《IN YOUR MIND. fezco》iii. end of summer


or lulu getting wasted

Lulu is never one to overthink her appearance when it comes down to parties and shit. She puts on random clothes together and it always looks cool. Probably cause she's really cool on the inside, I mean one day she showed up wearing electric blue oversized dungarees and she was the most stylish person of the day. Only Lulu could do that.

Lulu walked out of the bathroom wearing high waisted black jeans, a white lace crop top with a short sleeved black vest and some sneakers. She didn't go crazy on the makeup because she was always too lazy for that and brushed a hand through her hair before walking into the living room.

Her mother and sister were watching tv and Zahia whistled at her sister.

"Can't wait to see the videos of you dead drunk," Zahia said.

"Shut up, won't happen."

"Won't happen," Zahia mocked in a high pitched tone.

Lulu rolled her eyes and picked up the keys of her scooter when her mother decided to speak up.

"Do you have some cash, Lulu? I need to go to the pharmacy and my credit card was blocked by those fucking assholes from the bank."

Lulu frowned, "No, I don't."

"Oh, come on, I know you keep getting money from the previous parts you booked."

"Do I have to remind you that I use all of it on groceries?"

"Lulu, don't you fucking dare lie to me!" her mother, Kris, said as she started losing patience.

"I'm not!" Lulu shouted, "I'm going. See you tomorrow."

And she walked out, slamming the door shut as she heard her mother curse out loud. Her phone buzzed in her pocket and she pulled it out, seeing it was a text from Rue.


the girls picked me up on the way

i'll see u there


She noticed other texts she hadn't seen earlier.

hey bby girl

you coming tonight?

wanna get fucked up w/you

is that rlly a question?

im on my way

She hopped on her scooter and was quick to leave her house. She arrived at McKay's ten minutes later, the driveway full of cars. Music was blasting loudly, people could be heard shouting and the smell of alcohol and sweat was intoxicating. But Lulu liked that. She liked parties because it was a moment where nobody gave a fuck.

And Lulu lived by that motto.

She walked inside the large mansion, squinting her eyes as she tried to find Rue and Kat amongst the massive crowd. She had partied a lot during the summer but she always found a way to get into college parties where she knew she would be totally anonymous. So it felt weird for her to make eye contact with so many people she knew she would have to see everyday at school.

She poured herself a drink, swallowing it as quickly as possible so she could feel tipsy in a second. She chugged three more drinks in a few minutes, ignoring the guys whistling and she grabbed her phone, texting Fezco.

yo you around?

He texted back a few seconds later causing her to smile.

here in ten

try not to be totally fucked up when i show up

cant promise that

Lulu poured herself yet another drink and started dancing along to the music, somehow forgetting that she was looking for her friends in the first place. She knew she would eventually bump into them.

She didn't know how long she had been dancing but what she knew was that she didn't pass on the opportunity to take some molly when a guy she had never seen, and she assumed was a friend of McKay's, offered her some for free. She knew it wasn't safe but the girl was drunk and wanted to enjoy the party as long as possible.


She pushed the guy away when he tried to kiss her neck and he snarked some insult she didn't hear as her eyes met with a guy she hadn't seen all summer.

Dario Zapo. I'll make this quick but Lulu isn't known for dating people. She loves to flirt, like, a lot but she never really seriously dated anyone. Maybe it happened once or twice but, yeah, you get the point.

And she didn't date Dario, they literally just hooked up a thousand times. They were fuck buddies. And Lulu always told me he really knew how to use his dick and that he was the only guy who ever made her cum. Good for her.

Except Dario started dating Kenzie at some point so Dario and Lulu stopped their whole thing. And, one night, when Lulu was super drunk she sexted him. And Kenzie saw the texts. So now the girl hates Lulu even though she apologized like a thousand times.

"Look who's there!" she said, "Dario! Didn't think I'd see you there."

Dario waved, giving her a smile, "Hey there, Lulu!"

Lulu was about to go up to him and give him a hug when Kenzie popped out of nowhere, causing her to stop dead in her tracks. She raised her hands up innocently in the air.

"Kenzie, I swear I'm not trying to hook up with your man."

She walked past them, dramatically scouting away from the girl as some people watched the whole scene unfold and laughed at Lulu's actions.

"You better not," Kenzie fumed, "I know your type."

Lulu was now near the pool, totally oblivious to the fact that Rue and Fezco were sitting just a few feet away from her, watching the whole thing.

Lulu crossed her arms against her chest, cocking her head to the side, "Oh yeah? What's my type, uh?"

"Oh god," Rue sighed, "She's either gonna fight her or make out with her, mark my words."

Lulu had that energy that would draw people in. I mean, she could literally hook up with anyone with a simple stare. Watch Kenzie fall for her in a second, I'm not kidding.

Kenzie was fuming inside but something pushed her to walk towards Lulu. They were now facing one another, Lulu letting her arms fall down so she could be just inches away from her face.

The sexual tension could be felt from miles away and a lot of guys were intently watching, certainly picturing the two girls getting into heated sex in their dirty minds. Dario most definitely had that in mind and wouldn't be mad at all if the two girls started making out right there, right now.

Lulu flashed a quick look at Kenzie's lips, causing her to get her breath stuck in her throat. Lulu chuckled and stepped back, giving her a small wink.

"I guess you were trying to say that I'm your type, uh?" Lulu said playfully.

"Fuck you," Kenzie breathed out, still startled.

"Whenever you want," Lulu said before laughing and dancing with people she didn't quite recognize.

( )

a/n well, lulu's kind of crazy but i guess i like her that way. obviously the party isn't over yet, i hope you liked this chapter and i can't wait to read your thoughts about it!

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