《Sold to my Mate (COMPLETED)》Chapter 21



"You know him", Kai asked

I slowly nodded

"Yes, I'm Nate", He sighed

"What are you here", Kai asked

"To take Amara home", he smirked and lunged at me.


Amara's POV

"Excuse me", Kai said jumping between us

"He wants you back", he shrugged

"No", I stuttered try to stand up for myself

"Yes", he said and tried to step forward

"Over my dead body", Kai said

"That can be arranged", he smirked

"Who is this man", a familiar voice said

"He says", Kai started but cut off

"I have super hearing son", he said

"You're the Alpha", Nate said in shock

"No, I'm the president of the United States", he said sarcastically

I held back a laugh

"What do you need", Mr. Alpha asked

"Amara", Nate stated

"That all", he asked

"Yea. Pretty much"

"Well then, I can't stop you", he said

"DAD", Kai yelled

"Ssseriously", Nate asked dumbfounded

"Yes. I never lie"

He turned and faced us. He gave a short wink with his left eye.

"Come on Sweetheart", Nate said

I came out from behind Kai and slowly walked toward him.

"Thank you Alpha", Nate said

"Anytime", he smiled

Nate turned around and before he could think, Connor punched him in the face and he fell down like a domino getting pushed down

"Fuck that hurt", Connor said shaking his fist

"Dad, why would you say that", Kai said and let a relieved breath out

"You honestly think I would give him dear Amara", he said

"Well....", Kai trailed off

"Wow. I see", Alpha said

"Well I didn't know", Kai said accusingly

"OK, whatever", his dad sang

"Dad", he whined

"I see", his dad sniffed as if to cry and headed upstairs

I just burst out laughing

"How can you laugh about this", Kai asked dumbfounded

"Not this situation. Your father", I laughed

"Oh, yea", he said sheepishly

I just started laughing and headed upstairs

"Where are you going", he asked

"Texas", I said sarcastically going up to the den

He started jogging up the stairs until he caught up to me, but it was too late. I was already sitting down in the giant black bean bag and turned on Netflix.

"Oh hell no", he whines

"I almost became a hostage, we're watching my show", I smile

"Does it have to be Supernatural", he whined

"YES", I yelled

"OK OK OK", he said putting his hands up as if to surrender


Sorry this took forever....it's lunch at school

Sorry so short

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