《IN YOUR MIND. fezco》viii. coercion


and hitting it low

"So, this your little bitch?" Mouse asked, watching Rue.

"Nah, bruh, that's my little sister."

"Well, hello, there, little sis."

Now, when Fez said his dudes were coming over, I didn't think his dude would be this dude.

Mouse was about to sit on the couch near Rue when he finally noticed Lulu a few feet away. He stopped and, for a second, Lulu could no longer breathe. He stared for so long that Lulu felt like the moment lasted for three hours. He smirked and walked closer from the girl, shooting a quick look at Fezco who was trying his hardest not to push him out of the way.

Mouse let out a small laugh, "Hm, yeah, that's her, uh? Your girl."

Fezco didn't say a word and Mouse grabbed Lulu's hand, "My name is Mouse. It's a pleasure to meet you."

But you know, that's what happens when you hang out with drug dealers.

"Yo, Custer, toss me that bag. All right, check it. I got a 100 OP-OC 80s, 500 Xanny bars, 500 20s of Addy. I'm low on Vikes, so if you wanna cop some Vikes, you better cop 'em today, 'cause I got, like, 50 left. I got a quap of that Cali medicinal, and an ounce of Molly. Custer, what's the math on that?"

Lulu was totally confused at this point. She would do drugs at parties, not every time but she had had her fair share of experiences, yet, as she heard Mouse saying all those weird names, she realized how she knew absolutely nothing about all this. Which was quite reassuring actually.

"Uh, 25, 15, and 1,100, 35, 77, and 25... 7,750."

Fezco was quick to throw cash at Mouse, "Here."


"Sure you don't want no Fentanyl?"

"Nah, man, I'm cool off that shit. There's too many ODs, and I don't want the heat."

"How about you, little sis? You ever try Fentanyl?" Mouse asked Rue.


Mouse looked over at Lulu, "What about you, beautiful?"

"No, they're good, bruh," Fezco interrupted.

"Gonna let this dude talk for you?"

"I-I don't know," Rue whispered to dart his attention away from Lulu.

"Don't look at him. Look at me. You ever try it?" Mouse asked before grabbing Lulu's wrist and pulling her closer to him, "You, you... I feel like you want some."

"Yo, for real, bruh. I don't want them fucking with that shit."

"You know that feeling when you come so hard that you can't feel or hear shit? You like that feeling?"

"Yeah," Rue let out before making eye contact with Lulu.

That's when I knew we were both totally fucked. And that's when I hated myself for being a bitch with Lulu.

"Well, shit. You gonna love this," Mouse said with a smile.

Lulu let out an uncontrollable sigh, catching Mouse's attention as he started playing with her fingers, "I don't know if you having fun with this guy," he pointed a finger at Fezco, "But you'll forget him quick after I make you try this shit."

"I-I think we're good," Rue said with some fear in her voice.

"What, you don't trust me?"

Mouse pulled out a knife with a small drop of Fentanyl on its tip.

"Yo, for real, man. They good," Fezco prayed.

"Shut the fuck up, bitch. Ain't nobody talkin' to you. Tell your man I'm not talking to him right now," Mouse snapped as he put the knife in front of Lulu's lips. "Tell him, "Shut the fuck up." Come on. Don't be scared. It's not gonna bite you. Come on. Try it. Oh, just try it."


Lulu squinted her eyes, feeling her heart beating incredibly fast. She knew she didn't have a choice anymore. She exchanged one last glance with Rue and barely opened her lips, letting her tongue come in contact with the knife as she realized the Fentanyl had absolutely no taste.

Mouse gave her a satisfied look before putting some more Fentanyl on his knife and placing it in front of Rue's mouth.

Dear God, I know I've been a cunt for, like, a lot of my life, and I was mean to like, my family, Lexi and to Lulu who's probably going to hate me forever and I am so, so, so sorry, but... just please, God, I'm begging you, do not let us die tonight.

Lulu barely had the time to understand what was going on that a powerful warmth invaded her body, slowly relaxing her as she let her head fall backwards. She felt her feet moving on their own but never once realized Fezco helped her sit on the armchair, quickly making sure she wasn't breathing too slowly.

She could hear voices but it was impossible for her to decipher what they were saying and, honestly, she was way too out of it to even care.

Lulu had never felt something like this before. The feeling of immense peace surrounded her as she couldn't feel her limbs anymore. She couldn't quite explain it but she felt totally out of her body and, yet, it reminded her exactly how Mouse had explained it. As if she had just had the nicest and most powerful orgasm ever.

Lulu did find the strength to look over at the couch to see Rue laying down, most certainly feeling the exact same way as she did. And, even though she was as high as ever, she did remember that she had always been there whenever Rue experienced a new drug.

And then Lulu stopped thinking, way too absorbed by the multitude of sensations she could only appreciate, not conscious enough to process them.

Meanwhile Ashtray looked after Lulu as Fezco drove Rue over at Jules' house. The young boy checked her heartbeat every five minutes, sitting on the floor in front of her, as she would babble some nonsense here and there, somehow reassuring him that she wasn't under a lethal dose.

Just like Fezco, Ashtray wasn't one for empathy or feelings. But he had grown to love Lulu like a sister —just like he loved Zahia, and he couldn't help the cloud of sadness that weighed over his head as he had to witness Lulu almost unconscious in front of him.

He wished more than anything she would be just fine in a few hours.

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a/n yeah yeah quite intense and at the same i feel like not that much happened. i just felt like it was "important" to bring lulu and rue back together through an intense experience because that's how their friendship was built in the first place.

and soft ashtray is everything by the way

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