《Sold to my Mate (COMPLETED)》Chapter 22


Amara's POV

I can't stop thinking about what Nate said. My brother's never cared about me, why now? I can't sleep and I can't eat, it's driving me nuts. It was 2 in the morning and my phone buzzed.

If you don't come back willingly , there WILL be war and Kai will die

I knew who this was from, it was from Nate and my brother.

I can't have Kai die because of me, I won't have it. I don't know what they want with me, but it's better than what they will do to this innocent pack.

Does he know about the razor, every last cut placed on your body. Your brother gave you bruises and broken bones...but he never laid a scratch on your body.

Stop texting me alright. Why do you want me, I responded

Because you belong with me silly

Since when, I asked

Since you turned, I'll let you on in a little secret. Kai's not your mate, well not your real one

Wdym, I asked

I was your mate, I was truly. But he saw you and he got rejected. Their witch made a potion and turned you into his mate

Lies, I text

I'm not your brother, I don't lie. I didn't keep the fact that you were a werewolf from you.

Is he one, I asked

Not my place to tell

I don't believe you, I said

You want proof, don't make contact or drink anything there for a week. You wont feel anything for him.

Fine, I said

Goodnight mate :)

I deleted the whole conversation and went to bed


Sorry this is so short...I'll make the next longer

Not edited


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