《The Chairman's Assitant》chapter 21


Andrea's pov:

After I told Enzo what has happened yesterday at work, he stands up from his chair and announces, "I'm going to kill him,"

"Sit down, you're not going nowhere," I tell him rolling my eyes.

"or I tell you what, since you're already up I want a snack from the kitchen," I take the opportunity that life has given me and he does what I ask like a good brother.

"But are you sure the folders were on his desk?" He asks from the kitchen, raising his voice enough so I can hear.

"Are telling me I'm tripping?" I ask.

He comes back with my edibles and sits on the sofa next to me, "I'm just asking,"

"Yeah I'm sure, I don't take my job as a joke. I always do my part," I sigh, my mind keeps thinking about a solution to the problem, even though I'm not the one responsible.

"Hey, Andy. don't look so beaten down." He says sweetly hugging me.

"I have an idea but don't kill me," He offers Hesitantly.

I break the hug and raise my eyebrows at him, "spit it out,"

"maybe you can take this break as an opportunity to visit the homeland. I'm sure our family will be so happy to see you," He says.

"I don't know, give me some time to think," I respond stretching on his couch.

We hang out a bit more and watch a movie before I go back to my house to think about if I can do such a big step.

I got used to my life here maybe going back now isn't a good idea. You got used to your life with Gabriel.

My mind argues and I think I'm right.


If I hadn't lived between Gabriel's family things Would've been harder. and now that I'm alone again the hurt of being away from my family will hit harder.

Living alone gives you a lot of free time, a free time to actually sit with yourself and go back to what your choices have led you to. Being bored all the time leads to a sharp overthinking. The time I had by myself made me realize how lonely I am. So maybe going back home isn't a bad idea in the end...

"Guess who's going back to Italy?" I scream through the phone in a cheery voice.

"You are?" Says Enzo, or more like asked.

"YES" I answer and he responds happily, "ohhh Andy I can't believe you agreed, I'm so glad,"

I can't believe I agreed too...


I'm on the plane right now. I booked a ticket for a week to Italy and I'm so nervous. What if Enzo was lying and they don't want me to be back?

I freak out in my mind and look at Enzo who's sitting next to me to talk but stop. He looks at me and sighs.

"Calm down girl I've already told you things will be okay. No, I didn't lie, dad won't throw you out, Lucas wasn't angry because you ran away, and why would they shoot you on the head the moment you walk through the door?" He says, answering all the questions I've been asking since the trip started.

"But..." I start and he groans putting his hand on my whole face.

"Stop please we're almost there and you'll see you're overthinking," He says annoyed.

Five minutes more and we'll be there.


"Our ride is outside," Says Enzo once we got out of the plane and had our baggage.


I walk to the parking lot and search around with my eyes. Do you know that moment when you recognize one of your family by their footsteps or their back? I see a tall man leaning on his car.

"Is that?" I ask Enzo not being able to finish my question from excitement, his smile grows wider and I look back again in a hurry.

The guy turns around. The moment his gaze met mine he freezes, his mouth hung open and his eyes were checking my face.

"OH MY GOD!" He screams in total shock, runs to me and hugs me tightly as if making sure I'm real.

"Andy you're here, it's really you?" He speaks. His body hiding mine completely.

When I hear him sniffle and realize he's crying I lose it and join him. "When did you become so big? I can't even rope my arms around you," I laugh between my tears.

"let me see your face Lucas," I say, breaking the hug gently and cup his cheeks between my hands, "wow, look at you all grown up with a beard,"

He laughs, the voice coming from his throat foreign for my ears.

"I missed you, baby bro," I say smiling.

We walk to the car together not caring if Enzo is following and sit in the back seats. Enzo says something about him being there, or why does he always has to drive when the three of us gather.

"I'm so proud of you Andy, I never thought you have the balls to run away that's why I had to step in," Says Lucas smirking

"Please, even when you tried to step in I ended up fighting with dad to protect you," I smirk back patting his shoulder and Vince snorts from his seat.

"Whatever, now tell me where did you go after you ran away? Dad searched everywhere but couldn't find you, he even searched your name on all the flights but you left no clue," He asks.

"Well, I had to play smart. I stayed here in Italy for a month," I tell him, and for the rest of the ride, we talk about what we did for 8 years.

I learned that he has started a small business and sometimes Vince helps him. I'm so proud of Lucas he grew up from the little boy I have left him to the strong young man that he is now, and that's probably the sad part because I didn't get to watch him grow and be part of the unforgettable memories he had.

We arrive, a wave of nostalgia washes over me at the sight of my home. Between excitement and fear I hear my heart hammering on my chest, canceling my brother's high voices.

"I want to go back to Chicago," I tell Enzo who opens the door for me.

"Don't be stupid, come on." He says rolling his eyes and leaving the car's door open.

I walk to the house using Lucas's body as a shield. He chuckles and walks into the house in a hurry so I can no more hide, and that's when I see my dad facing me and his features harden.

"Andrea," He breaths.

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .

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