《The Love That Binds Us》Thirty


"I love you, Poppy, but that's probably the dumbest idea you've had yet."

"And I love you, Maddox, but you're being a stubborn ass right now. You're not thinking clearly."

Maddox and I argue across the dinner table at each other as both of our families, as well as August's mom and dad, watch on intently at the show we're putting on.

"We're perfectly safe here, there's no need to risk that," He replies.

His tone is calm, but I can see the tension he's holding in his jaw and shoulders.

"Yeah, tell that to the six witches we've had to bury this week."

That was low. I regret the words the second they leave my mouth and the pain that shoots through Maddox's eyes causes my heart to constrict.

"I'm sorry," I mutter as I reach across the table for his hand. "That was...fucked up of me. I just think the rest of the pack would be safer if we got some distance for a little while, just until this situation is handled."

The atmosphere around us has gotten awkward- it's obvious no one wants to be here anymore. It started off as a pleasant enough dinner. After my conversation with Eira, the energy around the pack felt much lighter despite the newest tragedy, and I definitely feel much closer to my mate's mother.

She seemed to be much happier too and she had even spent the beginning of dinner joking and bantering with my brothers about whether fried ice cream is actually fried or not. Everything had been just fine until I had to go and open my mouth.

"We had a plan," He replies through his teeth.

"Yes, and the rest of the Alphas agreed that our best bet would be for me to lure him away."


"And I told you I'm not comfortable putting you at risk like that. The other Alphas don't get a say in how I run my pack. This isn't a joke, Poppy. I'm tired of everyone acting like it's no big deal to risk your life like this. I can keep my pack safe without putting you in danger. No one else will die by Aiden's hand."

We glare at each other from across the table, but I'm still gripping his hand between us. I know this is hard for him and he just wants to keep me and his pack safe, but his brother has gone too far. The quicker Maddox realizes that this is the only option, the quicker we can finally make his brother pay for the lives he's taken.

"Maddox is right," Eira chimes in quietly. "There's no need to put you in harm's way. Now that we know the first attack wasn't just an isolated incident, we'll be better prepared for the next time Aiden appears. There are guards surrounding the property at all times. Several of the Elders have placed wards around property lines and the coven has taken extra precautions in keeping the witches safe. Now it's just a waiting game."

A dark part of me wonders if Eira is only saying this to prolong Aiden's punishment and stall his inevitable death, but I immediately push those thoughts away.

Eira wouldn't put innocent lives at risk just to save her son. She understands he brought this on himself, but I'm discouraged that they seem to be teaming up against me.

"No," My dad says quietly from the other end of the table.

My head perks up at his calm voice as Maddox furrows his brows at him.

"Poppy is right. She needs to get away from the pack and you need to go with her."


"No-" Maddox begins shaking his head profusely but my dad cuts him off.

"Listen, son, I respect you. You're a good Alpha, but you need to listen to those of us who have a little more experience than you. That's my fucking daughter. If I had any doubts regarding her safety in your care, I'd keep her right here. Trust me when I tell you that this is the best decision for everyone."


Maddox rips his hand from mine and slams them on the table. He gets up from his chair and storms out of the dining room.

The rest of the table is left sitting in an uncomfortable silence as I try to reach out to him mentally, to no avail.

"Well, that went better than most family dinners," Elm stage whispers to Ash.

"Yeah, at least you didn't end up with your head in the toilet this time around."

My mom smacks her hand at them, but no one is really paying them much attention. My dad sighs heavily and rubs his hand frustratedly across his face. Maddox's dad just looks completely pissed.

"I'll go talk to the kid," My dad says as he slowly pushes his chair back.

I shoot up out of my own and hold a hand up to stop him.

"No, no, it's okay," I tell him. "This is my fault, I should be the one to go fix it."

I can hear everyone at the table whispering quietly to each other as I leave the room, but I push them out and focus only on my connection to Maddox.

He's still blocking me out through the mind link, but I can feel a pull, that bond that ties us together, directing me towards the back yard. It's raining out again, but I can just make out a large, familiar figure sitting out in the grass through the sliding glass door.

It reminds me so much of the first night we spent here together, I can't help but smile. I open the door quietly, even though I know he can probably hear it anyways, and make my way to him.

The icy droplets feel amazing on my heated skin and cleanse the negative energy I've been feeling looming over me the past few weeks. I take my place next to him and lay down, closing my eyes as I let the rain soak into me.

"I thought you didn't like the rain," I murmur.

"I never was a fan before, but someone special showed me the beauty in it."

"As long as you don't start any mud wars this time."

"I believe it was you that started that mess," He jokes back.

He sounds much more calm now, but I can still sense the irritation sitting under the surface. His words make me feel warm despite the chill in the air and my smile grows. I feel his hand reach for mine and wrap around it tightly.

"I'm sorry for the way I acted back there. I know you and your father are probably right, I just... hate that it has to be this way."

I open my eyes and sit up, leaning myself into his warmth.

"If I didn't believe wholeheartedly that you could protect me, I'd agree with you, but our pack needs this. Let's go find your brother and show him what happens when you mess with witches."

Maddox finally cracks a smile and shakes his head as he gazes lovingly down at me.

"I feel sorry for anyone dumb enough to mess with you. Let's do this."

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