《Mcyt x Reader》𝑅𝑜𝓎𝒶𝓁 𝒫𝒶𝒾𝓃 𝒫𝒶𝓇𝓉 𝟤
Summary: Your not dead, why? In what sick twist of fate has left you sat alone waiting for the answers your never going to get from Dream. You need to find Technoblade and the truth, now.
A/n: this is left on a bit of a cliff hanger and in al honestly it's because I got a bit lazy towards the end. Originally there was gonna be a whole battle and argument with Wilbur and stuff but I just was too tired and too distracted to write it so it got scrapped. I might make a part three in the future but there's a lot more stuff I want to do first so it won't be for a while.
Also real quick but can you guys stop commenting your ages, especially if your a minor. It doesn't make me uncomfortable that your reading or anything your more than welcome here it's just there's a lot of creeps out there and I worry that you guys might get messaged or tricked by some ass whole. I mean I think it's happened to all of us at some point and it's really not fun. So just be careful since I got a lot of comments of just people between the ages of 12 to 17 stating their ages in my sister Innit chapters and I just want to keep you guys safe.
Warnings: swearing, mentions of scars, mentions of hospitals, mentions of manipulation, slight references to injury and death
Word count: 3868
~ Not Proof Read ~
I blinked myself awake.
A harsh white light surrounded me, making me to flinch back slightly and flicker my eyes close again.
My eyes took a second to adjust to the bright lighting of the medical room but once I could see without a sharp pain again I let my eyes dart around the room.
To my left was Karl, sat on an uncomfortable plastic chair. His head was resting on Sapnap's shoulder as he slept peacefully.
Sapnap was resting his head on top of Karl's. Grey circles surrounded his eyes, making him appear tired and worried. A look I'd never seen on my lifelong friends face before.
There was another man I didn't recognise sat next to Sapnap. He had a hand resting on Sapnap's knee, his other arm was around Sapnap's shoulders. Allowing his hand to lightly mess with the sleeping Karl's hair. I assumed that he was Quackity, Karl and Sapnap's other fiancé. He seemed distraught as well, not looking as bad as the other two but his expression seemed pained.
To the other side of the bed I was lying in there was another two chairs. Except these where empty.
I glanced over to be met with my brother. He was stood behind the chair closet to me. His hands rested on the back of the chair as he lent all of his weight onto it.
His sandy hair was ruffled and covering most of his face but was easy to see the look of anger on his face. Although, I've know him long enough to know that this anger was his way of masking the feelings of worry and frustration that always crept up on him during his reign.
Another thing I noticed was he looked tired. I'd never seen him tired before. I knew my brother better than anyone, I'd seen him at his best and his worst. But I'd never seen him like this. He seemed helpless and empty. Like he had failed at something he'd dedicated his life to, and now he didn't know how to handle himself.
Bad was stood next to him. A fatherly hand resting on Dream's shoulder to offer him some silent comfort. He also looked helpless. Like for the first time in his life he didn't know what to do to help the people around him. Bad had always been an optimist, the one that kept everyone else happy. But the thick aroma of sadness in the room couldn't even be cleared by him. He didn't seem to know how to handle it.
"Wow, loving the optimism in here guys. It's making me feel all warm and fuzzy." I said with a horse laugh.
All heads but Karl's snapped up to look at me, most of their faces covered in an expression of relief and a newly found happiness.
"Your awake? Holy shit your okay." Dream let out a sigh of relief and jumped down back onto his chair. Quickly taking my hand into his.
"Well I've been better honestly. But yeah I'm okay." I smiled over at him and tried to sit up.
A sharp pain through my abdomen caused me to flinch back to my original position with a grunt.
"Woah, stay still. You've been awake for a whole minute. I don't think your ready to be moving again." Dream said while shaking his head at me and pulling my hand close to him. Like he was scared to let me go again.
"I'm going to go get the nurse. I'm glad to see your okay Y/n." Bad said with a smile before hurrying out of the room.
Dream went to say something else to me but before he got the chance he was cut of by Ponk clearing his throat in the doorway.
Everyone turned to look at him and he awkwardly looked over to Dream.
"Your highness, there's an update. Ant and Callahan are waiting for us."
Dream nodded and him and gestured for him to leave.
"I have some... business. I'll see you later. Sapnap you coming as well?"
Sapnap shook his head and gestured to the sleeping Karl on his shoulder.
Dream nodded in response and didn't try and convince him which was a shock. He dropped my hand and stood up, leaning over to kiss my forehead before following Ponk out of the room.
"Do I want to know what 'business' he's attending to is?" I asked Sapnap with a light laugh.
"No I really don't think you do." He bit his lip anxiously and watched Dream leave.
The person sat next to him shifted forward and offered his hand out to me with a wide smile.
"I'm Quackity. I'm assuming you've heard about me from these two. I think they must've told me every little fucking detail about you."
He laughed and shook my hand lightly. It was nice to have a positive energy in the room and that's what he seemed to admit.
"Oh trust me they don't shut up about you either. I've been trying to convince them to introduce us for months now. I'm sorry we had to meet under such a negative situation though."
He shook his shoulders and his smile didn't seem to falter at all.
"Don't worry princess. There's not much you could do about it."
I nodded in agreement before turning my attention back to Sapnap.
"How long was I out for?" I asked while looking down at my bandaged abdomen with a frown. Everything was still hazy.
"Almost two weeks. It's been hell around here. No one knew what was happening for a while, Dream and the rest of the guards that were on duty that week chased Techno to the edge of the meadow before loosing him. They still don't know where he is. That's the business Dream's currently attending to." He frowned as he spoke, pinching the sink between his eyes from tiredness.
Technos name made me feel sick. I didn't know what hurt me more, his betrayal. Or the fact that I knew he was in danger now, my brother and his army have a target on his head and I can't warn him. That hurt more than it should.
"When they got back it was even worse. They interrogated Karl. He told them everything, about you and Techno's meetings and how he allowed it. Dream then kept throwing himself into hunting down Techno, everyone was trying to calm him down so he didn't pick an angry fight that he couldn't win. And then he just wasn't angry anymore. Which was more scary. He just looked defeated, like he'd failed. I've never seen your brother like that before."
Dream was never one to display emotions, even when we were kids he always tried to act tough. I think thats why he adopted the look of his mask. To hide how he truly felt from everyone.
"Karl's been beating himself up, he thinks it's his fault. Everyone's tried telling him it's not but we couldn't get him out of this chair. He hasn't left your side once."
He pressed a kiss to Karl's forehead which made his stir in his sleep slightly, he awkwardly moved around the stiff chair to try and get as comfortable as possible. He just cuddled himself into Sapnap's lap, which brought a small smile to his face.
"When he wakes up can you tell him to come home with us? He feels so guilty that we couldn't get him to leave once. He's only gotten a few hours sleep on that chair and we're worried. Your the only one he might listen too." Quackity said while pressing a kiss to Karl's shoulder.
"Yeah of course, I'm sorry to have worried you all."
Sapnap shook his head "Don't be stupid. It's not your fault, don't apologise."
Karl started moving around again before sitting up with a sigh. "Who made these chairs so flipping uncomfortable..." he murmured his words into Sapnap's shoulder before getting back into his chair and whipping the sleep from his eyes.
When he came around slightly he looked over to me. Not reacting for a second before everything clicked.
He jumped out of his seat and lent down to give me a careful hug.
"Holy crap your awake! I'm so sorry, I should've stopped you from seeing Technoblade as soon as I figured it out. I left you alone in the middle of the night when you were feeling vulnerable. I was a bad knight and an even worse friend. And-"
"Karl. You haven't done anything wrong. It's no ones fault. Now stop being stupid. I love you." I hugged him back and he sniffled into my arm.
"Now go home and get some proper sleep."
He shook his head at me "No I'm not leaving again."
"Karl I insist. I'm fine. Please."
He sat there looking at me for a second before nodding with a sigh.
Both Quackity's and Sapnap's faces broke out into smiles. Their worried expressions breaking slightly, happy that their fiancé was finally going to take care of himself.
"Now go, give me some peace." I laughed lightly and shooed them off with my hand.
The three of them stood up together, Sapnap threw his arms over the other two as the walked out. Karl hesitated and looked back at me when he got to the doorway. I just smile at him and gave him a little thumbs up to tell him it's okay.
Not even two minutes after they left Bbh walked back in, followed by the castles nurse.
"Hey Y/n. I'll get out of your hair now don't worry." He waved at me and let the nurse into the room before turning to leave.
"Bad wait! Can you stay with me? Just for a little bit?" He turned back around to look at me with a genuine smile.
"Yeah of course."
Bad had always been like a parental figure to me and Dream, he was friends with our dad during his reign and Bad was always around when our own farther wasn't.
He took the seat next to me and picked up my hand gently. Allowing the nurse to work around him.
I'd been out of the hospital wing for about two weeks now.
Everything around here had changed.
Dream was hidden in his office all day everyday, I don't think I'd even seen him since I'd left the hospital wing.
Security around the castle had been heightened. Sapnap was put in to replace Karl's role as my personal guard, Dream decided that I he trusted Sapnap more than anyone and he was also the strongest on the force. Meaning that I was under strict protection all of the time.
Dream had put George into proper knight training. Before he was just Dream's 'friend' that was always visiting. But now due to the fact that George was doing knight training he was replacing Sapnap and Bbh as Dream's guard. Dream didn't really need a guard since he was skilled in combat so he decided to employ George and move his guards to me and the outside.
Ponk, Ant, Karl, Callahan and Bad were all now permanently guarding the outer parts of the castle. Purpled, Punz and Sam had all also been employed to guard since they were skilled in combat as well.
Dream had gone a bit crazy with protection right now, I think me being stabbed really shook him up. When he wasn't trying to find new guards and combat strategy's he was trying his best to hunt down Technoblade. He'd sworn to gain vengeance.
I hadn't seen Techno. No one had. It worried me. It shouldn't, I should've been angry at him. But I wasn't. I just wanted to see him. To make sure he was okay mentally and physically. To ask him what his reasons were and comfort him if that made him upset. To run my hands through his hair gently as he hugged me, like before.
"What are you thinking about?" Sapnap asked from next to me, clicking me out of my day dreams.
He was sat on my desk chair, his feet kicked up onto my table. He was clicking a lighter open and closed absentmindedly. He seemed bored. I knew he preferred the adrenaline of a normal guards job, not spending all day babysitting me.
"Technoblade. Have you guys gotten closer to finding him?"
He seemed to perk up at that, sitting up slightly.
"No. Don't worry though, it's impossible for him to hurt you again." He looked back at my wall, bored again.
The thought of him hurting me isn't what scared me. What scared me was the thought of them hurting him.
"What are you going to do when you find him?" I bit my lip anxiously as he sighed.
"I'm not sure. Usually we'd arrest a traitor. But this is a different scenario, I think Dream will try and kill him honestly."
My breath caught in my throat and I stood up from my bed.
"Where are you doing?" Sapnap asked, also standing and following me towards the door.
"For a walk. Alone if you don't mind."
He stood there for a second, confused if he was supposed to follow me.
I walked away from him before he could realise that he was supposed to follow.
I wandered around the castles corridors, enjoying a second alone.
A creek at the end of a dark corridor scared me though. Causing me to back myself up against the wall. The wound in my abdomen stinging more then usual even though there was no pressure being applied to it.
"Who's there?" My bothers voice echoed down the corridor, being matched with the sound of a sword being drawn.
"It's just me Dream." I said while standing up straight again, my breath calming down.
"Y/n? What are you doing unsupervised? Shouldn't you be in the hospital wing?" He strides over to me, a look of brotherly concern and disapproval on his face.
"I was realised two weeks ago, I'm basically fine now. You'd know if you spoke to me." I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes at his obviousness.
"Oh. Sorry."
He swallowed hard before pulling me into a hug, hiding his face in my hair.
I hadn't hugged him properly since we were kids.
"I'm so sorry. I should've protected you but I didn't. Then I'm not even here when your okay. I'm so sorry." He sobbed lightly and I just stood there frozen.
I didn't know how to handle this.
"It's okay." I patted his shoulder and allowed him to hold me protectively for a few more seconds.
"I'll be around more. I promise."
"I need you to do me a favour." I said to Sapnap while anxiously biting my lip.
"Depends. What is it?" He raised an eyebrow at me and held the door that led to my bedroom open for me.
"I need you to let me leave the castle for like an hour... Alone." I looked over my shoulder at him to try and read his face, but that was always nearly impossible with Sap.
"Why? I can't let you do that, Dream will have my head if anything happens to you again."
I sighed and sat down on my windowsill. Sapnap taking a seat opposite me on the edge of my bed.
"I know. But I'll be careful."
"You want to try and find Techno don't you?"
I hated how both Karl and Sapnap always knew what I was thinking.
I nodded and looked away from his face of disappointment.
"Why? Why do you want to find him after what he did?"
I sighed again and pulled at the bottom of my shirt nervously.
"Because I love him. If Quackity or Karl did something like this to you you'd want to know why as well wouldn't you? And I'm worried for him, everyone's hunting him down, he must feel so alone..."
Sapnap grabbed my shoulders and shook me slightly.
"Y/n, get a grip. He deserves to feel lonely. He tried to fucking kill you."
"No he didn't!"
Sapnap looked at me with a mix of disbelief and confusion.
"What? Of course he did. He fucking stabbed you."
I shook my head frantically and pulled the bottom of my shirt up slightly to show my healing scar.
"Sapnap look where he stabbed me. Technoblade is one of the if not the most experienced fighters I've ever met. He could kill an army alone and leave without a scratch. He's killed more people than I like to believe. He knows how to murder, this was not a murder attempt. If he wanted to kill me I'd be dead. He would've killed me the first time we we're alone. He would've stabbed me quickly, straight in the heart, and left. Instead he spent weeks re-building our friendship and developing feelings. He told me he loved me before he did it, he kissed my head, he held me in a way that resembles a hug. He didn't want to do it Sapnap, I know. His last words to me were spoken through fucking tears. He said "their right, the closet way to Dream is you. I'm sorry" he was put up to it by someone to get to Dream. He didn't want to do it."
I choked on my own words towards the end and my eyes welled up with tears.
Sapnap swallowed hard and let out a shaky breath.
"Y/n... I want to help you. I really do. But Dream will kill me."
I just looked at him, tears silently rolling down my face.
I had nothing left to say. No one knew Techno the way I did, he wouldn't understand about the voices and the fact that nothing Techno did was because he wanted to do it.
I'd explained to him the best I could.
We sat there for a solid minute. Just looking at each other.
I could tell he was having an argument with himself in his head.
"Fine. I'll take you out. But me Karl and Quackity are coming as well. We'll tell Dream your visiting us and we'll stay behind you the whole time. I'm also teaching you some self defence. Also, you owe me one, big time."
"There's no way he would be here. He's not that stupid." Karl said from behind me as we walked to the edge of the sunflower patch.
"I have a feeling he'll be here, trust me. Wait here, I'll scream if I need you."
I went to walk through the trees and I heard Sapnap take a step as well.
I stopped to turn to face him.
He stopped in his tracks as well and looked over at me with a conflicted expression.
Quackity place and hand on his shoulder while shaking his head. A silent way of telling him to let me go.
Sapnap took a step back and nodded at me.
I smiled slightly and turned back around.
I walked through the trees, this time alone.
Soon enough I reached the clearing of trees that homed the sunflower patch. My favourite place in the whole kingdom.
I stood in the middle of the sea of flowers for a second, just enjoying the colour and familiarity this area brought into my life.
Soon enough though I had to snap out of my own mind and look around for Techno.
"Techno! I know your here somewhere! Come out!"
I stood quietly for another second.
I was met with nothing but silence.
Maybe I was wrong and Karl was right. Maybe Techno was smart enough to not think about coming back to our area when he has an army hunting him down.
Suddenly a branch cracked from behind me.
I spun around quickly and looked into the distance. Holding my fists up for self defence.
A head of pink hair popped up from behind a tree.
I let out a sigh of relief and smiled to myself, lowering my hands.
- In Serial38 Chapters
The Envoy of Darkness
"Everyone loves a good fantasy, but my life was turned upside down by one."What would you do if you had the ability to control the air? How about if you were suddenly brought to a world where, despite your powers, you're at the bottom of the food chain? On a fateful night, Max Walker finds himself summoned to Asterisk and contracted to Liliana Lockwood as her familiar.Forced to leave behind his life on Earth, Max begins a precarious journey into the unknown world of magic. Training as a knight, learning to control mana, battling rogue necromancers and even being mistaken for Duke Walker's son... it's just one thing after the next.But as if that wasn't bad enough, Asterisk, a world which subverts reality as you know it, may just have something to do with Max's own heaven-defying origin... and a secret that could leave the universe hanging by a thread. By the way, this entire book is available on AMAZON KINDLE.If you like what you read, please consider buying it. Your support would mean a lot. Plus, you will get to read all the way to the end weeks before the last chapter gets posted here.https://www.royalroad.com/amazon/B08816QJND This is Book 1 of a projected Trilogy titled "The Legacy".Schedule - Chapters will be published once a week, around Sunday. Bonus chapters might come in occasionally now that I have a stockpile.P.S - Feel free to comment, especially if you have any advice or criticism to offer. On that note, if you could leave a review and/or state your thoughts about the novel as a whole that would be awesome too.This story has also been uploaded on the following sites:www.wattpad.comwww.webnovel.comwww.scribblehub.com
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My Ability
Axel Ison just wanted to live regularly. however, the world in which he lived in was not. The presence of the supernatural is something known accross the world and he is one of the many that wants nothing to do with it. Though he tries to, he cannot remain totally oblivious to the terrorist attacks of the superhumans who have been hunted down for centuries. Believing them to be mankind's enemy, his whole prespective is turned upside down when he himself is forcefully chosen by the mysterious ability known as Power Magnet. As he is suddenly tossed in to a whole new world, the mysteries of the abnormal finally become clear to him, but will he survive long enough to see this story through to the end?
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❝you know how they say, what was it? don't judge a book by its cover? well lad, this is a prime example.❞zayn was your typical bad boy. leather jackets, motorcycles, and smokes.everyone seems to judge zayn quite quickly. they don't know the real zayn.harry is one of those people, although he absolutely despises zayn. harry's a great student, loves everyone, & not to mention openly gay.he volunteers at a local retirement home, which just so happens to be the same place zayn volunteers.but of course, no one knows that. zayn enjoys having everyone wonder about him. zayn's on the other side of the building, therefore they've never ran into each other.one day harry does run into zayn.and after that, he just can't help but run into zayn all the time.© sweatshirtzarry 2015
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✨【DETOUR SEVEN】✨ // JJBA Villains
7 men from different timelines (and universes) took a slight detour at the end of their lives. Fate had taken an unexpected turn for them, transporting them to an entirely different time and world.Is this a second chance? Do second chances even exist in the first place?Read to find out how they adapt to their new lives, figuring out ways to blend into society in an entirely different universe.How will they survive in this society?ON HIATUS FOR NOW----[ A JJBA Villains fanfic]---JJBA and its characters belong to Hirohiko Araki.
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