《IN YOUR MIND. fezco》interlude - fragment of the past



Lulu Jenson is born on August 1st of year 2000. Her parents, Kris and Aziel, couldn't have been happier. The couple met in New York, in their early twenties, 'cause that's where they both studied.

They really had the life everybody dreamed of.

Kris worked in the fashion industry, like communication director or something, and would spend her life all over the globe.

And Aziel started off as an editor before becoming president of the publishing house where he first started working.

So, yeah, Lulu literally grew up in an artistic environment so it would've been weird if she didn't end up in something artsy.

And the family decided to settle in the suburbs when Zahia was born, just three years after Lulu, 'cause they wanted some time away from the crazy crowded Big Apple.

Now, Lulu's childhood was great, pampered by her parents because she was the first born, she grew up with all the love a child can dream of. Her father would ask her to help him pick book covers when she was just five —and it became their little ritual for years, and her mother would show her all the new fashion collections and trends, showering her in swamps of vivid and bright colors whenever she could.

Honestly, there was never a sign that everything would become so chaotic at some point. But it did. It all started when her father was highly indebted after messing up some very important contracts. Aziel found out way too late he had been framed by an employee who was in fact working undercover for another publishing house.

So he lost his mind and became distant, spending most of his time in the office, probably because he was ashamed of the situation. And he lied. He never said a word and the Jensons simply thought he was extremely busy.


But Kris eventually got suspicious. She thought he was cheating on her, at first. So they fought whenever Aziel would come home. Causing Aziel to come home less and less until, one day, he found a way out. Out of his responsibilities. That was his lowest point. He would've done anything to pretend everything was fine.

Anything meaning that one day, Lulu was fifteen, Zahia was twelve, Aziel bursted inside the house at two in the morning, staggering against house furniture, and packed a bag, saying he needed some time away from everything.

Zahia and Kris were crying, begging him to stay. Screaming that they couldn't live without him. Kris broke a lamp out of anger when she realized that it was impossible to stop him, that he wouldn't reconsider his decision, that everything they had built together was now in flames.

And, when Aziel walked out of the house and went into that car she had never seen before, Lulu remained still and she watched the car drive away in the distance. That was the very first time Lulu didn't feel a single thing. That was the very time she was truly empty.

She came knocking at my window at four in the morning that night, shit drunk.

( )

a/n soooo yeah a bit more of lulu's back story! i already have a second part to this in the making! i hope you guys like it and don't hesitate telling me what you'd like to know more about :)

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