《IN YOUR MIND. fezco》iv. end of night


or lulu acting crazy

At this point, Lulu couldn't think straight anymore. She was fighting the urge to drink even more –since she was already totally wasted, and she tried her best not to pin Kenzie against a wall and make out with her. Alcohol was known to make her even hornier than usual which explained why she avoided high school parties as much as possible. She didn't want to hook up with the stupid people she had to see everyday, she found most of them uninteresting.

She threw her small vest away, not caring for a bit where it landed. She was too fucked up for that. She kept dancing and pulled her mindle finger up in the air at Nate's whistles.

"That's fucking torture, Lulu," Nate complained exaggeratedly, pointing a finger at her moving body.

"Stop trying, I'm not interested!"

She blocked Nate's voice when another guy walked next to him, "Giving you fifty to see you jumping in the pool."

Lulu laughed loudly, "Fifty?! I ain't wetting my clothes for free, bitch."

"Who said you had to keep your clothes on?" the guy said as a horde of guys gasped, Nate clapping in excitement.

"Oh god, you fucking perv just go on pornhub," Lulu grunted.

"Can I find you on it?"

Lulu pulled a cigarette from her pocket and lit it, "You wouldn't even find me in your dirtiest dreams, fuck off."

People could be heard screaming and gasping at Lulu's response when she finally noticed Rue and Fezco on the other side of the pool, laughing at her.

She pointed a finger at the drug dealer, "Yo, Fez?"

"What's up, Lulu?"

She exhaled the smoke, smirking, "You're motherfucking hot."

People started chanting their names as the world seemed to become silent for the two of them. In a second, it was just Lulu staring at Fezco and Fezco staring at Lulu. Another type of tension invaded the space, one that couldn't be explained.


Now, yes, Lulu might be totally high and drunk but I know her and she would never, ever, say something like that if she didn't mean it. When Lulu just wants to fuck or make out, she flirts and waits for the other person to do all the work. Cause, I already said it, she fucking knows how to draw people in.

And Lulu's really just scared to admit she might have feelings for Fezco. I mean, she doesn't even wanna talk about it with me. But I know her like the back of my hand. She definitely wants more than a hookup with Fez. And I think it's the same for him.

For a split second, Fezco looked at her as if he was mentally undressing her and Lulu felt her body heating up so hard she didn't even think before jumping into the pool. She wasn't exactly sober either. But she coud definitely tell she had never seen Fezco look at her that way. She wondered if it had happened at all since it lasted less than a second.

Lulu was clearly in a sort of trance as she swam in the pool. When she finally came by the edge, Fezco was there, back to his serious and nonchalant self.

She looked up at him, "You coming or what?"

"Nah, you know I ain't here for fun," Fezco replied, "I think you had enough."

"Oh, please, please, please," she pouted, "We didn't even dance together!"

Fezco put the spliff in his mouth and crouched down, carefully putting his hands in the water to grab the girl. He made sure to catch her by the waist and pulled her out of the water as she instinctively placed her arms around his shoulders, letting out a small laugh.

He put her down and she slowly started trembling as she was now all wet and had no towel to dry herself.


"Want me to catch you somethin' to cover up?" Fezco offered.

"No, no, I-I'm good," she refused, "Thanks."

But Lulu was freezing her ass off, looking all around to see if she could find a towel, and Fezco sighed, grasping her hand and dragging her inside the house.

"Let's find you something," he said, pushing past the people on the way.

They finally made it into one of the many bathrooms, after facing people fucking in almost every room upstairs. Fezco locked the door, convinced people would walk in if he didn't. Lulu let out a chuckle, mainly because she was still totally under the influence of the alcohol and the large amount of drugs she had ingested.

"What you laughing about?"

Lulu found a towel and started drying her hair, "I mean, I-I don't know, I'm fucked up man."

Fezco smoked his spliff, "Yeah, I can tell."

Lulu walked closer, "Can I?" she gestured at the stick between his lips.

Fezco nodded and she took a few hit on the spliff, not noticing how Fezco looked away, trying not to get distracted by their proximity. She gave it back and was about to take her top off when she suddenly became self conscious.

She scratched her throat, "Uhm, I-I need to, like, take my clothes off."

"Oh, shit, uh, yeah yeah," Fezco babbled, "I'll wait for you outside."

Once Lulu was alone, she removed her clothes and dried herself as well as she possibly could since she wasn't really sober and then put her sticky wet clothes back on.

Fezco wasn't there when she walked out of the bathroom. She went downstairs and noticed him talking to a girl she had never seen before. She was being particularly affectionate and Lulu assumed she was trying to get some type of discount on her purchase. Fezco didn't seem to mind and Lulu unconsciously rolled her eyes at the pair before going into the kitchen, pouring herself a shot of tequila, chugging it down without even feeling the burn.

She decided to text Rue.

where tf are u

got off with the new girl

sorry love ya

"Oh, fucking hell," Lulu grunted, drinking another tequila shot.

The girl couldn't even see clearly anymore, she was way too intoxicated and didn't care at all. Her best friend had disappeared with another girl and she didn't even enjoy a single minute with her, she hadn't seen Kat, Cassie or Maddy even though she knew they were here and Fezco was too busy getting hit on by some random girl.

She walked outside, her body still shaking because of her wet clothes, and was lucky enough to get to her scooter without falling.

"I hope you ain't drivin' home?"

Lulu turned around to see Fezco watching her every move intently.

"Don't you have a chick to bring home?"

Fezco furrowed his eyebrows, "What?"

"That cute blonde girl," Lulu said, "Am sure she'd love to go home with ya."

"They all do that for a discount," Fezco said, "Now don't get on that scooter."

"Why not?"

"You gonna kill yourself," Fezco replied, "I'll drive you."

And Lulu passed out on the driver's seat of Fezco's car.

( )

a/n yeah yeah i know i'm a bit of a tease but like i need to build the whole thing you know?? and where do you think lulu's going to wake up? i hope you liked it, don't forget to leave a comment if you did :)

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