《Sold to my Mate (COMPLETED)》Chapter 30


Amara's POV

"Where do we put him", I ask

"With the others. In a pile", he said

"Kai, we can't just throw him with the others", I shouted

Okay, Let's rewind this.

Remember how I told you that Nate was my real mate and Kai put me under a spell. Yeah that was a lie, we planned that all out. Now the drugging, I didn't expect but it worked. We needed to end Nate's pack and he always had a thing for me, so it kind of fell in place. Anyway, SURPRISE!

"You knew this was what was going to happen, I mean come on", Kai tried to explain

"But at the end of the day, he's my brother ", I tried to explain

"So what, you want to bury him", he asked getting annoyed

"Well no." I pause. "I want to like burn him or something", I said


He dragged the body to an open field and we started him on fire

"Bye brother", I said and we left

"So what do you want for supper", he asked as we approached the house

"Grilled cheese", I asked

"Sure. But before", he started

Before I could process what he was going to do, he crashed his lips onto mine

I pushed him away

"Really", I asked shocked

"No", he said and turned away like nothing happened

"Geesh. Wait until we are at least in the house", I rolled my eyes like it's so obvious

He smiled as we ran into the house

"Anyone home", I asked

He paused checking the house with his "super hearing".

"Nope", he paused

"Come here", I whispered

He started to come towards me and started to lean in to kiss me

"So, I'm thinking Harry Potter after the laundry", I said walking past his lips to the laundry room


"Oh good lord get your ass over here", he said frustrated

When I turned to face him, he crashed his lips on to mine. I responded by trying to shove my tongue in his mouth, but he wouldn't let me. I bit his lip, to which he finally opened and I slid my tongue in and fought for dominance, obviously winning. He then lifted me onto the dryer and I tangled my hands through his soft hair. We finally pulled away, gasping for air

"I have a right, you have been with another man for like months. AND ON TOP OF THAT, I don't even know what you two have been doing", he says in a matter-of-fact tine

He was about to rant again, and honestly I didn't care what he was going to say, I was craving those bright pink lips. I grabbed the back of his head and pushed him back to my lips. He didn't object

"Ahem", a voice said from the doorway

I pushed him away, almost pushing him to ground

"First, gross, two, how dare you go to him before me", a familar voice said

"KAT", I said and jumped down, knocking Kai down on accident

I admit, we were cliche and I jumped into her arms and we jumped up and down screaming

"OW", Kai said getting up

"Sorry babe", I said

"No. Shut up. You're mine now", she said and pulled me away

"I love you", I yelled to Kai

"Love you more", he yelled back

"Ugh, you guys are so gross", she moaned

I just laughed

"So what's up", I asked as we sat down on her bed

"I found my mate", she smiled

"Who", I asked

And as she told me, I knew my life was going to end up happy, for once I was going to end up happy.

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