《The Love That Binds Us》Twenty Seven


I don't know what kind of night I was expecting with Maddox, but it certainly wasn't anything like the night we ended up having. Maybe I figured we'd just have a quickie and turn in, or at the very least take it slow and gentle like we did last night. We were both exhausted after all, and I know we didn't have much left in us.

Still, our need for each other only increased as more and more clothes fell to the floor, and soon enough we were working up a sweat and ready for round two.

"Never leave me," He moaned against my neck as his hand trails down my breast to the swell of my hip.

He grips the skin there tightly as he quickens his pace, pushing both of our bodies to the limit. I'm so lost in him, lost in the feeling of pure ecstasy he was driving into me that I almost forgot he spoke at all.

"I won't. I'm yours," I manage to pant out.

My nails dig deeper into his back, clawing at his skin in sync with his thrusts and soon we're both being pushed over the edge once again. I'm sure his back is bleeding, but he doesn't seem to mind and I don't plan on being the one to point it out.

"Holy shit," He sighs as he as he rolls over and curls up next to me.

I can only hum in agreement as I turn to face him, laying my head against his broad chest.

"I mean it, you know," He murmurs into my hair.

His hand reaches up to caress the side of my face- it's so big, his palm covers my cheek entirely, leaving his fingers to wrap themselves into my locks. My eyes close in response and I can't help but lean into his touch.

"What?" I respond sleepily.

"Never leave me. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you."

I open my eyes and tilt my head up to look at him. His expression is earnest and unguarded, and the fear in his eyes tugs at my heart strings.

"I don't plan on going anywhere," I tell him, reaching up to stroke his face, hoping to ease the tension he's holding in his brows. "Why are you saying all this?"

He takes a deep breath and looks up at the ceiling, like he doesn't even know where to begin.


"Aiden is... not the brother I grew up with. He's unpredictable, completely unhinged now. Being rejected at Lupercalia changed him and I couldn't bear it if he hurt you for some shitty attempt at revenge."

I don't know if I should be heartbroken or elated at his words. It was a fate I suppose neither of us ever had to imagine. Even when I had cold feet about Lupercalia, I knew the alternative would be much worse. Maddox's brother is living proof.

Now I can't imagine a life without Maddox in it. The thought alone is enough to cause my heart to constrict painfully in my chest.

"Why does Aiden hate me so much?"

"At first it really was just his disdain for witches in general. He was mad that one had rejected him, so he decided your whole kind needed to be punished for it. He was easy enough to keep quiet initially, and he had never acted on his words before, but then he started gaining support from other rejected wolves. He left us no choice but to turn him away from the pack."

"So that day in your office?"

I can't help but to think back to the one and only time I had met his brother. The look of pure hatred on his face was unmistakable, but even then I never fathomed he would take innocent lives over a grudge.

"That day he really snapped," Maddox nods. "It had already been established for some time that I would take over as Alpha instead of him, but he had been allowed to stay in the pack under supervision as he became more erratic and unstable. He seemed okay with it at first, but when he found out you were here and that I was officially taking on Alpha responsibilities, he went on a rampage."

"Did he hurt other witches?" I whisper.

My stomach churns at the thought.

"No, but he was becoming verbally abusive towards many of the members of our coven. Hell, the way he spoke to our own mother was just-" He shook his head in disgust before continuing. "My father had called him into the office that day you saw him to ban him from the pack and declare him a rogue. Seeing you there was just fanning the flame for him. He lost his fucking mind..."

"Hey," I wrap his face between my hands, forcing him to look down at me. "Your brother isn't going to hurt me. We're going to make him pay for what he's done and I'll be right by your side through it all. I'm not going anywhere."


Maddox gave me a half-hearted smile and nodded before kissing my forehead. His lack of response has me feeling uneasy, but I decided now wasn't the time to push it. I'll let him get some rest and annoy him about his feelings later.

He seemed to fall asleep easily enough, but the rest of my night was spent tossing and turning. Scenes of burning bodies, their screams, the smoke plague my dreams. When I finally give up and decide to start the day, I'm worn out and grumpy.

I take my time in the shower, hoping the hot, steady stream of water would relax me and ease the ache in my muscles, but as I sit there, I find myself growing more and more agitated.

I can't get the images or the sounds from my dream out of my head. It felt so real, like I was back in the clearing with those witches, only this time it felt like I knew them and I was watching them burn. There was a wolf there, one I didn't recognize but that had felt oddly familiar. He was holding me down, making me watch helplessly as people I loved were swallowed by the flames.

I rub frantically at my eyes, desperate to erase the images burned behind my lids . I want to cry or scream, but I don't want to wake Maddox up. I choke it back instead and turn the water off before tiptoeing to the closet.

I opt for basic black leggings and a white t-shirt- there's no way in hell I'm putting any effort into my appearance today- and kiss Maddox softly one more time before heading downstairs to find the only two people who might be able to help me.

Of course Eira is in the kitchen, doing what she loves most and feeding the pack. She's smiling and interacting with everyone like always, but there's a sadness in her eyes that wasn't typical for her. She felt the loss of those witches just as I did, but it must be tearing her apart to know it was her own son who did it.

"Hey, Eira," I greet her quietly, twirling a piece of still-damp hair between my fingers nervously.

"Good morning, darling," she responds warmly. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm not sure, to be honest with you. I wanted to see if I could talk with you and my mom about everything if that's okay."

"Of course. I believe I just saw your parents walk towards the garden together. Let me get someone to finish up for me and I'll come meet up with you."

I thank her and follow in the direction my parents apparently wandered off to. I can see their familiar figures disappearing behind a row of shrubs just as I make my way outside. When I finally manage to reach them, I regret ever getting out of bed this morning.

"Hey, mom and dad," I nod at them, still a little out of breath as I turn my attention to my mom. "Mom, I need to talk to you and Eira. Privately."

I don't miss the look my parents share with each other, one that mirrored the concern and worry Eira showed.

"Poppy, you're not-"

"God, dad! No! It's just witch stuff, for fucks sake," I interrupt him.

I'm sure he and I are both bright red. I just started having sex and I wasn't about to let my parents ruin it by asking me if I'm pregnant already. They kiss each other goodbye- I even refrain from making any gagging noises like the good daughter I am-and the two of us make our way back to the house where Eira is waiting for us.

We find a quite spot to talk and they sit across from me, waiting patiently for me to explain.

"So I had a dream last night. Only, it didn't feel like a dream at all. It played on a loop, like I was watching those witches burn, but I knew them and I was just listening to them scream and there was nothing I could do to save anyone. And there was this brown wolf with these yellow eyes and he wouldn't let me help them. He wanted me to watch it all. It felt so real," A sob catches in my throat as I explain everything to them.

They both share a look of dread as Eira reaches forward to grab my hands in hers.

"Poppy, that wasn't a dream. It sounds like you had a premonition."

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