《missed calls | fezco》the end


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ryder kicked fezco's body letting a few tears fall.

fezco woke up in a panic, "i-i'm dead?" he asked looking around at the beautiful scenery, slightly confused. "no, we're not dead yet." ryder found herself sitting next to him.

"why are we here? why am i not dead?" he proceeded to ask with caution. he wasn't sure if this was a setup or not.

"i'd figure if we die, together that is, that we die somewhere beautiful." she whispered peacefully.

fez realized she spared his life.

"they'll be coming soon to kill us both." she frowned placing her hair into a messy bun that way she could swim.

"i warned ashtray so he's at our hideout/secret place, so he'll be okay." her hands begin to wonder her body as she took her clothing off.

fezco was taken back by all of the information.

"how did you get us out?" his voice cracked as he barely was able to stand up on his own two feet. "he misses you, ya know? it's so hard sometimes." ryder ignored his question.

"i miss him too, ryder. don't be like that." he felt his emotions rise from that deep, dark place he keeps them in.

"here." ryder handed him a note and necklace before walking out to the crystal blue water.

fezco opened the letter:

"bro, you mean the absolute world to me other than ry of course. really wish we could of have one last hooray, but now it's most likely goodbye. thank you for raising me and thank you for giving me ryder. she's been like the best mom ever. please find your way back to us. i love you more than anything motherfucker. - ashtray"

holding back the tears he looked down at the necklace. "N" it was a diamond shaped necklace assuming it had noah's ashes on the inside.


fezco couldn't do anything but fall to his knees and cry wanting to beg for forgiveness, but it was too late.

he was about to make his way to the water when he didn't see any sign of ryder.

"fezco!" a young boy shouted. he turned to see ashtray waving for him to follow him. "hurry bro, they coming for you." he shouted again.

"el alto!" a man in all black pointed at fez with a group of men behind him all dressed exactly the same.

time was going by so fast, but for fezco it was slow.

after realizing he didn't have time to find ryder, or even save her, he had the option of being there for ashtray.

he ran to him while ashtray and his boys were able to shoot a few of the unknown men.

"ry-ryder! where's ryder?" he yelled at ashtray not really sure what was happening.

"she's gone man." was all ashtray was able to get out.

fezco stomach fell as all he heard from behind him was gunshots firing off like crazy. he ruined her and ended her life.

memories flooded his brain. everything from the first time he caught feelings to saying he loved her. he felt like he needed to die with her.

but, he only felt like that because this entire thing was intentional. if he would have stayed gone like he promised she wouldn't be dead.

if he stayed away from her she would have been able to give birth to noah.

if he stayed away she'd still be staying with michael and she could have done something way better with her life other than being some drug dealer.

fez knew he basically was the one who kill her.

"get your head together, we're almost to the compound." ashtray shook him to clear his mind.

getting there went by faster than expected. after realizing that they were both safe fez dropped to his knees to mourn.

ashtray watched him as his heart hurt too. he'd be keeping the biggest secret from his brother, but the safest secret for ryder.

he didn't want to let her go, but she needed to be free. no matter how many times fezco called ryder to see if she's actually gone it'd only be missed calls from now on.

the end.

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