《that's life » s. hyde》[22] the first time
Izzy was hanging out with the boys in the basement, sitting next to Hyde's chair. Eric was on the couch with Kelso, and Fez was standing, holding a spinner from the game Twister.
"Ok, here we go!" Fez spun the hand. "Right hand blue." He crawled behind the couch to where the others couldn't see him, so they all craned their necks to watch.
"Fez, you can't play Twister by yourself." Izzy giggled.
"That's where you're wrong, my pretty blonde friend." There was a pause. "Right leg green. Oh, that's gonna be tough. Fez's leg appeared above the couch, then he slowly and methodically put it back down.
"Hey, Fez, man." Hyde said with a grin. "The circus called. They said they'd pay you fifty bucks a week if you can kiss your own ass."
"Take a message!"
Donna entered the basement, a big smile on her face. "I have the greatest news in the world." She stopped talking when she saw Fez, staring at him. "How the hell are you doing that?"
"I am double jointed."
"Super." She sat down on the couch next to Eric. "My parents are renewing their wedding vows!"
"Wait, so, double dating degenerates and skeezy bar hags just... lost its appeal?" Eric asked sarcastically.
Hyde shook his head. "You'd be amazed how fast skeezy bar hags lose their appeal. But then like, two beers later it all comes roaring back!" Izzy gasped and hit his leg, making him laugh and ruffle her hair.
"No, finally the insanity's over!" Donna said. "I'm really happy about this, Eric, and you should be, too. My parents have been driving me nuts and I've probably been a little moody lately."
"No, god, you haven't been moody!" Eric put his arm around her and, when she was looking away, mouthed "She is so moody" to Hyde and Izzy.
"Oh, this is great." Kelso huffed. "Jackie's gonna get wedding fever. Man, all I'm gonna hear is, 'Michael, at our wedding don't shove cake in my face.' And, 'You better know how to dance.' And, 'There will not be a trampoline.'" He shook his head and mumbled, "A wedding without a trampoline... that's crazy talk."
"Yeah, it'd be like a funeral without a dunk tank." Izzy snickered, but her sarcasm was totally lost on Kelso.
"She even knows what kind of china pattern she wants. Pink and purple with unicorns. Who wants to see a unicorn when they're eating pie?"
Hyde shook his head. "Man, what kinda person plans out their wedding when they're still in high school?"
Izzy looked up at him, confused. "I do. I want an intimate little ceremony in Donna's backyard, and then-"
"I forget you're a chick sometimes."
"Excuse me!"
Hyde thought for a moment. "Nah, I take it back. You make it kinda hard to forget that." Izzy stuck out her tongue at him, and he was quick to do the same.
Before the gang knew it, the wedding was upon them. Izzy walked into the Pinciottis' living room that had been done up with way too many gold and green decorations.
"Izzy Bee." Hyde couldn't help but look her up and down when she entered.
"Hi, Steven." She looked around, stifling a laugh at the decorations. "So, I hear you're the photographer here, you comin' for my brand or something?" She said with a laugh.
He chuckled. "No, no... I got my boss to do it, but uh... he forgot his camera, d'you think you could-"
She held up the camera he got her all that time ago. "I knew I'd have to."
"Shit, you're a lifesaver."
"Hm. Guess so." She paused. "I like this suit." She said, adjusting his jacket.
"Thanks." He looked at the dress she was wearing, and how it hugged her in all the right places, the color matching her eyes beautifully. "God, you look..."
"Hey, Hyde." Nick said, walking up and taking Izzy's hand in his. He kissed Izzy on the cheek. "Sorry, I had to park the car."
"Nick." Hyde sighed.
Nick noticed the lull in conversation. "So, what were you guys talkin' about?"
Izzy put her other hand on Nick's arm. "Well, turns out I'm now the wedding photographer, so it's upon me to capture this beautifully gaudy Packers wedding in all its glory."
Sitting in the chairs, Izzy and Nick waited for the wedding to begin. Hyde was on the other side of the room with Fez, intensely discussing the concept of glass eyes.
Red saw Kitty give him the thumbs-up from the back of the room, and he signaled to Izzy that the ceremony was about to begin. Izzy stood up and went off to the side with her camera, ready for Fez to hit play on the 8-track.
One by one, the bridesmaids walked in. Kitty had the hugest grin on her face, and she excitedly whispered to Red, "I'm a bridesmaid!"
Everyone stood as Midge entered, wearing the same dress she wore for their first wedding. Izzy felt tears well up, and she hid it by holding up her camera and furiously snapping pictures.
"First of all," Bob said, once Midge had reached him. "Midge and I would like to thank everyone for coming. It really means a lot to us. The vows we're exchanging were written by our daughter Donna, whom we love very much." Izzy got a picture of Donna, whose eyes sparkled as she smiled. "Midgey, I consider it a privilege to be your husband." He turned to Donna. "Donna, I actually feel that way!"
"Bob, I'm very proud and very grateful to be your wife."
"We've known each other since we were practically kids."
"So we know all the good stuff..." Izzy watched the happy couple, not seeing that behind her, Hyde's eyes were trained on her.
"...and all the not so good stuff about each other." Bob continued.
"I can't imagine feeling about anyone else the way I feel about you." Hyde smiled softly as he saw Izzy wipe away a stray tear. "Because I love you. I always loved you. And I wanna make you a promise."
"No matter what happens..."
"Good or bad..."
"I will always love you."
After the wedding, Fez, Hyde, and Izzy were milling around after everyone--including Nick, much to Hyde's dismay--had gone. Hyde held a glass in one hand, pouring half-full drinks into it. There was something pulling at the back of his mind, but, in his own Hyde fashion, he decided to laugh and drink until he couldn't feel it pulling any longer.
"See Fez, you take all the partially consumed drinks, and mix 'em together to combine one giant über drink!" He held up the glass. "In this case, Tom Wallbanger Bloody Sunrise on the Beach!"
Izzy crinkled her nose. "Steven, that's so icky."
"Taste it." He lifted his drink to her lips.
"I take it back, that's pretty good." Izzy saw Donna and Eric walk back into the room, and she nudged Hyde. "I'll be right back." He watched as she walked over to the redhead, and Fez had to punch his arm three times before he snapped back to their conversation.
"Hey Donna, where'd you two go?"
"God, can't we be gone for a minute without everyone making all sorts of accusations? I mean, god, it was just a minute!"
Eric cocked his head to one side. "To be fair, Donna, it was a little more than a minute."
Izzy narrowed her eyes suspiciously as Jackie walked up. "Donna, one of your drunken uncles is touching me- oh my god."
"What? What's happening?" Izzy asked.
"Oh my god!" Jackie squealed. "We need to talk. Right now!"
"Alright, will someone tell me what's going on?" Izzy asked as the girls all sat on the Pinciottis' front porch.
"Spill your guts, Donna!" Jackie said.
"Come on, Donna, we're supposed to be friends. Aren't we friends?"
"Well, yeah."
"What happened?!" Izzy whined.
"Donna and Eric slept together!"
Izzy's eyes widened. "Way to go Donna! Wait- ew! With Eric?"
Jackie waved her hands. "Shut up, Izzy! Ok, then. So. What'd it look like?"
Izzy made a face. "Ew!"
"Ok, we'll come back to that one. So how was it?"
Donna looked uncomfortable. "Jackie, I don't really wanna talk about it."
"Oh. That bad, huh?" Izzy asked, hiding her giggles.
"No, no, no. It was great. It just wasn't what I expected. I don't think we did it right."
"So Eric's not good?" Jackie asked. Izzy made a disgusted face and decided to shut up for the rest of the conversation, for her own sanity.
"It was more like...like neither of us was good."
"Donna. It's not up to the woman to be good."
"I dunno, Jackie. I mean, I love Eric, but when the moment came, it was just like, awkward. And weird. And... I dunno, I just felt so far away, you know."
"No. But go on!"
"I mean, during it I just remember thinking, you know, this is it? This is what everyone..."
"Everyone what?"
"That's as far as I got."
"Oh. See, that's the problem."
"That's not the problem."
"Oh, trust me, that's a problem."
Donna stood up. "Ok, you know what Jackie? Everything's fine. Just don't tell anyone about this, ok?"
Jackie rolled her eyes. "Okay."
"You too, Izzy. You can't tell anyone."
"Trust me, I have no intention to tell people about my brother losing his virginity." Izzy said, waving Donna off.
In the basement later that day, Hyde, Eric, Fez, and Izzy were watching TV. Fez had a great big smile when the Scooby Doo villain said, "And I would've gotten away with it, too. If it wasn't for those darn kids!"
"Oh, I love the Scooby Doo."
Hyde turned to Eric. "Forman, what the hell are you grinning about?"
"What? A guy can't grin?"
Hyde nudged Izzy with his foot."I think that maybe Forman and Donna finally made the beast with two backs." Izzy said nothing, as per Donna's request, and just shrugged.
"The Backasaurus?" Fez asked. Everyone just stared at him.
"So, Forman?"
"Well, Hyde, I'm not saying yes, and I'm not saying no, but... I'm especially not saying no."
"Thank god, man. I'm telling you, I couldn't deal with one more week of that will they, won't they crap."
Fez rolled his eyes. "I could say the same about two other people in this room."
All of a sudden, Kelso burst through the door, a dopey grin on his face. "Hey."
Hyde nodded. "Hey."
"What's going on?"
"Donna made Forman a man."
Eric grinned. "Oh, yeah, she did."
"Really? So. How was it?" Kelso said, trying (and failing) to suppress his glee.
"Well... boys... and my twin sister, weirdly enough, I tell ya. It was as if, in that one magic moment, the two people, Donna and Eric, ceased to exist. And were replaced instead by one perfect being. Donric Formsciotti."
"So. Eric, you're saying it was good?"
"Kelso, was Michaelangelo's creation of Adam good?" Eric paused, realizing Kelso didn't understand the reference. "Yes, Kelso, it was good."
"So, well, my first time, Jackie called me the Apollo rocket of love. What kind of rocket were you?"
Izzy jumped up, startling Hyde slightly. She pointed at Kelso. "You know."
"I know!"
"Where're you two going with this?" Eric asked.
"Nowhere!" Izzy said, but Kelso had other plans.
"Jackie said you were totally lame in the sack!!"
Eric's eyes widened in disbelief. "Jackie said?!"
"Yeah. Donna told Izzy and Jackie and Jackie told me. Oh! But you can't tell Jackie I told you 'cause she'd get pissed."
"You're an idiot, Kelso." Izzy said, jumping up to hit him on the back of his head.
The next day, during their Circle, Izzy took her usual spot between Hyde and Kelso. Hyde slung an arm across her shoulders, saying to Eric, "Forman, I've been thinking about your problem with Donna. And after hours of serious consideration... it still makes me laugh."
"Steven, that's not very nice."
Kelso nodded. "The Forwoman's right. You leave Eric alone. He's our friend. And he needs our help, in this his most desperate hour. I'm with you, buddy!"
Eric raised his eyebrows, grinning. "Gee, Kelso, why the sudden change of heart? Oh, Maybe it's because the 'Apollo rocket of love' blew up all over the launch pad?!"
Fez's eyes widened. "Whoa ho ho, a mystery! One suitable for Scooby Doo and his gang of cartoon teenagers! You know guys, sometimes I wish we were cartoon teenagers."
"Zoinks. That'd be super, Fez." Hyde said ironically as he passed the joint to Izzy, who closed her eyes as she took another hit. When she opened them, it was as though everyone in the group looked like cartoon characters. "Look, man. If god had meant for virgins to lose it to other virgins, he wouldn't have given us middle-aged hookers, man!"
Izzy looked at all of the boys, giggling over what they'd look like as cartoons. She gasped and put her hands on Hyde's shoulders, turning him to face her. "How do I look? Tell me I'm a hot cartoon blonde!"
"You're a hot blonde."
"Amen, brother!" Fez said. "Hyde, if there's one thing men like us know, it's how to have sex." He looked around, then lost his composure. "Oh, I cannot live with this lie. Everyone, prepare to be shocked! I, Fez, am still a virgin."
"Gosh, my world no longer makes sense." Eric said sarcastically.
Kelso snickered. "So, Izzy, how does it feel being the last chick to do it?"
"Well gee, Kelso, it just feels fantastic. Especially when you bring it up in front of everyone!"
Hyde laughed and put his arm back around her. "Nah, man, Izzy Bee's, like, totally saving herself for the right guy!" He said in a high-pitched, breathy voice, imitating her.
She slapped him lightly on the chest. "I do not sound like that!"
"Well, Izzy," Eric said. "I'm not going to ask if you're gonna do it with Nick, because that's a disgusting thought... so let's put it this way: am I gonna have to beat up Nick anytime soon?"
Kelso shook his head. "You could never take Nick. If anyone's gonna beat up Nick for Izzy, it's me."
Hyde scowled. "Are you idiots really that high? I would do it."
Fez just nodded. "Hyde would do it."
Izzy made a face. "You guys are so misogynistic. I don't need you to beat anyone up for me." She paused, her face breaking into a grin. "Nah, that's a lie, I like attention."
Kelso giggled. "You're such a girl," he said, poking her nose.
Izzy was laying on the couch that night, her head propped up on the armrest, taking a much-needed nap. Hyde exited his room to see Izzy asleep. He went and sat on the couch at her feet, shaking her awake lightly by her ankle.
She looked at him, not sitting up, and rubbed her eyes. "What?"
"Just wanted to make sure you're not dead."
She chuckled tiredly and sat up, leaning into his side and putting her head on his shoulder. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and she smiled. "I missed you."
"You just saw me like an hour ago."
"No. I mean just... overall. We haven't really had a chance to talk about things."
"I don't talk about things. You know that, Izzy Bee."
"I know, but I do. So... can we? Please?" She played with his fingers, and he just let his hand sit open for her to mess with.
He sighed. "What do you want to talk about?"
"Do you... like Nick?"
He clenched his jaw. "He's got no personality. He's like an egg."
She giggled. "An egg?"
"An egg." He looked down at her, watching as her lips curled up in a smile. "You're too good for him, Izzy Bee." He said, his voice barely above a whisper. She looked up, her eyes full of confusion. "You deserve someone who's gonna understand you, someone who's gonna get out of this town, do something with their life, let you see the world. Someone who's gonna take care of you and let you flourish."
Izzy was at a loss for words. She expected a quick, He's fine, or even, I hate his guts. She definitely didn't expect this. "What?"
He sighed. "You heard me, I'm not repeatin' that frilly shit." He paused. "I just know Nick can't do that for you. You need the chance to be the amazing artist I know you're gonna be."
She just chuckled. "I thought you said you weren't saying more frilly shit."
"I said no repeating. So I said new frilly shit."
"I love you, Hyde."
Hyde's face went pale. "What?"
She looked up at him, smiling softly. "You're my best friend."
He felt like he had the wind knocked out of him with those words. Right away, the pulling at the back of his head let go, and, like a slingshot, he realized it. Everything he heard at Midge and Bob's wedding--about love, and about knowing each other, through good and bad... He felt that. He spent his whole life wanting to feel that, scared to feel that, but he felt it now. He felt it with her.
"Oh... yeah. Same."
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