《Mcyt x Reader》𝐿𝑜𝓎𝒶𝓁𝓉𝒾𝑒𝓈 𝒫𝒶𝓇𝓉 𝟤
Summary: Dream's left you with a tough decision, love or family. Although other events might lead you to make a sharp change in decisions and let the foundations you've built burn.
A/n: I promise the part two of my techno fic will be out soon I've just been working really hard on this one lately and I'm low-key kinda proud of it.
Also just wondering if anyone noticed the mask symbolism I tried to use? Like the difference between him being honest and being manipulative is show between his mask because 'it parts him from his actions'
Warnings: swearing, death mentions, fire, burns, mentions of trauma, manipulation, mentions of abuse, mentions of murder, just whole lotta angst
Word Count: 4671
I walked out of the prison cell, hands buried in my pockets.
I didn't know what to do. On one hand he still loves me, I could break him out and we could be together again. Apart of me wanted that more than anything.
On the other hand though I don't know if I can trust him after all he did to Tommy.
There has to be a reason why Tommy decided to lock him up though, rather than taking his last life. Maybe a part of Tommy believed there was still some goodness left in him as well.
Sam gave me a quick hug goodbye before I walked out of the prison building.
As I started to walk down the path that led back to the rubble of L'manburg I noticed Tommy walking towards me.
"Tommy hey! Where are you off to?" I asked as he approached me.
He smiled slightly before gesturing to the prison behind me "I'm going to visit Dream for the last time. I think I'm finally going to get the closure I need to move on."
I nodded slightly and pulled him into a hug. "Good luck, can you meet with me after? For dinner or something? I want to talk to you."
"Yeah sure." He smiled down at me and I reached up to ruffle his hair before letting go of him.
He waved me off before we walked in our separate directions. Me heading back to my new cottage and him walking towards the prison.
After L'manburg was destroyed once and for all I ventured off to my own area, wanting to avoid another conflict. I built myself a small cottage on the hill that me and Dream met, close enough to the edge for me to see over what was once L'manburg but far enough away that I didn't have to constantly look at the area that brought up the painful memories of Dream.
I grabbed myself a drink and headed to the bay window in my living room. I sat down and rested my head against the glass, looking out over the holy land. I picked up the book that was sat on the table next to me, I found it in Ghostbur's library. Wilbur had wrote it during the first war, it made me happy to relive the memories of the simpler times, even if they weren't all that great.
I sat there just enjoying the quiet and the company of my book for hours. I was waiting for Tommy to arrive. I wanted to question him about why he decided to let Dream live. I needed to know my brothers reasonings for locking Dream up if I was going to betray him and break him out.
I was struggling to focus on the book. It was difficult to resist the urge to go break Dream out right then and there.
Soon enough though it became dark outside and I had to go find one of Dream's old hoodies to keep myself warm.
It was the cold nights like these that made me miss Dream more than anything.
Back during Pogtopia times Dream would always sneak in to visit me on cold nights.
He would always force me into one of his hoodies and hold me close to him until I fell asleep.
And during the nights I had nightmares about the first war and what was happening to Wilbur at the time he would just run his hands through my hair and gently kiss down my shoulders, just whispering comfort into my ear until I felt better.
That's the Dream I miss, my Dream.
Memories like that are the reason that I want to believe what he said in the cell. There's no way that the sweet moments we shared were all a lie. Even if it started as a lie the feelings were real.
I put the hood up and pulled the drawstrings slightly so it closed around my face.
I took a seat back at the window and pulled my knees close to my chest again. When I closed my eyes and just took in the warmth and familiar sent of the hoodie.
His hoodies were the closest things I had to him. The closest I could get to being in his arms and feeling happy with him again.
Soon enough I felt myself falling asleep, still hugging myself in my chair. Trying to trick my mind into thinking it was his arms around me.
I woke up to the feeling of sun on my face.
My neck and back aced from falling asleep on a chair rather than my bed but after I got up and stretched a bit I felt normal.
I quickly ate some breakfast before getting ready for the day. My main goal was to find Tommy and ask him my questions, and then maybe break Dream out later this evening.
I headed out of my house and walked along the prime path that would take me towards Tommy's home and hotel.
What shocked me though is when I didn't find him sat in his house enjoying a lazy morning. It's not like him to be out of the house before one in the afternoon.
I walked to his hotel to check to see if he was there but I was just met with an overjoyed looking Jack.
He was counting money in the back corner of the main room and stroking Tommy's cat.
"Hey Jack, what are you up to?" I asked, walking into the room and glancing around to see if I could spot Tommy.
"Just counting my money Y/n. Enjoying this fine establishment thats now mine for the foreseeable future." He said while grinning at me from across the room.
"This is Tommy's hotel though, not yours. Does he know your here?" I walked towards him and raised an eyebrow, something felt very wrong.
"Didn't you hear? There was a security breach at the prison yesterday while Tommy was there. He's now trapped with Dream till the issue is resolved. It really sucks how Sam just can't seem to fix the issue." He laughed to himself and I just turned to leave the building.
I continued my walk down the path, just now I was filled with determination. How dare Sam lock him up in there. He knows everything that Tommy's gone through.
When I approached the front of the prison Sam was stood there. Looking around to see if anything was out of place.
"Sam are you a raging fucking lunatic? Locking Tommy in with Dream after everything! You seriously have to see how dangerous not to mention emotionally fucking scaring that must be for Tommy!" I yelled out at him, marching over.
"I know Y/n, I can't let him out though till the issues resolved." He turned to face me with a frown.
He looked stressed and tired. I had no doubts that he'd been up all night trying to fix this.
He cares from Tommy just as much if not more than Phil.
Just like Techno, Tommy and I hadn't spoken to Phil since the demise of L'manburg.
I'd heard that he was living out in a cottage with Techno and Ranboo now.
I should be happy that he'd moved on from the pain of Wilburs death but it angered me that he'd taken Ranboo under his wing to replace me and Tommy.
Especially since he did nothing to help Tommy after his exile or to help me after, well everything.
I love my Dad but he can be a shit farther figure.
I was okay with that though. I'm an adult, I can handle my own problems. I don't need to rely on my parent.
Tommy on the other hand is only sixteen. He needed someone. So I was beyond grateful when Sam stepped in.
Tommy seemed to love him and he was definitely being put on to the right track because of him.
I also know that Sam loves Tommy like family. It must pain him to have to put Tommy through this just as much as it pains me not being able to help.
"Alright, what's this security issue then and how can I help?" I asked walking over and rolling up my sleeves.
"Wait you want to help? Your not mad at me?" He raised an eyebrow and smiled slightly, his shoulders and jaw seemed to relax as well.
"Well it's not your fault, and helping will get him out quicker. So lead the way hand Sam dude." I laughed lightly at my own joke/ compliment and he smiled at me before gesturing towards the stairs that lead to the roof.
We spent ages walking around, trying to identify the issue and fix it.
We weren't successful though.
By the time I decided to give up for the night it was completely dark.
"Sam it's late. We should head back." I place a hand on his shoulder to comfort him since he was stressing out.
He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "Yeah your right. You should go home and get some rest, I'll keep looking."
I frowned at him, I'm pretty sure he stayed out last night as well.
"Alright, don't stay out to long. I'll come by to help again tomorrow after I sort out Tommy's hotel." A said while pulling him into a quick hug.
As we hugged his head rested on the top of mine. I felt him relax against me and it was painful to whitness him so defeated and stressed.
"Sam come back with me, you'll stay out all night otherwise and the more tired you are the more difficult it's gonna be to help him." I pulled away from the hug slightly so I could see his face.
He frowned to himself but nodded "Yeah your right."
"I always am."
I smiled at him and patted his shoulder again before we both started to walk up the prime path.
We walked in a comfortable silence the whole way, neither of us wanting to talk about Tommy but nothing else seemed appropriate.
When we reached the part of the path that split we just waved and smiled slightly at each other, a wordless goodbye.
I walked into my house and let my feet carry me to the wardrobe. Slipping on another one of Dream's old hoodies before getting into bed, letting myself fall asleep straight away to get away from the thoughts of what Tommy was dealing with right now.
I was woken up by a knock on my front door. I jumped out of bed and grabbed my pocket watch to check the time, it was one in the afternoon which shocked me because I usually wake up when the sun comes through my window.
I put the hood Dream's hoodie up to try and hide my morning hair before walking to get the door.
What I saw when I opened it shocked me though.
It was Techno, stood there with a sad look on his face. His pig mask was in his hands rather than on his face, he had no weapons on him which matched his lack of armour, he was slouching and his hair was down, covering his face.
Very out of character for him, it was unusual for him to have his guard down this much in public.
"Techno hey, what's wrong?" I hadn't seen him since he blew up L'manburg. We'd sent a few letters back and forth over the last couple months just to check up on each other, but we hadn't actually seen each other.
"Somethings happened. Can I come in?" He ran his hand through his hair awkwardly, he seemed really off.
"Yeah of course." I stepped out of the way to let him in, and I closed the door behind him.
We both walked to the sofa and sat down next to each other.
"What's happened then? Is everything alright with Phil?" I made eye contact with him but he just looked down to the floor.
"Yeah Phil's fine. It's about Tommy. Sam come and found me today. He was in the prison this morning trying to fix the security issue when he heard yelling. Tommy and Dream were arguing over something and it got heated. Sam tried but he was too late." He swallowed hard and paused for a second.
I looked at him blankly, a part of me knew what he was about to say but I didn't want to hear it.
"Dream beat him to death." His voice cracked as he looked away from me, taking a sharp breath.
There's no way, he wouldn't do that to me.
Tommy's my family, he knows that.
I was frozen.
Techno tried to pull me into a hug but I just couldn't move.
"Y/n you can cry, it's okay to be sad. You guys were close." He patted my hair gently, trying to comfort me in his own awkward way.
I wasn't sad though.
I was shocked and angry.
How dare he.
He knows how much my family means to me.
I've already lost one brother and he went and took away another one.
I trusted him, after everything he did I still trusted him and he's fucked me over again.
"Y/n?" Techno asked pulling away from the hug slightly.
"Y/n, talk to me." He bit his lip anxiously and looked down at me, but I pulled away from him.
I walked straight to the kitchen though. Rummaging through all my cupboards till I found a large bottle of straight vodka and one of Sapnap's lighters.
"Y/n what are you doing?" Techno followed behind me as I walked into my bedroom.
I rummaged through all my draws, picking out everything that belonged to him at some point.
All his t-shirts, hoodies, and joggers.
I threw them all onto my bed before walking to the back corner of the room.
"Y/n come on talk to me, I know I'm not good at this but I want to be there for you." Techno looked at me sadly but I just bit the inside of my cheek and kept doing what I was doing.
I stomped onto a floorboard really hard, kicking it up. I bent down to pick up the floorboard to reveal a box underneath.
I grabbed the box and threw it onto the bed with the clothes and alcohol.
"Y/n your all I have now, please. Phil seems numb to everything happening, Ranboo has run off with Tubbo, I've lost Wilbur and now Tommy. I don't want you to freeze me out as well." His voice cracked and I looked over at him properly.
He looked so tired and broken down. Even in our childhood I'd never seen him like this.
He'd never shown this type of weakness to anyone before. He's always been to strong and proud.
"Sorry, I'm not freezing you out. There's just something I need to do."
He nodded and stepped aside from my doorway.
I gathered everything on my bed up in my arms and headed out of the door.
I walked straight out the front door and kept going down the road, towards the tree.
When I got to mine and Dream's spot I froze again. It was like all of a sudden every happy memory I had in this place came back.
My eyes stung with tears again and I screamed slightly with frustration.
I put everything on the floor before throwing all the clothes at the foot of the tree.
I then circled around the tree to try and find the chest Dream hid to break out with.
I noticed a patch of dirt with less grass on and I started digging it up with my hands. Soon enough I hit a chest.
I pulled it out before refilling the hole.
I went back to my things and threw the contents of the chest onto the top of the clothing pile at the bottom of the tree.
I picked up the vodka bottle and twisted to cap to open it.
I took a sip and flinched at how much it burnt my throat.
I moved my face away from the bottle in disgust before pouring it over the clothes and tree, emptying the whole bottle out.
I grabbed the lighter from my pocket and looked over at the tree as I flicked the flame.
I met him here.
I laughed with him here.
I cried with him here.
I left him here.
I threw the lighter down onto the clothes and watched it all set alight.
I fell to my knees as tears started to fall down my face. I felt like I was out of tears yet I couldn't stop.
The flames turned into a beautiful blend of orange and red due to the tears in my eyes. Making the scene in front of me look like a bittersweet oil painting. A painting that felt familiar and warm, welcoming almost. The burning feeling like a caress of the cheek from lost loved ones.
"Y/n! Step back!" Techno yelled as he sprinted over, pulling me back from the hug of warmth the fire was giving me.
"What are you doing!"
"I'm getting rid of him, every part of him." I stepped back from him again and pulled my hoodie off before throwing it onto the pile. Shivering slightly and the cold air that pricked at the skin my T-shirt left bare.
"What's in the chest?" He asked pointing at the box I usually kept under my floor.
"All the letters he ever wrote me. Starting from Pogtopia all the way till he exiled Tommy and we broke up. Those papers are what made me fall in love with him." I frowned to myself and opened the box, running my hand over the papers lightly. They were my prized possessions.
"You kept all of them? Wow.... He must of meant a lot to you," there was awkwardness in his voice but it was sweet that he was trying.
"Yeah he did."
We both stood in silence for a second before I tipped the box into the flames.
He looked at me in shock for a second, before I pulled him into a tight hug.
After a few minutes of silently comforting each other I pulled away.
"Can you put this out for me? There's something else I need to do."
"Does this thing include fire?"
"No it's safe, I promise."
He nodded and I smiled at him weakly before walking off. Quickly stopping to grab Wilbur's trench coat to keep me warm before heading in the direction of the prison.
The prime path was surrounded with red and white flowers. My eyes teared up again but I kept walking.
I had something to do and I was going to do it.
I walked straight into the prison and was faced with a broken looking Sam.
He was slouched over his desk, his head in his hands.
"Sam." I said in an attempt to gain his attention,
He looked up and me, his eyes were bloodshot and red which matched with his tear stained cheeks.
"Y/n,,, I'm so sorry," his voice cracked and he looked back down, trying to hide the tears that were clearly escaping.
"It's okay Sam, you did all you could. Can I see him?" I asked, gesturing to the door that lead to the security.
"Yeah, go ahead." He pulled the leavers to unlock the doors for me.
"No security checks? I can just walk straight in?" I looked at him in confusion, he's usually very serious about this.
"Yeah. Do what you want to him, the sick fucker deserves it."
I pulled him into a tight hug before walking through the doors.
It took me a solid ten minutes to walk to the lava curtains but when I got there I took a sharp breath before pulling the leaver to drop them.
When they dropped they revealed Dream, stood there in the centre of the cell. Looking directly at me, mask raised high enough to show an sickening smile.
I stepped onto the platform as my hands started to shake, I didn't know if I could do it.
As I stepped off the platform he walked towards me. Placing a hand onto my cheek, I wanted to push him away. I wanted to yell and scream about how I hated him. I wanted to burn that stupid fucking mask and hit kick and punch him until he feels like a shell of the man he once was.
But I couldn't. I froze, allowing him to caress my cheek and softly kiss the top of my head.
"We have matching scares now darling. What did you do?" He asked, referring to the slight burns that had adopted my cheeks.
"I started a fire." I still stood frozen and powerless, I watched as he pulled his hand away. My cheek felt warm and I raised my own hand up to wipe away the red liquid Dream's hand had left.
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In a place where Magic reigns supreme, what would our MC do as he finds himself being rejected by the world. This is the story of a boy who is lacks the ability to wield mana. After shaming his parents who are considered to be among the strongest Mages of the era. Our MC stands at the terrace of the School building planning to commit suicide. What has fate got stored in for our MC. Will he commit suicide ? If you want to know, join our MC as he struggles to find his path. In a world with mysteries and threats looming, what is waiting for him? ————————————- All the characters and incidents in this story are imaginary. Please note that the chapter can be a bit slow. So please be a bit patient and read up to 50 chapter before making any opinion
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Kai Freeman thought it was a dream come true when a magic portal whisked him away from his terrible home life to an entirely new World of sword and sorcery to fight against the forces of evil as the prophesized chosen one. Regrettably, he was brought back to reality when “The Isekai Police” crashed the party and informed him that it was all a sham. With the only other option being a trip back home, he instead chose to join this mysterious group as his ticket to a better life. Brought to their headquarters, the teen is shown a world more bizarre and magical than anything he could have ever expected, with magic-powered arcades, a library with movies and TV shows from across the multiverse, and a whole bunch of weirdos who try to convince him that their peaceful way of living life is the best. Will Kai’s desire for a second chance be bogged down by a bunch of cynical adults, or will they show him that there’s more to life than just fantasy alone? Parallel Story (already completed, not necessary to read first): https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/42012/the-isekai-police-aka-earths-advocates New chapters on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 7 pm pst! [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
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In 3080, Jiang Yingchun, Doctor of Agriculture of National Treasure, accidentally wore a book. She became the cannon fodder of the same name in the 70s. In the book, the original owner's parents died early. In order to raise her younger siblings, she was coaxed into pressing a contract with her vicious second uncle. In the end, the family ended up receiving an early lunch. Jiang Yingchun looked at the laboratory that followed him, tore up his contract, and backhanded his second uncle to the police station. The second uncle stole the chicken but failed to eclipse the rice. Want to see my joke, I will make you a joke first. If you plant super seeds, one acre will cover ten acres of land. The clothes are monotonous and not new? Design it as a fashion. Lonely mouth without snacks? The food factory is covered in minutes. The comprehensive industrial park was erected, and the partners rushed to give Jiang Yingchun money. That is, there are too many jobs and not enough people. The whole village: Let's get together! Second Uncle: The clown is myself? Later, Jiang Yingchun with the titles of'Agricultural Expert','Food King','Technology Pioneer' and so on, drove the economy of the whole village to take off, got rid of poverty and became wealthy, and became the richest man by accident. Faced with reporters vying to do interviews, Jiang Yingchun: I decided to dedicate all technology to the country free of charge.
8 147