《The Love That Binds Us》Twenty Eight


I was really hoping to prove Eira wrong, but the next few days seemed to show more and more that she was right. I've been having premonitions. The images that kept playing in my head were far more than just typical dreams. They were a warning of things to come if we didn't stop Aiden.

By the time our next meeting with the other Alphas rolls around, I'm barely able to keep my eyes open after too many restless nights.

"You should sit this one out and try to get some sleep. I can handle the meeting," Maddox tries to coax me as he caresses my back.

"No way. I hate listening to all your meetings through the bond. It's too much effort to sit through all your internal commentary and constant stream of insults towards whoever's in the room with you," I laugh back.

He'd had several individual meetings this week that I had the chance to listen in on and it was obvious Maddox didn't think very highly of many of his peers.

"Just feel lucky that you don't have to sit across from those idiots on a daily basis. I guess I can't stop you, but if you're coming with, we need to be ready in ten minutes."

Maddox plants a kiss on my forehead and smacks my ass before jumping out of bed. I gasp at the contact, but he just winks at me and turns to get dressed. I take my time getting out of bed, but I manage to be dressed and ready with two minutes to spare.

The other Alphas are all already sitting around the office talking quietly amongst themselves. I make sure to stop by and say hello to all of them, even Alpha Marshall, much to his dismay. Maddox takes a seat at his desk and I take my place next to him. My hands start to fidget with the hem of my dress as all eyes land on us.


"As you know, I've been speaking with some of you individually to hash out how to move forward with handling my brother. I've decided our best bet is to go straight to him. I have several of my men tracking his scent as we speak."


I roll my eyes at Alpha Marshall's immediate disapproval. Of course he won't even let Maddox explain himself before he shuts the idea down. I shoot him my best bitchy glare, but his attention is focused on Maddox.

"It's the safest option for all of our packs," Maddox tells him patiently.

"It's the dumbest option. I agreed to help you out against my better judgement, but if we chase after him, he's going to pick off our soldiers one by one. It's a suicide mission."

"Then what do you suggest we do, Marshall?" His jaw twitches as he asks, the only sign that he's losing his composure.


I should just snap his neck already and save everyone the headache.

Oh please, you know you're far too noble for such a thing.

"Are you two quite finished with your little conversation over there? I was trying to explain my proposal," Alpha Marshal snaps.

"Please, continue," Maddox sighs, rubbing frustratedly at his temples.

"I was saying we should lure him in. Set up a trap and bait him to us."

"That's rich coming from the guy that wanted to lock us all up and hide away last week." Another Alpha scoffs.

"Sure, I'd rather us not have to fight at all. This is the boy's mess, he should be the one to clean it up, but if we're going to sacrifice our time, energy, and manpower, we should at least be smart about it."

"Alpha Marshall is right," an unexpected voice responds.

My father.

My head snaps up to look at him. I'm shocked he'd ever admit those words. By the disapproving look on his face that's directed at Alpha Marshall though, it seems he's not too happy to have spoken the words either.


"Dad?" I finally speak up.

"I hate to admit it, but luring Aiden to us might be the best option to keep the rest of our packs safe. Obviously we wouldn't do it on pack property, but if we could secure a location and draw him in..."

"We would need bait for that though. What could my brother possibly want enough to risk getting caught by any of us?"

The group looks around at each other, stumped by the question. It was a good idea, in theory, if they could just find something Aiden wanted enough.


I didn't intend for the declaration to come out as a whisper, but I know my voice would have cracked if I spoke any louder. Me. Aiden wanted to hurt me, to see his brother suffer the way he has. He wanted to watch the witches burn and he was willing to do whatever it took to make it happen.

The room grew silent and I could feel Maddox shaking violently next to me as he tried to contain his wolf.

"Absolutely fucking not," he snarled.

"It might be the only option we have," I try to reason quietly with him.

He isn't having it.

"No. We'll find another way. I'm not giving Aiden more reason to come after you."

I let out a deep breath and turn my attention to the group of men in front of us, blocking Maddox from my thoughts. I definitely don't want to give Aiden any more reason to come for me either, but our time is running out. I can't let anyone else get hurt.

"I'll do it," I say, making sure to keep my voice steady.


I refuse to look at him. I know my resolve will weaken if I do.

"Just give me a time and a place. I'll be there."

Maddox starts yelling a string of obscenities before standing up and flipping his desk. He storms out of the room without so much as a glance back at me, leaving me stunned in my seat behind his mess.

"Go talk to him," my dad tells me. "I'll make sure this gets cleaned up."

I nod and slowly get up out of my chair, trying to reach out through our mindlink to find him. He's either ignoring me or he's shut the connection off completely, but I'm not surprised- he's probably already shifted and halfway across the property by now anyways.



Maddox. Please talk to me, don't shut me out. We need to talk about this.

Just leave me alone right now, Poppy. I need some time to think.

His response is a relief, even if it's not the answer I wanted. At least he hasn't cut himself off from me entirely.

Okay. I'll be in the greenhouse when you're ready.

I make my way over there as the storm clouds roll in. It brings me a sense of peace and calm despite all the tension from earlier, and it's just what I need to do my spell work.

The smell when I walk into the greenhouse instantly churns my stomach and I grab a nearby trash can before my breakfast makes a surprise reappearance. Even though it didn't have the same charred odor as before, there was no mistaking the scent that assailed my nostrils.

My eyes gravitate to the ceiling, almost against my will- I know exactly what I'll see when I look up, but I can't seem to bring myself to turn away, and of course my worst fears are confirmed. A sob tears through my throat and I grip the table next to me for support as my legs begin to give out underneath me.

Three more witches were hanged from the ceiling, nooses wrapped tightly around their necks.

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