《Sold to my Mate (COMPLETED)》Chapter 25


Amara's POV

"Where's Nate", I choke

"Relax Mar, he's coming", he smirked

"Why are you here", I ask

"Wanted to see you", he shrugged

"Leave her alone", a voice said from behind my brother

He smirked and turned around

"Hello beautiful mate", Nate smiled

As we made eye contact something flipped on. My heartbeat accelerated and I felt happiness unlike any other day in my life. It is more intense then it was with Kai

He slowly came up to me as if not to spook me. I didn't back away, nor like I used to. He wasn't as scary now

Soon he was standing in front of me. I could feel his breath as he exhaled. Before I could even stop myself, I wrapped my arms around him and I was hugging him, starting to cry a little

"Hey it's okay, you're safe. Now", he said as he put a strand of hair behind my ear. He froze

"What", I whispered

"He marked you", he whispered

I slowly nod

"No matter, Annabelle can fix it"

"Who is she", I asked

"You'll see. Let's go hun", he said and I nodded following him

I felt safe walking next to him, even with my brother staring at me the whole time. We finally arrived at the pack house.

"I can't go in there", I say

"Why", Nate asked

"I'm rogue", I stated backing away

"You're brother and you have been welcomed in. I approved it seeing as I'm the alpha", he shrugged

I nod and we slowly enter the house, I follow behind Nate and he leads us through the house.

"We must go to the doctor, to see if you have any trackers in your body"

I nod and we walk down the stairs and we entered the doors

"Hello alpha. What may I help you with", he said and looked at me


"You found her", he smiled

"I need to make sue she doesn't have any trackers in. We know what Alpha Kai's pack is like", Nate says

"Yes. Yes I do", the doctor sighed

"Come Luna. Follow me", he said and reached his hand out

I looked at Nate

"It's fine. I'll wait outside. You'll be fine", he assured me smiling

"Ok", I say

I take his hand and I follow the doctor into a room and I sit on a cot.

"If you may, please stand up and stretch your arms out", he smiled

I did as he said as he waved a wand around my body. Suddenly it started rapidly beating

"Alpha", the doctor shouted

Nate rushed in and came by my side

"She has something in her body", the doctor said

"What is it", Nate said

"By the frequency of the beating and the hum. A kill chip"

"What's a kill chip", I say panicked

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