《that's life » s. hyde》[15] garage sale
"Okay Michael, I want you to take me to the movies today," Jackie said, sitting on Michael's lap on the basement couch.
"I'm way ahead of you, Jackie. Smokey and the Bandit is playin' at two o'clock."
"No. No, no, no. I told you, I don't want to see that again, I don't like the south!"
Donna looked up at Eric, who was sitting on the couch's armrest next to her. "D'you want to see The Goodbye Girl?"
"Well I would, but it has two basic flaws: no smokey, and no bandit."
Kelso laughed loudly, and the boy boys high-fived, making Donna and Izzy roll their eyes. Izzy was sitting on the ground next to Hyde's chair, and he was running his hand through her hair distractedly.
"Plus, isn't The Goodbye Girl like... a girl movie?" Kelso snickered.
"You moron," Hyde said, "a girl movie is a makeout movie."
Kelso grinned. "Well then I'm in."
"Me too. I will come and watch." Fez said.
Izzy furrowed her eyebrows. "Fez, give them some privacy to maul each other in public. Come on, dude."
Just then, Kitty and Red came through the basement door. Kitty had a big smile on her face. "Okay, t-minus one hour until the garage sale!" She laughed as Red started to go through the junk in the back of the basement. "Oh, I feel like an astronaut!"
Red brought a box over to Kitty, who started rummaging through it. "Ohh, Red, remember how bad Eric wanted these roller skates? And Isabelle's very first reference figure. Aw!" Kitty picked something up from the bottom of the box. "Their plastic vomit! You know, I fell for that."
"Yeah," Red said. "You wasted a lot of my money, you two."
"Us and our damn childhood." Eric said.
"No, Daddy, I stuck with art. Eric didn't stick with anything." Izzy said, getting up and taking the little model out of the box. She headed into the back room of the basement to see what else of her old stuff was in there.
"You know, Mrs. Forman, I feel real bad." Hyde said, picking up and beginning to read the magazine Izzy had left on the floor. "I mean, you let me stay here and everything. I wish I had something to contribute to your garage sale."
Kitty put her arms around Hyde's shoulders. "Oh, Steven, your loving smile is contribution enough!"
Hyde smiled, content with getting out of any garage sale work, but Red scowled. "No, it's not!" He said, handing Hyde a box. "Run that upstairs."
"You heard him, Kelso." Hyde tossed the box to Kelso. "Move it." Kelso, Jackie, Fez, and Donna all took this as their queue to leave the basement.
"Hey, uh, Dad, Donna and I were gonna go see The Goodbye Girl." Red looked at his son, scowling.
"Yeah, well I'm sure it's a great movie, Eric, but you're gonna be helping with the garage sale. It's important."
"Oh right, we're having a garage sale because you lost your job- I mean- because of all the clutter."
Red cleared his throat. "Everybody needs to work, Eric."
"Oh, Steven, I have a great idea!" Kitty said excitedly. "You can sell lemonade."
Hyde grimaced. "Mrs. Forman, I've thrown a lot of rocks at kids with lemonade stands, and..." he exhaled dramatically. "Lord knows I hate a hypocrite."
"You can have a little bake sale."
"I pretty much beat up any kid selling anything."
Izzy came out of the back room, holding a box with some old clothes. "Hyde, you can help me bake some stuff. I'll probably be making cookies and brownies-"
"Brownies? I... I can make brownies." He turned to Kitty. "Because everybody loves brownies!"
"No they don't." Eric said cautiously.
Hyde grinned. "Oh, they love my brownies. Plus they'll actually taste good this time, because Izzy will be doing the baking, while I'll be doing the, uh... baking."
Kitty watched as Hyde pulled another batch of brownies out of the oven. "Oh, Steven, you are just such a joy to have around the house. I can't believe your mother abandoned you!" She froze. "I mean... went on such a long trip."
She exited the kitchen, leaving Hyde, Izzy, and Kelso, all staring down at the brownies.
Kelso snickered. "Boy, I sure do like brownies. Hey, uh, you know who has two thumbs and likes brownies? This guy!"
Eric opened the kitchen door, seeing what Hyde and Izzy were up to. "Guys! Oh, come on!" He lowered his voice as Kitty entered. "I'm asking you not to make these brownies."
"Eric, you leave them alone. This is Steven and Isabelle's contribution to our garage sale. And, I happen to know that you two put a certain special ingredient in these brownies."
Izzy's face paled. She and Hyde shared a look.
"I told them not to!" Eric yelled.
"Special ingredient?" Izzy asked quietly.
"Yes! Love!"
The four kids all broke into laughter, trying to cover their initial reactions. "Oh yeah!" Hyde said. "There's a whole big bag 'o love in here!" He picked up the bowl and started mixing the batter.
"Mom," Laurie said, coming in through the sliding glass door. "Crazy Helen from across the street is switching price tags, and Dad says he's gonna kick her in the keister."
"Oh no. He'll do it, too." Kitty left to go outside, and Laurie leaned over the counter to look at Kelso.
Smiling suggestively, she sauntered over to him. "Hi Kelso. Oh, look! It's chocolate batter." She stuck her finger into the bowl Izzy was mixing.
"Laurie, that is so unsanitary-"
"I sure do wish I could finish all this chocolate batter on my finger." She held her finger right in front of Kelso, who leaned in. "But I can't." She pulled her finger away slowly, and he followed closely. She put her finger in her mouth, eating the batter quickly. "Oops, guess I can, bye!"
She flipped her hair and walked out, leaving Kelso standing there, grinning stupidly. "Man, I was so close!"
Eric hit Hyde on the shoulder. "Hey, you... god, you can't make special brownies in my parents' kitchen!"
Izzy shrugged. "Eric, I was gonna make 'em no matter what. Hyde's just helping out." She said, looking up at Hyde. He gave her a sweet smile.
"Come on, I'm serious. You shouldn't be doing this."
Hyde put down his mixing bowl. "Look, Forman, relax man, okay? Yeah, we're making special brownies. But we're also making regular brownies for the 'straight folks' or losers."
"Yeah," Kelso said with a grin. "Someday I'm gonna own a restaurant, and everything's gonna be special! And then, when people ask me, 'Hey Kelso, what's the special?' I'll say 'Everything.'"
Izzy sat at the table outside with Hyde, selling brownies. "Hey, d'ya think if I had one Red and Kitty would know?" She asked, reaching for a special brownie from the tray that Hyde was holding.
He slapped her hand away. "No way. You've only gotten high once, without me--still upset about that--but everyone told me you acted like an idiot."
"All I did was make cupcakes!"
"Yeah, seven batches. There's no way I'm letting you eat one of these in front of your parents."
Izzy pouted, resting her chin in her hand. "Please?" She asked, giving Hyde her infamous puppy eyes.
"I'm not looking at you."
"Look at me."
She cupped his chin and turned his head towards her. "Please, Steven?"
Hyde took a shaky breath.
"Damn it!"
"Hey Izzy, we're going to see The Goodbye Girl, wanna come?" Donna asked.
Izzy thought for a moment, and looked over at Hyde. "Eh, sure." She stood up, grabbing her purse. She gave Hyde a quick hug around the shoulders, and quickly took a brownie before he could react.
"Izzy Bee!" He whined.
"Relax, I won't be around my parents, I'll be around Donna."
"I'll take good care of her. Don't worry, Hyde." Donna said sarcastically.
During the movie, Izzy was easily distracted the whole time. She couldn't pay attention to Richard Dreyfuss or Marsha Mason, because the lint flying in front of her face was obviously much more interesting than the onscreen love story. She couldn't even focus when Fez kissed Jackie and Kelso punched him square in the face.
Nope, she had to hear all about it from Donna afterwards.
Izzy wandered through the sliding glass door to see her father sitting in the "lecture chair" with Hyde and Eric standing in front of him.
"Isabelle Marie Forman, where have you been?" Eric exclaimed.
Izzy giggled. "Sheesh, calm down Mom."
"Dude, she had a brownie." Hyde whispered to Eric.
Eric's eyes widened. "You had a brownie?! Are you still..." he glanced at Red. She didn't respond, she just started giggling.
Hyde sighed. "Yep, she's zoned."
"Red had a bunch of brownies and sold my car." Eric said abruptly.
"Oh well that's okay, it was just an action figure, right?"
"Not my GI Joe car! The Vista Cruiser!"
Izzy's eyes widened and she looked out the sliding glass door. "Eric. The car's gone."
"Yeah! We know! How could you sell the car, Dad?"
Red blinked. "I thought I was helping. Because you're always saying how you need money."
Eric's eyes widened in frustration. "For gas! For the car!" Eric and Hyde continued to lecture Red as Izzy sat on top of the counter and watched.
"Don't yell at him. But to be honest, Red, we're a little disappointed." Hyde said slowly.
"I'm not gonna be running any more errands for you, pal!"
"You should have checked with us first, Red."
"Do you know how many times I've rotated those tires?!"
"You're not supposed to take things that aren't yours."
Izzy giggled. "You're gonna be such a cute dad, Hyde."
"Dad, I had stuff in the backseat. Now that's all just gone, Mister!"
"Forman, it's okay"
"No, it's not okay!"
"Look, Red, who did you sell the car to?"
"I told it... to a guy named Peter."
Izzy sighed dreamily. "I love that name! Hyde! Hyde! Let's name our kid Peter."
"Peter what." Eric asked.
"Peter... Cottontail." Red started singing, much to everyone's dismay. "Hoppin' down the bunny trail! Hippity, hoppity, Easter's on its way!"
Once Izzy had sobered up, she was sitting on the porch with Donna and Jackie. They were filling her in on what happened in the movie theater.
"Were you really that high that you didn't notice any of it?" Donna asked.
Izzy laughed. "Yeah. That shit was strong."
"I think your tolerance is just low."
"No, no that's not it."
"Yes it is."
"No, it's definitely-"
"Okay, back to me!" Jackie said. "You know, I don't really blame Fez. I'm very appealing."
"I can't believe he kissed you." Izzy said.
"Okay... I have to confess something." Jackie said, hiding a smile. "It wasn't terrible!"
Donna furrowed her eyebrows. "How not terrible?"
"It was the best kiss of my life! I mean, Fez is totally not an option 'cause he's foreign and everything... but Michael has never kissed me like that!"
Izzy chuckled. "Well what was so good about it?"
"You know when Fez talks, he sometimes rolls his R's?" Donna and Izzy nodded. "Well that's what he did in my mouth!"
Izzy and Donna started laughing. "Really?" Donna asked. Jackie nodded. "That actually sounds kinda cool"
"I know!"
"I mean, don't get me wrong, Eric's a great kisser and everything, but... he's never, like, rolled anything." Donna turned to Izzy. "What about Nick? Is he a good kisser?"
Izzy shrugged. "I mean... I've only kissed him once. And it was my first kiss, so I don't really have anything to compare it to. But it didn't suck."
"He didn't suck?!"
"No Jackie, it didn't suck. The kiss." Donna said, laughing. "When are you gonna see him again?"
"He's taking me out on Friday to dinner. Oh my god, you'll never guess what he told me last night."
"He and his friends got great tickets to Zeppelin in Chicago and he invited me along."
Donna's eyes grew to the size of saucers. "Holy shit! When?"
"Two weeks from Friday. They're like, fourth row center, can you believe that?"
Jackie grinned. "He's rich? Keep him."
"You've gotta tell Hyde! He'll be so jealous."
"I don't want to tell anyone! You guys know this. Jackie, can I tell my folks I'm staying over at your place?"
"Yeah, yeah. So long as I get to meet this guy!"
Donna nodded. "Yeah, I want to meet him too."
"Fine! Fine, you guys can meet him before the concert. I'll... have him pick me up from Jackie's."
"Ooh good! Then I can dress you up."
"Jackie, she's not a Barbie doll."
"When he's getting her tickets like that to a concert? Yes, she is."
Izzy was sitting on the basement couch when Hyde came in through the door. He saw that she didn't realize he had entered, so he quietly walked up behind her and covered her eyes with his hands. "Guess who?"
"Umm, Jackie?"
Hyde jumped over the back of the couch to sit next to her. "Ha ha. Shut up. Whatcha watching?"
"I Love Lucy."
"God, why do you like this show so much?"
Izzy shrugged. "It's fun. They don't have real problems in this show. They have their lives all figured out--who they love, where they work. It's nice."
"You do know they've been divorced for, like, fifteen years."
"I know that! But this is a TV show, not real life."
"Yeah, real life's a bitch sometimes."
They sat and watched the rest of the episode, and as Lucy and Ethel made up in the end like they always did, Hyde turned to Izzy nervously. "Hey, uh... Izzy?"
"I got these tickets to a Zeppelin show in like two weeks. Got 'em from my buddy. Total nosebleeds, he really scalped the price on me, but, uh... you wanna go?"
Izzy's face paled. "I, uh... um..."
"It's okay if you don't want to! I'll just go with Eric."
"No! No. I mean, uh..." Izzy tapped her foot nervously. "I can't go. But I don't not want to go, I just... can't."
"Why not?"
"I'm going to Jackie's house?"
"Can't your little sleepovers wait a night? I mean, this is Zeppelin we're talking about."
"I just can't, Steven. I'm sorry."
"No. No, it's, uh, it's fine. I'll just go with Forman."
Izzy nodded, looking up at him. She watched as he clenched his jaw and ran a hand through his hair. "Really. I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize. You had plans."
Izzy took in a breath. "Yeah, I do." She nodded, as though she had to remind herself again. "I do."
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