《Kyra (Completed)》18
She dropped the last token into one of the four slots and created a four in a row win. She stood up and did a little dance before we both started laughing.
Me and Kyra decided to go old school and pull out the board games because we where bored this afternoon.
"You seriously suck at connect four." I kissed my teeth. "I don't give a fuck and don't start with that name shit." She giggled.
I was starting to know Kyra so well, I could predict what she would do before she would.
"You still suck babe."
I have her a stale face. "I got something you can suck." She narrowed her eyes. "Disrespectful."
She started cleaning up the games, returning the pieces to their rightful boxes and stacking them on top of each other. She tried to put the boxes in the closet but she was too short so I came behind her and put them on the wooden shelf without effort.
She kissed her teeth and laughed before walking down the hall to the kitchen.
"Yo Kyra, my mama wants to talk to you." I shouted. Kyra ran down the hallway and grabbed the phone from me with a huge smile across her face. "Hi Anna."
I kissed her temple and walked in the kitchen getting a bottle of water. I made my way back into the living room just as their conversation ended.
"Yeah, I will. Bye." She handed me my phone and sat on my lap. "Don't you want to get out? You can walk and run now." I nodded and patted her legs telling her to get up.
"Beach, ill be back in fifteen minutes." She nodded. "You just wanna see me in a bikini."
I shrugged. "True enough." I said kissing her lips. "Don't be taking all day Kyra I swear you get dressed slow as fuck."
"Okay, so next time we go out. Imma throw my hair up in a bun and put on some damn sweat pants with no make up." She said smartly.
I shrugged. "I still don't give a fuck; you're beautiful." I said before walking out.
I went down to my apartment and changed into some cargo shorts and a tank top. I probably wont get in the water but Kyra has a little ass on her I wouldn't mind watching.
I dialed Tj to see what they were up to. "Yo?" he answered.
"Beach day, you niggas down?"
I heard a door open and some shuffling around before he spoke again. "Yeah I'm down, and ill bring Kay for Kyra. Hold on though..... Aye y'all ugly niggas wanna go to the beach?"
I heard a slue of 'yeah's, 'turn up's, and a couple guys talking about all the bitches that come to the beach on Saturday.
"Aight we on. They talking about going to get they girls or whatever. I'll see you in a few my nigga."
I went back down and knocked on Kyra's door. She opened the door in a two piece bathing suit causing me to lick my lips.
Her breast sat nice and her flat stomach made her look like a super model. That swim suit looked like it was made for her body shape.
"Cut it out." She blushed letting me walk in. "My bad, but damn."
She grabbed her beach bag and dropped a few things in it before pulling on a pair of shorts and a tank top.
"Let's go slow poke." She mugged me and grabbed my hand.
Once we got to south beach, everyone was already there. The guys were dunking each other and their girlfriends were either joining them or tanning.
When Kyra saw Kaylen, they screamed and ran into each others arms embracinging in a long hug like they hadn't just seen each other last week. They can be so rediculous.
"Yo Breezy!" Devin yelled jogging up to me. I dapped him up. "Sup nigga."
"Fuck you mean? You see all of these half naked females tryna get at me? This is the life." I chuckled. "Good luck with that man."
"Yo, you know Tyrone here." I kissed my teeth. "I ain't invite that nigga." I spat spotting him and Mya talking to some girl.
"That nigga Tookie invited him, you know they kick it heavy." I nodded. "We'll don't be expecting me to be cordial with the bitch and his bitch." Devin chuckled.
"Shouldn't never fucked that hoe."
"You ain't even gotta tell me cause I know." I muttered.
"How is shit going with you and Ky?" He questioned, both of our attention shifting to Kyra who was laying down in the sun. "She good man."
"You really feeling her?" I nodded. "Yeah, man. I don't know if that's good though." He gave me a side ways glance.
"Why not?"
"What happened before."
He scoffed. "Please don't tell me you fucking with that bitch." I looked over at him and he put is hands up. "I ain't holding my tongue. That bitch changed you man. Kyra is helping you! You still ignorant as fuck but that's normal."
I nodded. "I guess."
"Aye I'm finna go chill with my pussy for the night so I catch you later." I nodded and he walked out towards a group of girls.
I went over to Kyra and straddled her waist. Her eyes were closed but they immediately opened once she felt my weight on her.
"Really Cam? I was tanning." She said laughing. I ignored her complaints and ran my fingers down her body and admiring every curve. Her body was perfect in my eyes.
"Yeah, and you need it with your pale ass." She giggled and pulled me down completely on top of her, kissing my lips.
I knew I was too heavy to be laying on her the way I was, but she wasn't complaining. I rolled over and sat up straight so she was on top me and tightened my grip around her body.
My lips met hers once again, and my hands found their way to her ass, taking it into my hands and groping it.
"No fucking on the beach nigga." Tj yelled smacking my head. Kyra laughed and pulled away pecking my lips.
"I'm gonna go get in." I nodded and watched her make her way to the shore.
A shadow casted heavily over me and I looked up at Mya who was towering over me.
I can't never catch a break with these females.
"What do you want?" I muttered, my eyes glued to Kyra who was being dunked underwater by Dwayne. I laughed at the look her face when she came back up.
"I wanted to say sorry," she mumbled sitting down next to me. "I hate when you hate me.."
I chuckled. "Mya, I always hate you. Fuck are you wasting breath and time for?"
"Life is too short for this!" She yelled frustrated.
I nodded. "You right," she smiled.
"So why you still here again? You wasting life."
"Cam, why can't you give us a chance?!" She yelled frustration laced in her voice.
I stood up and got in her face. "Why the fuck are you still here? Bitch go bother yo own nigga!"
Everyone froze and looked at the scene unfolding in front of them. Mya had a butt hurt look on her face, but I couldnt give less of a fuck. She brought the ugly out of me.
Mya slow stood up and started to back away. It was clear across her face that she felt like crying.
I turned around and instantly threw my hands up. "Cam, who the fuck you think you is talking to my girl like that?!" He shouted.
I calmly returned to my seat in the warm sand and looked up at him. "The same nigga that fucked yo bitch and got her so sprung that she been feigning to suck my dick for a year. That's who the fuck I am."
"Fuck you nigga! All you do is talk shit!" Tyrone was beat red in the face as a crying Mya struggled to wipe hers.
"My nigga. You ain't got too many more times to come at me out of line. Me and you both know you don't want me to get up, cause if I do, you not gone walk out looking the same way you came in. Take yo little crying bitch and get out of my face with that shit," I spat harshly.
The guys on the team, being the dumb asses that they are, we're hyping up the situation.
"Come on Mya.." He grabbed her hand and pulled her up the hill as she continued to try and contain herself.
I looked up and my eyes caught Kyra's as everybody went back to what they were doing. That's how much me and Tyrone went at it. It was almost normal.
"Stop being scared of me and come here." She slowly walked over to me and I pulled her down on my lap.
"I don't like you like that Cam."
I nodded and rested my forehead against hers. "I know and I'm sorry. It's been like that with me and him for a minute." She nodded.
"The girl you where talking to," she mumbled. "You had sex with her?"
I nodded. "Once, I was drunk or I wouldn't have. I didnt know how to hold my liquor yet. Im only twenty-two. These niggas older and they was handing me drinks left and right and my stupid ass wanted to be one with the team and shit," she giggled at my sarcasticness and I chucked. "I guess she was eying me and took her chance. She caught feelings and I didn't even remember the sex at first till it came back later."
"And that's your teammates girlfriend?" I nodded. "He ain't never liked me though, that just gave him the opp to grow some balls," I muttered.
"I punched him an got suspended for two games."
"Speaking of games... When are you getting back on the floor? It's been three months since you healed."
He nodded. "I asked my coach and keeps saying 'soon'," he shrugged. "I don't know what that means."
"It means soon. Are you cleared?" She giggled.
"Yeah. There's only seven games left in the season though." I informed her. I swear Kyra knew nothing about basketball.
"I don't know then. Just have faith, you're an amazing athlete. You need to trust that he's doing the right thing," she ran her hand down my face and kissed the tip of my nose.
"I believe in you babe."
I looked up into her eyes, consummating that I had found the most amazing woman I could ever ask for and how close I've came to losing that. Kyra was everything I needed for me. She was a blessing in disguise.
I stood up from the sand and grabbed her hand, pulling her up with me.
"Where are we going?" She asked a smile spreading across her face. I kissed her forehead and pulled her towards the shore. "On a walk."
"Where you wanna go?"
I pondered my thoughts for a few moments before ultimately giving up. He asked me where I'd like to go one day, vacation wise and I'd never really thought about that so I had no immediate answer.
He nodded. "Imma take you this summer." I sat up on my bed and furrowed my eyebrows. "Wait, what?"
He chuckled and laid his surprisingly light body on my lower half. He kissed my torso and closed his eyes. "We gone go, when it warm up."
"Are you serious?" I asked in disbelief.
He laughed and opened his eyes. "Yes Kyra, now shut up." I started placing kisses all over his face making him laugh. "You're so perfect."
He shrugged. "I like making you happy." He admitted with a small smile before placing his lips over mine. "And your coconuts will look nice." He said wagging his eyebrows.
I laughed and placed my lips against his again,
My hands found his neck, locking right to pull us closer. He laughed into the kiss and rolled us over so I was now straddling him. I slid his shirt off and slowy ran my hands down his fit body.
I was so mesmerized every time his shirt came off.
"Why you always do that?"
I glanced up at him in confusion, wondering what he was referring to. We messed around all the time but it never went farther than p-g 13. That was weird to me.
I didn't have any ninety day rule or celibacy boundaries. When we finally had sex, I'd be all for it. It did seem like something always stopped us.
"You fixate when you get to my stomach." He sat up and scooted back resting his back against the headboard .
"It's so sexy." I whispered climbing up his body. He smiled and reached down to pull my shirt over my head.
His lips attached to the crevice between my breast, lightly sucking and placing gentle kisses, around the exposed skin.
His hands smoothed over my skin, his hand sliding up my back to unhook my powder pink lace, push up bra. He slid it down my arms, freeing me. He kissed my lips, his tongue swirling around mine as we shared this incredibly sexy , intimate moment with each other.
"You are so damn sexy." He mumbled against my neck. He bit into the skin of my neck earning a hiss. "Cam.." I moaned running my hands through his soft, curly hair.
His hands palmed my breast as my head fell back in pleasure. I pulled his lips back to mine and pushed his body flat against the bed.
"Shit, slow down." He mumbled as my lips connected to his neck. I was determined to leave a few hickeys on him.
I glanced up at the alarm clock and kissed my teeth. "Cam, I gotta go."
I sat up and crawled off this lap and grabbed my bra sliding it back on my body.
"What the fuck Ky?" He groaned placing his hand over his bulge. I sighed and grabbed my flats from my closet.
"I got a job, a few days ago." I said picking up the tshirt and sliding it on.
"Where at?" He yelled from the bathroom. "Fuck!"
I placed my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing. "A bar/grill called The Arrow."
"Ahh.." he groaned from behind the door.
I chuckled. "Need help?"
He kissed his teeth. "Shut the fuck up."
The toilet flushed and some water ran before he emerged from the bathroom. I walked over to him and grabbed his crotch. "I can help you next time." He kissed his teeth and smacked my hand away before catching my lips in his.
"Let me take you." He offered grabbing his car keys. I gave him a look and he picked up a different set of car keys.
"No lambo, we can take the range."
I nodded and slipped into my jacket, grabbing my purse. He grabbed my hand and pulled me down the hall as I giggled behind him.
He pulled up to the bar and kissed me again. "Call me, before you get off so I can be here." I nodded and got out walking in the bar.
I looked around for Ray and I spotted a guy waving me over. I made way over to him and he smiled shaking my hand.
"Good, you're on time." I smiled and nodded. "Yeah."
"I'm Ray, I was going to train you but we're busy tonight so Chanel will." I nodded and waved at her.
She smiled. "How old are you Kyra?" She asked leading me around the bar. "21, you?"
"22. I've worked here about a year. You'll love it. Ray owns the place and he's the chillest person. " I nodded.
"Me and you will alternate between the bar and the floor. You're resume said your experienced. You were a bartender?" She asked as she went behind the bar.
"No, but I got my license when I was in college." She nodded. "I'll give you the drink book then. Tonight you can chill around with me. He's going to make up your schedule and give it to you tomorrow so make sure you're here at eight."
She handed me a blue hurricane lemonade and l watched her interact with the customers, mentally taking notes.
Once her and my shift was over, she sat by me and ordered a drink from Kim, another girl who worked here. I met her when she started her shift.
"So, you single?" I blushed and shook my head no. She smiled. "Aww, your so sprung its cute."
I laughed. "My bad." I mumbled texting Cam to pick me up.
"Nothing wrong with that. It means you're happy. That's all that matters," she sipped from her drink and waved off the guy that was behind her trying to get her attention.
"How you getting home? You drove?"
I shook my head no. "He brought me. Ill drive tomorrow though."
She nodded. "Your so cool. Them other hoes be doing too much," Kim nodded. "Especially Ashley."
My phone buzzed and I looked down at it.
I'm here beautiful.
I hopped down from the bar stool and waved. "Bye, girls."
"Bye!" They yelled waving.
I walked out to his car and he opened the door, making sure I was in before getting in and pulled off. He looked over at me and I laughed. "What?"
"You like your job?"
I nodded. "I met the whole staff and this nice girl trained me." He nodded. "Good, you liked it."
"Yeah, I think it will make me feel more independent." He raised an eyebrow. "He cut you off?"
I chuckled and shook my head no. "Not exactly," I said.
"He wanted me to get a taste of what being in my own and working for stuff is like. He's not going to support me financially forever."
He nodded. "Niggas right Ky. You gotta grow up. You're by no means out of hand or even old, but your twenty one and most people your age ain't depending on daddy," he said with a chuckle. "Shit, I had a job at sixteen."
I sighed. "I need to use my college degree."
"What's it for?"
"It's a nursing degree." I said glancing out the window. He wasn't taking us home.
"Where are we going?"
"Austin's house. I bought him a TV." He said nudging his head towards the back seat.
"That was nice. You drunk?"
He laughed and grabbed my hand. "Naw, but this nigga got a dinosaur TV." I giggled. "Why couldn't he buy a flat screen?"
"Cheap as fuck. Austin is young, he need a little help and buying a eight hundred dollar TV ain't hurting me financially."
He met my eyes and I smiled. "That's really sweet baby." I leaned over to kiss his cheek but he turned his head and caught my lips quickly before smiling and returning his eyes to the road.
Austin's apartment complex wasn't as nice as the one me and Cam lives in but it wasn't at all dingy either.
Cam grabbed my waist and knocked on the door. Austin opened the door and dapped up his brother, giving me a hug after.
"Yo, what y'all doing here?"
Cam turned to the side and pushed the TV over the threshold.
"Throw that old ass TV away. Who gave that bitch to you? Mama?"
Austin sucked his teeth. "I bought it at a flea market." He nodded. "They really got yo cheap ass."
He kissed his teeth. "Kyra, how do you put up with this nigga?"
I shrugged. "He gives me candy."
He laughed as they started to rip open the box.
I sighed and shifted in my seat tucking myself in Cam's side. He glanced down at me and kissed my forehead before returning his attention back to the Suns game he and Austin were watching on his new flat screen.
"Aww, shit. Man, take that nigga out! He fucking up, that's the fourth turnover this quarter!" Austin yelled.
Cam just looked at him and shook his head. I was guessing he could care less about the game since he was in the NBA already.
My eyes started to feel heavy but I was fighting it best I could. I wasn't a fan of basketball so the game was boring. I'd never really been interested till I met Cam and I still hadn't seen him in action besides practice where he made everything look basic when I knew it really wasn't that easy.
"You look worn out baby.." He said with a chuckle, smoothing the hair around my face away. I nodded. "It's been a long day, I just want to lay down."
"Fuck!" Austin yelled,
Cam kissed his teeth. Yo, chill man. It's not that deep. They ass, they been ass, this shit ain't surprising." Austin chuckled and nodded. "True."
"You talk to Ari?"
"Yeah, she said she coming down and flying back for mamas birthday." He nodded and stood up grabbing my hand.
"She tired, so we gone head home bro." He nodded and gave me a hug before dapping up Cam.
"Get home safe yall. Thanks again for the TV"
He nodded. "Don't break it." He warned before we walked out.
"Cam, I'm not good!" He sighed. "Man, you fine Ky. You've never played, you can't expect to be great off the bat, but imma get you there."
"You have to say that!"
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