《Her Euphoria -Lizkook COMPLETED》Friend
Lisa returned to her dorm feeling far from fine and a little bit closer to death. Things didn't go as well as she expected with Jungkook, and she decided that whoever said healing a scab quickly and efficiently was ripping off the crusted head was indeed a certified liar. How in the world was she going to move on to the path of healing a broken heart when the pieces were scattered in tiny fragments all over the car park of a cafe. No amount of superglue or sellotape was going to fix the unfixable.
Holding onto the wall of the entrance she slips off her sneakers and walks into the lounge not bothering to wear the indoor slippers set out for each of them. Sliding her purse off onto the floor she removed her jacket and tossed it onto the sofa before landing in a heap on top of the garment, eyes closed she lets out a deep breath before collecting her thoughts and casts her mind back to the turn of events at the cafe; that which ended up being a heated confrontation with Jungkook.
They say that breaking up with someone is never easy; and today, Lisa experienced first hand what soul wrenching heartbreak felt like.
Jungkook hated that word, even more so because Lisa was older than him by a good few months technically making him her dongsaeng and he never quite got used to her referring to his hyungs as oppa. Something he secretly wished that Lisa was able to call him. He knew her ideal was someone older given her impression that an older male would best take care of her, but he knew no one could ever fill that role better than he.
Unmoving from his seat next to Lisa, his eyes continued to read the message over a few times before asking, "Lisa, who is JB? Is it Got7 Jaebeom hyung?" he was genuinely curious as to why Lisa had his number or why this JB was messaging his girlfriend.
"Yes" Lisa mumbled, grateful that she had the foresight to wear an oversized hooded jacket as she tried to curl herself further into the garment. The white light behind her eyes grew with a steady thump and all she wanted to do was get it over and done with so she could return to her dorm, shove some advil down her mouth and sleep for a few days.
Jungkook had seen the handsome older male at music awards ceremonies but never had the opportunity to speak to him other than the quick introduction Bam had offered, and he'd had no reason to dislike him but Jungkook could feel that wasn't going to be the case for very long as he continued questioning Lisa.
"Why does he have your number and what did he mean about the rain and how does he know you're sick Lisa?"
Lisa remained unmoving having only heard half of Jungkooks interrogation. Her mind had turned into a thick fog the moment he had spoke up in defence of Iu, as though Lisa was beneath the popular female celebrity to have even dared to speak her name. Jungkook didn't know that his words were her breaking point. The end, the literal crux.
"Does it even matter Jungkook?"
"I came across him as I was leaving the Han River last night and he was kind enough to take me home." she quietly whispered.
Lisa was beginning to feel worse for wear and talking to Jungkook was becoming a lot more difficult.
"It changes nothing Jungkook, we are still breaking.....broken.....we are still broken up." Lisa managed to say.
"No!, we are not Lisa!" He whisper shouted, leaning towards her wanting to see her face but Lisa moved further away as if having already anticipated his intention.
"Jungkook please! Not now, it's done, we're over." Lisa strangled out.
"What? So now you've moved onto Jaebeom hyung just like that" clicking his fingers, "And why are you calling me Jungkook and not Kookie?" Hurt that Lisa wanted to break up he continued and not in the nicest way, not caring that she would be hurt further.
Feeling hurt he continued his cruel taunts, "You're just going to dump me and move along to your precious oppa huh? Did you two plan to meet last night at the River? Did you have fun going behind my back huh Lisa? How do I know you didn't cheat first and using Iu as an excuse?" He knew he was saying anything possible to inflict as much pain to her just as she was doing to him. He didn't want to but he didn't know how to stop the pain so he did what he knew best, getting even.
The straw had been called a second time as Lisa lifted her head, gaze trained onto a corner of the table that had a minute crack on the matted surface giving her a spot to focus on as she spoke with resignation, "Jungkook, if ever there was a time where I felt emotionally distant from you it is now," she continued with a tormented whisper he barely heard her whisper, "Please don't say something you might regret. I love you but you saying these things, I....." Lisa tried to gather courage to continue but she couldn't find the strength to fight anymore, "I have to go."
Taking her phone from where it layed in front of Jungkook Lisa tried to send a group message to her members hoping that one of them would answer but she was having trouble navigating her fingers through her tears. All her clouded mind could register was the arrival of a notification, the telltale ding of a text message received. Quickly firing back her location she shut her eyes as her forearms rested on the table giving her something soft she needed to lay her head on as she waited for one of the girls to pick her up. The white light behind her eyes growing in force pounding steadily at her temples.
Jungkook looked at the small hooded figure in front of him leant over resting her head on her arms, he so badly wanted to reach over and take her in his arms. She looked so small and fragile and he hated that she was hiding herself from him under her ridiculously large jacket. He wanted to pull her hoodie down and let his fingers run down the softness of her cheeks while he planted soft kisses along her temples. His fingers itched to run through her locks as he whispers words of sorry and forgive me, but he doesn't move at all in fear she would retreat further away from him. He wanted to take her hand and lead her out of the cafe, back into his car and to his dorm where he would wrap her in blankets and look after just as she deserved to be, but he doesn't move.
Trapped in her daze Lisa heard quick heavy footsteps approaching their table and she was grateful for her members acting promptly and finding her location. She was tired beyond belief and it didn't help that she still felt unwell, she knew Jisoo was going to tear her hide for not staying in bed but right now Lisa didn't care, she just wanted to leave Jungkooks side so she can return home and turn into a huge puddle of messed up emotions.
Far too weary to lift her head she heard Jungkook beside her gasp, "What is he......Lisa did....did you message him?!"
Lisa never got to raise her head when she heard him, "Lisa-shi? I'm sorry I'm late, I had to ask directions here. I came as fast as I could, are you ok?" completely ignoring Jungkooks surprised gasp.
Looking up Lisa addresses him "Jaebeom Sunbae?" Checking her mobile she's horrified to see that in her earlier state she didn't realise she had sent her text as a response to his and was not surprised to see the cause of his apparent distress as she reads over their texts.
"You're welcome Lisa-shi, please take care next time to not get caught in the rain. I was worried you would get sick. Don't forget to eat a hot meal and get plenty of rest. Sleep well Lisa"
Sender: Jaebeom oppa
"Help me...."
"Where are you?"
"Follow my location"
"I'm coming"
Jungkook was far from happy to see the older male as he continued to ignore him focussed solely on Lisa. He watched their exchange with a slow burning rage at the apparent care the older male was showing Lisa, his insides churned as he watched JB raise a hand to feel Lisa's forehead before looking at Jungkook in a silent order to move from the sick girl. Jungkook was hesitant to leave her side, JB was going to have to pry him away from Lisa.
"Jungkook-shi, can you please move aside, I need to take her home, she is still sick as I'm sure you can see" JB didn't like confrontation but he needed to get Lisa to the hospital before she got any sicker. Her temperature had burnt his touch, an obvious giveaway that she was not well at all.
"No, I am taking....I will take care of her" Jungkook fights back unwilling to move away from Lisa, she had already created a distance between them that he didn't want to get any wider.
"I understand what you are saying Jungkook-shi, but she messaged me and I need to help her. Right now." He wasn't there for a fight over territory, he was there to help Lisa in whatever capacity he could muster.
"What part of NO did you not understand? Look I don't want trouble, so please just leave Lisa to me. I will take her home" Jungkook asserts, his eyes unwavering from the stares of the older male.
Not bothering to placate Jungkook any further with any of his nonsense Lisa interjected quietly, "Oppa, can you take me home please? I don't feel very well".
Jungkook feels his heart beating fast as Lisa continues, "Please move Jungkook" not caring that her voice had taken on an uncaring tone over the whole debacle type of stance "I want to go home."
Jungkook stares at Lisa's still hidden form as he slowly stands making room for her to move out of the booth and towards JB. He watched as his heart moves towards another man. He watched as his soul took the hand of another man right in front of him and before he could stop his mouth from working any further, he heard himself say, "Let go of that hand Lisa", his voice taking on a quiet rage he'd never felt before, "NOW!"
Jungkooks voice booms through her senses making her jump with fright having never heard him ever raise his voice at anyone; let alone her.
"Jungkook just stop, please."
"Just stop"
Lisa releases JBs hand but stands her ground next to him. She didn't intend to take his extended hand but it was the only way she could stand straight without falling into a heap at Jungkooks heels. Her head was pounding, the fever making her feel all types of hot and cold and any minute now she was going to throw up any remnants of food that she last consumed. The warmth from his hand had given her a small amount of comfort to continue as her eyes welled up once again, "Take care of yourself Jungkook, I wish you nothing but the best."
"This is not how I expected our relationship to turn out, but maybe one day you will thank me for it." She lets out.
"Bullshit Lisa. If you take one step away from ME, from US, with HIM, we are over."
"Forever." He finishes
Lisa heard the pain and desperation in his voice but she couldn't let him win this one, not with so much at stake. Their hearts will find their way back to each other, she was sure of it, and this was just a small interlude, a pit stop of some sort before coming together to win the race and she was positive that in time; Jungkook will see it that way too.
Taking a step towards Jungkook she takes notice of his eyes and the way they shone, wide with fear. The way his lower lip quivers when he's nervous and the small beads of sweat on his brow. Her heart and breath falters as she hears him inhale a surprised gasp when Lisa reaches out a small hand to brush wayward hair out from his eyes. Running fingers down the side of Jungkooks face she gently runs a thumb along his jawline, down to his chin and then to his upper lip revelling in the way his breath warmed her fingers. Pausing her exploration she rests her thumb on the corner of his lips, eyes looking into his taking in their vulnerability then back to his lips before standing on tippy toes brushing her lips softly against his.
Jungkook stands frozen, his emotions heightens at the feel of Lisa kissing him with what he feels is love. He's missed this, her, in his arms where she belongs, with him, not away from him. He takes the opportunity Lisa has given him to slowly wind an arm around her waist drawing her near, moulding her body to him while his other hand runs behind her head holding her still wanting the moment to last forever. The unintentional pull of lust hitting his core taking him by surprise. They hadn't taken that step yet having preferred to take things as they came, they weren't in any hurry to seal things on a physical level. His heart aches at feeling her soft pliant body flush against his. Jungkook heard Lisa's small moan and it made him greedy for more. Craving for more of her he tightens his hold around her waist and nibbles on her lower lip eliciting a moan of want from her. Jungkook used this chance as she moaned to slip his tongue into her mouth as his tongue began a slow dance with Lisa's. The longing he felt for her was so strong it took all his will power not to take her away from the cafe, return to his dorm, lock his bedroom door and show her exactly how much he loved and desired her.
Lisa, on the other hand marvels at how Jungkook hands feel on her body, the way his hand expands around her waist holding her in a soft but tight embrace, an excitement fills her when his other hand snakes to the back of her head. A pool of desire hits her core when she feels his tongue slide into her mouth causing her to moan as images of a shirtless Jungkook hovers over her on his bed, his eyes filled with passionate longing.
With tears behind her closed eyes Lisa slides her hands slowly up Jungkooks body pausing at his chest, feeling the way his muscles tensed at her light touch as she gathers her strength and tries to push him away from her taking Jungkook by surprise. Resting his forehead on hers their breathing laboured, they both attempt to calm the turbulent sea of desire playing havoc with their cores. Lisa could feel Jungkooks hot breath fanning her face in heated spurts. Opening her eyes she could see the desire pooling behind his and without further thought she pushed harder at his chest physically separating the two.
Reeling from the immediate loss Jungkook could only stare at Lisa before whispering loud enough for her to hear, "One step away Lisa.....and that's it." Balled fists hung at his sides, he wanted so badly to reach out and take her back into his arms and kiss her into submission but he knew that was not a good idea given their current emotional being so he stood mustering as much vulnerability as he could hoping Lisa would see his love for her.
Lisa could feel the love emanating from Jungkooks being, but she remained headstrong praying that in the future he would see the logic behind her actions as she shook her now hung head. He needed to figure out what he felt for Iu before she broke completely.
Taking a step further back away from him Lisa let out a broken cry, "Goodbye Jungkook." Before turning her back to him motioning to their forgotten guest that she was ready to leave. JB nodded and placed an arm to her lower back leading her out of the cafe and away from Jungkook.
JB continued to lead the sobbing young lady out of the cafe, grateful that it was empty as Jungkook followed them out of the door and into the parking lot making their way to JBs car.
"Take your hands off her!!"
"I said take your fucking hands off her!!"
Lisa had never heard him swear before and turning out of JBs hold with a surprised look on her face she cries,
"Jungkook please, just leave me alone. All I want is for you to figure out this thing you have between you and Iu. I can't just be a stand in girlfriend when you want to talk about her. I can't do it anymore Jungkook. I CAN'T!! Why can't you see that? Why?!"
Not caring that she is now standing before him, emotions laid bare, her tiny form ready for a verbal battle before continuing,
"For months I have listened to you talk about her voice, her features, her acting oh and her cute smile. I've had to listen for months of that bullshit all while you ignore the fact that I was there Jungkook, right in front of you slowly falling apart, but you never noticed you never asked if I was ok, you didn't even notice when I pleaded with my eyes for you to stop!"
He stood motionless in front of the crying girl tears flooding his eyes and unable to speak he listens to her pain being verbalised.
"Did you even think of me that night at Han River when you were with her?" She badly wanted to know because the thought of him having forgotten about her had been torturing her.
"Did you?" She spoke again to the man she loved standing before her tears falling from his eyes. His silence was all she needed to confirm that he had indeed forgotten about her when he was with Iu. Her world crashed around her as her knees started buckle, unable to take the pain now crushing her temples. A strong pair of arms lifted her from behind and Lisa was ever so grateful that he was there to take her away from the mind numbing pain of a broken heart.
JB rushed forward to gather Lisa into his arms, the heat emanating off her body felt through her clothing concerned him as she began to tremble. Fishing his keys out of his pocket he felt Lisa lay her head onto his chest as she whispered, "Oppa, please, I want to go home."
Opening the car door he carefully placed her into the front passenger seat and buckled her in taking a moment to button up her jacket to keep her warm.
Oppa, he hated that word and he hated hearing her saying it to someone who wasn't him.
Jungkook watches quietly as Lisa lays her head against the window blocking her view from him. He wanted to rip the car door open and take her home himself but his feet remain planted to the cement as JB runs to the drivers side, fiddles with buttons on the dashboard; most likely the heater Jungkook guesses before pulling Lisa's hoodie aside checking her condition and starting the car. Jungkook long forgotten about as he drives away leaving the lonely figure in the car park wondering how he just messed up the best thing to have ever happened to him. He watched with immense heartbreak and sorrow as his heart drove away from him in the company of another man.
JB drives away in silence not wanting to disturb Lisa as she silently cried next to him. After a few minutes of silence and not a sound of sniffles to be heard he stopped the car and turned to check on his charge, she was asleep with a sadness masking her features. Sighing he pulls up his mask, exits the car to enter the Pharmacy returning to see Lisa was still asleep he placed the medicine into his pocket and starts the car, eager to get her back to her dorm and into a warm bed.
"Lisa? We are here now, at your dorm" he gently nudged her shoulder.
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