《Her Euphoria -Lizkook COMPLETED》Crush


It was now day 7 and still not a word or peep from Lisa. To say Jungkook was now even more afraid of his relationship status with Lisa would be the understatement of the year. He had tried everything he possibly could to reach out to her but all his efforts were in vain, and he just couldn't for the life of him think of a reason as to why Lisa had dropped off the radar. He recalled a conversation he'd had two days before with Jimin, when he felt ready to pull his hair out. He needed to know where she was as it'd been the longest that they've gone without communicating with each other and he wasn't sure he would be able to survive without her presence in his life. He desperately missed her and longed to hold her tiny frame against his chest where she fit so perfectly.

"Hyung, I really don't know what to do anymore, Lisa has completely stopped talking to me. She's ignoring my calls and texts and when I ask her manager to help me contact Lisa he either changes the subject or ignores me. Did I do something wrong? Do you think she's no longer in love with me?" Jungkook desperately says to Jimin hoping his hyung would say something to ease his slowly breaking heart.

Jimin watches as the younger appears to be on the verge of breaking down. Over the last week they've all noticed the change in Jungkooks demeanour as Lisa continues to ignore all contact with him making the young man lose sleep and unable or not willing to eat. Jungkook was beyond distracted during dance practise all week even forgetting the most simplest of routines and choreos as thoughts of Lisa continue to invade his every waking moment making him lose all sense of purpose and direction.


Jimin felt bad for Jungkook because like RM he too had noticed Lisa's change in demeanour whenever Kook spoke about IU and always wondered when he would open his eyes and see that he had the most precious thing in his life right in front of him, the one thing who was progressively loosing the sparkle in her eyes having to constantly listen to her boyfriend speak fondly of his IU. Jimin witnessed first hand the effects taking a toll on Lisa as he caught her one time with watery eyes from unshed tears when she turned her head away from Jungkook not realising Jimin had walked into the lounge to watch a movie with the couple. Jimin quickly turned his eyes towards the television pretending to not have seen Lisa almost cry as his dongsaeng continued to talk about the other woman. Jimin sympathised with the young woman and could understand how she must have felt, it couldn't have been easy for her and his heart went out to Lisa as his eyes shot silent daggers towards Jungkook.

Finally he had to say something else both Lisa and Jungkook will continue to hurt when all it would take to sort their problem is open communication. Besides, he didn't want to see the younger man suffer anymore than he already did. The dark circles under Jungkooks eyes were becoming more prominent has he continued to lose sleep every night.

"Kook listen carefully ok? Have you ever thought that maybe I dunno, you talk far too much about IU when you're with Lisa?" Jimin asks.

"Well it shouldn't be a problem because the whole world knows how much I've admired IU over the years. It's not something new hyung" Jungkook responded openly.

"Ok, but Jungkook you have to realise that at some point, your open book admiration or crush or whatever it is that you feel towards IU, it will have an effect on Lisa, afterall she is your girlfriend who has to sit still and watch while your eyes shine lovehearts for another woman. Not just any woman, but the one woman who you've said on so many occasions is your ideal type. Think about how Lisa would feel listening to you speak like that every single day. Think about it Kook".


"But hyung Lisa knew this when we started dating and she said she was ok with it. Why now? Do you think that's what's gotten into her?" Jungkook couldn't help but feel disappointed that something as small as his fanboy crush on IU would be the cause of Lisa's awol behaviour, and if anything he was now feeling slightly annoyed and it showed in his tone.

Jimin couldn't believe his eyes as he watched Jungkooks expression turn from genuine bewilderment to annoyance. Surely his dongsaeng didn't think it was ok and that it was no big deal because right now with Lisa's daily dorm visit absence he was beginning to think Jungkook needed a wake up call. Jimin really liked Lisa, he could see she cared about Jungkook a lot and always scolded the boys for being too loud in the mornings when she'd find herself sleeping over, she'd make them quieten down so Jungkook was able to sleep a little longer. Jimin missed hearing her infectious laughter in their dorm as she picked on V or mocked Yoongi for hibernating longer than a Bear in winter.

"You know it's not right Jungkook, Lisa loves you and always did the smallest things for you just to make your life a little more comfortable. Something like this shouldn't be taken lightly. You need to stop obsessing over IU when you're with Lisa or else break up with her and let her find someone deserving of her. Please, she doesn't deserve this and I know you know it too", Jimin said in a low calming tone hoping it would seep into Jungkooks brain what he'd need to do next.

Everything Jungkook felt over the past week came to the forefront as he thought deeply about everything Jimin had just said to him. He was still slightly annoyed but he loves Lisa and he needed to see her to sort it out quickly.

"Thanks hyung, I know what you mean and I understand". Picking up his car keys and heading towards the door he turned and said, "I'm going to her dorm now and try my best to see her and work this out. Please wish me luck hyung, I don't want to lose her".

"You'll be fine Kook, and so will Lisa. Once you've worked it out bring her back here, I miss her laughter."

Jungkook sent Jimin a small uncertain smile but determined that he will see Lisa today. As he drove towards the Black Pink dorm Jungkook was fighting an inner battle with himself and his emotions, and he wasn't sure what was going to happen when he saw Lisa. All he knew was that he truly loved her, he desperately missed her and needed her but at the same time she had let her jealousy over IU overcloud her thoughts and their relationship and that was the part that annoyed him but....

What he felt for IU..... well that was just a fanboy crush.....right?.....

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