《missed calls | fezco》better days


"why are you so curious about it?" i took a small paintbrush to finish my painting, "it's not that big of a deal since we're together now."

fez was pressuring me to tell him who my first kiss was.

"you know, you're right. who was your first celebrity crush?" he asked.

i laughed running to my bed tackling him with kisses, "you make everything better fezco, seriously." i smiled.

the past few days had been rough. everything from michael missing in action to my mom's birthday. fez was there to make things better.

"it's moments like this where i just don't want the day to end. i never know what tomorrow will bring." i said laying in his arms.

he remained silent for a little bit longer before hugging me, "you don't need to know what tomorrow will bring, ryder. you'll have me and that's all you'll ever need for a better day."

his words filled my heart with happiness and i held it to him each day that we were together.

what felt like i was now awake was me being brought back into reality. i couldn't open my eyes or mouth, but my sound worked just fine.

my stomach had a sharp, sore pain in my lower abdomen reminding me why i was in the situation that i was in.

i'd been stabbed so i assume.

i choked at the thought of me losing noah.

my heart rate elevated causing a beeping sound on the monitor. the footsteps got closer and closer to my body.

"how am i supposed to explain this to her?" the sound of fezco rang through my ears making me feel a little less worried.

"she's waking up, but she can hear everything that you're saying. if anything else goes on, we'll be right down the hall." i presumed that the voice was from a nurse.


it was momentarily silent until i heard another voice, "lets just be thankful that she's okay." ashtray told fez.

i felt the tears roll down the side of my face.

the many questions, the pain and confusion was giving me such an overwhelming feeling.

"oh, man." fez groaned. he was obviously upset leaving me to think the absolute worse.

"hey, mamas. please don't cry, i'm here okay? i promised every time i'm here i said that i'd make everything better. just trust and believe me."

his touch warmed my entire body following with a kiss on the forehead.

i gasped for air as i felt my body lift up from the bed.

my eyes felt heavy as ever, but i managed to open them just enough to see around me.

fez's eyes were red, low and swollen.

ashtray's hoodie was on as his head was hung down low. his body was slumped down in the seat.

"you're awake?" fezco chuckled wiping away his tears giving me another kiss.

i was still too weak to talk, but i was able to feel my belly.

it still felt as if it did before, but then again i didn't want to continue giving myself anxiety. i needed to be strong for my little family.

the nurse walked in with her assistant turning the monitor off, "i see you're awake ms. redd, we need to check you out and then we'll be able to answer all of your questions to the best of our ability."

"we're going to ask you and him to step out for now, we'll come get you once we're done with the exam." the nurse politely asked them to leave.

i was nervous and didn't want to be left alone, but way too weak to explain to them why.

i just wanted and needed this to all be over.

i wanted to be happy again.

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