《The Love That Binds Us》Thirty One


I have our bags packed in record time and I stop to look around our room one last time before I have to meet Maddox downstairs. He had some last minute Alpha business to deal with while I packed up our things, but each minute he was gone had the knot in my stomach twisting more and more.

I know we're doing the right thing. I know this is our best shot at success, but the idea of being so far away from everyone I love has my nerves going haywire. I don't even know where Maddox is taking us yet.

"Do you want me to do a card reading for you before you go?"

I shoot a glare over to Lennon, who's zipping up one of my duffle bags. I know she means well by the question, but the less I know going into this, the better.

"Thanks, but no thanks," I mumble as I fiddle anxiously with a button on my jacket. "We both know what happened the last time I got a reading before I was pushed into the unknown. Dark clouds and bad omens."

"And yet, you found your mate and have been pretty damn happy despite our current situation, so I think it's safe to say that turned out pretty well. And chill out with the button, you're driving me fucking nuts."

"I don't know, those omens might have been on to something here. It all feels pretty bleak to me."

Lennon stands up from her spot on the floor and sits on the bed next to me. She pulls my hand away from the button on my sleeve before wrapping a comforting arm around me. I rest my head on her shoulder and return the hug, squeezing her gently.

Lennon had always been the optimistic friend. She was always the one to cheer me on and remind me to hope for the best, but I can feel her trepidation now. She's terrified, but she's still trying to put on a brave face for me.


"I love you, Len. I know I don't tell you enough, but I appreciate the fuck out of you. And I know you mean well, wanting to read my cards and all, but I'd rather not know what lies ahead. I won't be able to go through with any of this if I do."

She nods and lets out a soft sigh, running her hand reassuringly up and down my arm.

"That's fine. But you're stronger than you think, Poppy. I know you'll do whatever it takes to keep us safe."

There's a strange edge to Lennon's voice when she says 'us' that has me quirking my head up at her. I squint my eyes at her and realization dawns on me. She isn't referring to the pack. I feel stupid for not seeing it sooner.

"Is this the part where you tell me you're pregnant?" I gasp.

She rolls her eyes, but there's a huge smile splitting her face.

"I was going to wait until you got back."

"I can't believe I didn't figure it out sooner!"

"You've had a lot on your plate," she shrugs at me. "I didn't want to add any more stress."

"Are you kidding me? I'm so happy for you!"

I squeeze her tighter and before I know it, we're both crying. My best friend might be a complete nut job, but she'll make one hell of a mother.

"I'm going to be an aunt!" I squeal.

"Now go kick some werewolf ass and keep my little witch safe," she giggles, wiping the tears from my face.

I smile at her and wipe the tears from hers.

"Could be a wolf, you know."

"No way. Thomas can have a shot at a wolf spawn the next go round. I want a little mini me."


We laugh and talk a little while longer, but eventually, reluctantly, I realize it's time to go find my mate. I can hear him in the back yard, and by the sound of it, he's having... fun?

I grab all the bags, refusing to let Lennon carry any, and bring them to the front door before we go search for the guys. Maddox can load them all into the car himself.

When we open the back door, we find a large group of pack members running and tossing a ball around. It doesn't seem like there's any real objective to their game, but they're all sweating and panting.

My eyes instantly lock onto Maddox's form. He's smiling and laughing at something Willow said. My smile mirrors his when I see how carefree he is, something I haven't gotten to see from him very much lately.

I vow to myself to make sure he gets those moments more often and to help him let loose. It's not fair that everyone else our age gets to be normal while he has the weight of his pack and this mess on his shoulders.

Maddox looks up at me- because he heard my thoughts or felt me nearby I can't tell- and winks, his carefree smile quickly turning into a flirtatious grin. I smile back and blow him a kiss. My whole body heats up under his gaze and I can already feel my cheeks warming at the interaction.

He bites his lower lip seductively and now I know he's taunting me as he pulls his sweat-stained shirt up over his shoulders. I'm mortified when I see all the bruises and scratches littering his torso- my handiwork from last night, no doubt, but he certainly wasn't complaining at the time.

The scratches on his back had definitely bled, and I feel sorry for a moment that I might have hurt him, but the catcalls from the rest of the pack, and my brothers, had me wanting to die from embarrassment.

Lennon is laughing beside me to the point of tears, and if I hadn't just found out that she's pregnant, I would have pushed her.

"Hey Alpha!" She calls to him.

Everyone's heads snap to our direction and all eyes are on us. My face feels like it might actually catch on fire.

"Who's the wolf in your relationship again?" She teases.

The crowd bursts into laughter and I bury my face into my hands to stop myself from bursting into tears.

Maddox starts jogging towards us, a grin still painted on his face, and another round of catcalls ensues. He isn't shy about pulling my chin up or crashing his lips down onto mine, and I don't bother complaining about the sweat dripping off of him.

We take our time sayings our goodbyes to everyone. I didn't expect to cry when my family assaulted me with a group hug- I knew I'd see them all again soon- but by the time we make it to the car, I'm surprised I have any tears left.


I turn my head as Maddox is opening my door for me to see Lennon running towards us, panic on her face.

"I almost forgot to give you these. Keep them on you at all times and come back to us in one piece."

She shoves a little black bag into each of our hands and kisses us both on the cheek before running back to Thomas. I give one last wave to my pack, my family, the only comfort I've ever known before turning my back to them.

I just hope this isn't a permanent goodbye.

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