《Her Euphoria -Lizkook COMPLETED》Her


It had been a few days since Jungkook had last spoken to Lisa and the last time he had also seen her, but she seemed off as he bid her farewell that night but he couldn't quite put his finger on the reason as to why she seemed unusually quiet. He noticed she wasn't looking at him when he was talking, whereas Lisa always looked at him with smiling eyes wearing the most adorable expression. He understood that he was very chatty about IU that night but he was under the impression that Lisa knew he was always like that when it came to his IU and normally she would reply back with some playful banter about his obsession with the starlet, and that she would be used to it by now, however that night was different. Lisa held back from any form of back and forth banter with him preferring instead to stare at her clasped hands in her lap or to stare blankly at the tv as she hid her somewhat somber expression from him using her hair as a cloak. Her full lower lips crushed between her teeth as she appeared lost in thought Lisa continued to sit quietly as he rambled on.

After a while she turned to face him and quietly mumbled, "Jungkook, I wasn't feeling very well today and now my head is beginning to hurt. Would you mind if we called it a night?" Lisa's face was hidden by her hair, as though avoiding the need to look at him further making him concerned that something was wrong with her because Lisa never not looked at him when they were talking, she always paid attention to his every word but there she sat, quiet and aloof and her voice far too quiet for someone as bubbly and happy as her as she replied in almost a soft whisper to his query asking if she was ok, concern plastered on his features and voice.


When he kissed her cheek goodbye he left her with a promise of calling her the following day to check on her, and when he said "I love you" Lisa didn't respond back but rather replied with a small nod of her down turned head still avoiding his eyes before closing the door softly. He stood there for a minute wondering what had just happened, as she always responded to his proclamation of love with an "I love you more" followed by tip toeing slightly to place a kiss on his lips, but she did neither.

When he heard the door click shut he couldn't help but feel as though something had shifted but he didn't know what and if he was honest with himself it was safe to say that he felt a small shiver of fear, but he chose to ignore it knowing that he would call her in the morning to check on her.

Jungkook was true to his word as he normally is and followed through with a follow up call the next day to check on Lisa hoping that she was feeling much better because he'd never seen her so aloof and he was worried. He didn't sleep at all the night before as he laid in bed tossing and turning for most of the night racking his brain as to the possibilities why she hadn't replied to him when he texted her to inform her of his safe arrival to his dorm. It was something they always did when leaving each other's dorm, telling the other to text once they've arrived safely, so not only did she not say I love you back, she also didn't remind him to text her. He thought that perhaps she may have fallen asleep immediately after he left due to her headache, but now he wasn't so sure.

Jungkook tried not to talk so much about IU but he couldn't contain his excitement having sat behind her at the awards and he felt like his dream of having a duet with her was partially coming true as they both swayed and mouthed the lyrics to a song by idols who were performing on stage. His members all laughing at him at the impromptu moment and teasing him after the show, Jungkook was unable to hide the huge smile as the butterflies in his stomach continued to flutter about. RM was quick to remind him about something which he hadn't thought of at that time.


"Kook, maybe it would've been a good idea to not make your fanboying so obvious. The cameras were all over you both not to mention all the fancams that will be posted all over the internet soon. Lisa will see all that you know." RM said. It was a slow progression but RM had noticed Lisa began to become quiet whenever Jungkook fanboyed over IU and he had wondered when the time would come when Lisa wouldn't find his obsession cute anymore.

Jungkook replies, "I know hyung but Lisa understands and she's never complained, it's ok. If it becomes a problem I'll have a good talk with Lisa", and for the younger mans sake RM hoped that he was right because if anything Lisa was the best thing that ever happened to Jungkook after noticing the young mans growing calmer temperament. RM really liked Lisa and respected her as an artist, and he absolutely adored the fact that she put her family and friends before all else. Jungkook knew this and he was grateful for his loving hyungs.

But that was a few days ago. Three days to be exact, and now he was more than worried. He was beginning to feel scared that maybe something really was bothering Lisa, she hadn't responded to his texts or calls. He'd sent multiple texts the following day but hadn't heard from her by late afternoon so he tried to call her instead hoping that she'd pick up and he would hear her usual greeting, "hello my baby bunny", but all he heard was Lisa's voicemail. The same voicemail he'd heard several times throughout that day.

"Hi this is Lisa. I'm sorry I missed your call but please leave a message and I'll get back to you soon as I can, Thankyou and have a lovely day".

"Hey baby just checking to see how your'e feeling. I guess you're still not well seeing as you haven't texted me back. I hope you're feeling better baby, call me ok?"


"Hey baby still haven't heard from you, let me know if you need anything ok?"


"Baby please call me or text me ok. I need to know that you're ok, it's been hours since I last saw you. Please call me. I love you"


"Lisa please, are you ok baby? Why aren't you picking up my calls? Is everything ok?"


"Lisa, please...."

It was almost midnight and still not a text, call or a visit from Lisa. Something was off, in a big way and with a heavy heart Jungkook tried one last call. He desperately needed to hear her voice to know she was ok, that they were ok.


"Lisa please, did I do something wrong? Please let me know, I just need to hear your voice baby, please. I love you."

For the second night in a row Jungkook spent a restless night unable to sleep and unable to ease his worried heart.

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