《safety net, fezco》III, mouse trap


italics — rues narration

"hold on, hold on. you can't be in here right now." athena furrowed her brows and laughed as she walked past fez and into his living room. "okay! i see you, cash money." she eyed the stacks of cash on his table, smiling over at him as she sat down on his couch.

"i just need a sweatshirt or something, it's really cold out. i was walking home," she watched as he frantically walked over to the couch. "i can't help you right now. you gotta go." athena laughed, "fez,"

"yo, for real, athena. i ain't fuckin' playing with you. come on. you can't be in here." he begged, but athena foolishly didn't budge. "look, fez, i'm fucking cold. okay? don't be a dick." she faked pouted.

"oh, my god. that's not my fucking problem. you gotta get up out of my house right now before these motherfuckers come through." she shook her head. "nope, not until you give me a sweatshirt. that's all i need, and i can be gone."

his eyes kept shifting from the front door to her, but she didn't notice. "yo, i'm trying to tell you, i don't got shit right now. like, come back in a few hours, i got you, whatever you need. but right now, you gotta get the fuck up outta my house."

"why am i gonna come back in a few hours for a sweatshirt? i could just walk home then," athena rolled her eyes as she realized fez wasn't going to give her anything anytime soon, standing up as soon as the front doorbell rang.

"i could fucking kill you right now." fez gave her a hard look, before walking over to the backroom where ash was. "yo, ash, they're here." she could hear his muffled voice say. soon, he came back.

"look, i'm serious, athena. just stay right there, keep your mouth shut, and be cool. these dudes ain't fucking around." he pointed to the couch for her to sit back down, which she did.

she watched as fez made his way to the other couch in front of her, lifting his shirt to reveal a gun. he pulled it out and tucked it securely in between the cushions. athena gulped a large lump in her throat, looking around the room anxiously.


now, i'm not gonna lie. that's when she started to get a little scared. i mean, athena's all good with drugs and drug dealers until guns start coming out.

fez let the guys in and soon, a guy with face tattoos and two other guys walked in. they all eyed athena, the guy with tattoos smirked as he made his way over to the couch. "so this your little bitch?" he grinned cockily, sitting next to athena and wrapping his arm over the couch behind her head.

fez sat down on the other couch opposite of them, watching carefully at his and athena's behavior. "nah, bruh, that's my little sister." the guy chuckled, "well, hello, there, little sis." he grabbed athena's hand and brought it up to his lips, kissing it softly.

now, when fez said his dudes were coming over, she didn't think his dude would be this dude.

"my name is mouse. it's a pleasure to meet you." athena grabbed her hand back quickly, making mouse laugh.

but you know, that's what happens when you hang out with drug dealers.

finally, his attention averted from athena to what he actually came here for. "yo, custer, toss me that bag. all right, check it. i got a 100 OP-OC 80s, 500 xanny bars, 500 20s of addy. i'm low on vikes, so if you wanna cop some vikes, you better cop 'em today, 'cause i got, like, 50 left. i got a quap of that cali medicinal, and an ounce of molly. custer, what's the math on that?" he asked one of his guys, who calculated it quickly.

"uh, 25, 15, and 1,100, 35, 77, and 25... 7,750." fez nodded as he quickly pulled money from the table, like athena had seen before, and tossed it to mouse. "here," mouse swapped the drugs. "sure you don't want no fentanyl?" he asked.

fez shook his head, "nah, man, i'm cool off that shit. there's too many od's, and i don't want the heat." he admitted. mouse nodded, looking over to athena who sat uncomfortably next to him. "how about you, little sis? you ever try fentanyl?" he asked.

athena shook her head, "no." she spoke quietly. "no, she's good bruh." fez spoke up for her. mouse scolded him, "gonna let big brother talk for you?" he asked. "i don't know," she muttered, looking up to fez for any help she could get.


"don't look at him. look at me. you ever try it?" he asked. "yo, for real, bruh. i don't want her fucking with that shit." fez spoke up again. mouse leaned into athenas ear, making her look at fez even more. he could tell she was scared, and in that moment he just wanted to wrap her up in his arms and protect her. but, he couldnt.

"you know that feeling when you cum so hard that you can't feel or hear shit? you like that feeling?" he asked. he reached into his pocket, pulling out a packet of fentanyl.

"well, shit. you gonna love this." he pulled a switchblade out, cutting the packet open and sticking the tip of the knife in it. he brought it up to athena's lips, and that's when panic really set in.

"i'm good, actually." she pushed his hand away, but it didn't budge. "what, you don't trust me?" he cooed. "yo, for real, man. she's good." fez spoke up one more time, before mouse got angry.

"shut the fuck up, bitch. ain't nobody talkin' to you. tell your big brother i'm not talking to him right now. tell him, "shut the fuck up." come on. don't be scared. it's not gonna bite you. come on. try it. oh, just try it." he urged. athena looked at fez worriedly as she placed her lips on the end of the knife.

by now, athena had started praying to god.

athena couldn't recall what happened after she took the fentanyl, but soon she could recall being limp on the couch, and mouse brought her legs over his lap. "it hits quick. you like the way that feels?" he asked. athena muttered a 'yeah'.

"you want a couple of patches, girl?" he asked. athena nodded weakly, "okay," he slipped a couple of patches into the waist band of her skirt. "it's gonna cost you 300. come on. pay up, little sis."

"i only have two dollars." she spoke truthfully, mouse made a 'tsk' sound with his mouth. "i said 300." athena furrowed her brows as she squirmed on the couch, "i'll just give it back," her fingers tried to find the patches, but mouse shook his head as he looked at fez. "i got a strict no return policy." he titled his head as he watched fez dig into his pockets.

"yo, mouse. let me pay for it, man." he offered. "i thought you was too good for fentanyl. what is it? everybody's changing their motherfucking minds on me? if she can't afford it, she gonna have to find another way of paying me. straight up." fez watched as his hand trailed up athena's thigh, making him jump into his protective state even more.

he stood up with money in his hand, "yo, man, just let me pay for it. i got the money right here. here." he gave it to mouse, who snatched it from fez. "dang. big brother must love you. it's gonna cost you 600 now, man." his guys chuckled as mouse upped the price.

"damn. you gonna do me like that, bruh?" fez shook his head as he reached into his back pocket to pull out another three hundred dollar bills.

mouse nodded, "yeah, i'm gonna do you like that. straight up. get that shit." he smiled and stood up as fez slapped the 300 dollars in his hand. "there it is. it's always a pleasure doing business with you." he chuckled.

everything moved so quick. before she knew it, mouse and his guys were gone and it was just her and fez in the living room together. ash watched from a distance as fez bent down to athenas level, his hand stroking her face. "you okay?" he asked, his thumb rubbing against her cheek gently.

he moved his hand to pull the packets of fentanyl out of her waist band, and looked up at ash. he tossed them to him, "go flush that shit down the toilet, and go grab the narcan, just in case." after ash walked away, he looked back to athena.

he sighed as he sat next to her, pulling her head onto his lap so she could be more comfortable. she opened her eyes a little bit, looking up at fez who looked back down at her. "im so happy." she admitted. fez nodded, "i know,"

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