was going with Lisa and their actions now all but confirmed it. But for now, they needed to see Lisa just to ease their worries.
"Can we see her? he asks
"Yes, but only for 5 minutes and please keep it quiet. She needs plenty of rest, very little physical activities for now and a few good meals here and there. She will be here for a few days until I am satisfied she is well enough to go home."
As they hurriedly move towards the doors of ER she reminds them again that they only had 5 minutes, nothing more than that. They follow the doctor as she walks past various rooms and the girls see other idols also in the ER still conscious and aware most likely getting drip fed a few litres of liquid goodness after a boozed night out; despite it still being relatively early. Head down the girls stop as they bump into their managers back. Looking at the door to their left they walk in timid steps and Jennie draws the curtain back slightly and reveals Lisa, small and frail on the bed.
Lisa's hair is flayed out under her head, her sallow looking skin making her look more fragile than the doctor described a few moments earlier and a lure is pierced into the side of her wrist feeding her with liquids and antibiotics sure to make her feel better within a few days.
The girls gather around her small frame, although afraid to touch her at first Jisoo gently lifts Lisa's fingers and holds them as she finally lets a few stray tears fall onto her pale hands. Jisoo has taken Lisa under her wing as an unofficial adopted younger sister after Lisa had spent a few Christmases with her family. She treated the younger girl to meals and they had gotten closer through the years.
"Jennie, Rosie....lets go."
"Oppa we will go now, stay with Lisa as long as you can. We will come back tomorrow" Speaking with a calmness that frightened even her members Jisoo looked back to Lisa and squeezed her limp fingers
"Lisa-yah, your eonnies have to go now but we will come back tomorrow for a longer visit ok? You stay here and you sleep for as long as you want because when you wake up and feeling better, you are going to get it for not listening to me." Her breath hitches and she continues, "I told you to stay home my baby."
Walking towards the door the girls farewell their manager as they turn and the younger ones quietly follow Jisoo pulling up their masks and exiting the building through the VIP entrance she hails a Taxi firing off an address to the elderly cab driver who kept his eyes forward not bothering to look at them but nodding his head at the address given.
The cab drive wasn't long but felt like forever as both Jennie and Rosie took in Jisoos rigid demeanour both afraid to speak a word. They arrive at their destination less than 15 minutes after leaving the hospital and the eldest stalks into the elevator pounding her finger onto the numbered buttons. They have no idea where they are but trust Jisoo and could see she was already wound up and ready for a fight.
Pounding her small white fist on the door Jennie and Rose are shocked as the eldest member of BTS opens the door his face registering who they were and quickly changed expression wondering why they were at their dorm. The girls had no idea Jisoo knew where they lived but they did and they stayed close to her.
Without a care at possibly being labelled rude Jisoo barks a low menacing, "Where is he?"
"Well hello to you too! A greeting to your sunbae wouldn't hurt you know?" He teased.
Jisoo was not in the mood for teasing and this unseen side of hers has Jennie and Rosie on full alert. At that moment Jisoo turns her head as she sees a flash in the corner of her eyes. Jungkook was laying back on the couch looking a little pale but fine.
"YOU!!!" She shouts and points at Jungkook.
Flying onto his feet he stood up, running sweaty palms down the front of his jeans he prepares himself to greet Lisa's members.
An imprint of Jisoos fingers is plastered onto the side of Jungkooks cheek leaving red welts, her eyes wild but calm she spoke with such finality it frightened his members who were now all in the lounge watching the heated confrontation.
"You stay the HELL AWAY FROM HER!!"
"If you so much as come within a hair's breadth of Lisa I will take great pleasure in cutting your fucking balls off and feed your sorry looking sacks to the rats in the nearest dumpster!!!" She fires away.
"Stay away from her. You've been warned."
Turning on her heels the girls follow her exit with a loud bang of their door closing behind them.
It was Jimin who pulled Jungkook out from his shocked state,
"What the hell did you do to Lisa?"
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