《Kyra (Completed)》14
We walked in the house and closed the door just as my father was coming down the hallway. He looked up at me and stopped in his tracks.
"You look like you've been crying. She told you huh?" I nodded.
"I'm so sorry, you were right about everything." He chuckled and opened his arms. "Come here."
I walked into his arms and broke down all over again. "You don't have anything to apologize for. How you felt was normal. I just want you to know I love you and I always will." He mumbled into my hair.
He pulled away and wiped my face. "Stop all that crying. Is there anything you want to ask me?" I sniffed and nodded.
"What's her name?"
"Lauren Taylor." I nodded. "Do you talk to her?"
He shook his head no. "No, I don't. I've ran into her a few times on accident."
"What?" I asked as we walked in the kitchen. We took a seat at the counter and he placed two hamburgers in front of me and Kaylen. "I cooked."
I nodded. "Thanks."
"Yeah. You were two years old and we were in the grocery store and we ran into her. You had no idea who she was but she knew exactly who you were. She stared at you for a while. She bolted out of the store like she stole something. Me on the other hand, continued to look for the Teddy Graham's we came in there to get and we left like we never saw her ass." I laughed and he chuckled.
"The second time was more recently. She lives in California. I was there on business. You were about sixteen. I went out to dinner to meet with a partnering company and she was there. She was with a man and a baby." He explained as he sipped from a bottle of Pepsi. "I think you have a little brother."
I almost choked. "What?"
He nodded. "She makes me sick. The whole thing does. I fought myself the entire night not to excuse myself and go over to her table. She couldn't keep you, but she can go off and have another kid? I already didn't want you to meet her, but that put the icing on the cake. That little boy has to be about five."
"I still want to meet her." I mumbled.
"I have some things I'd like to say to her." He nodded. "Good enough. At least you know the truth now."
I nodded and got up kissing his cheek. "I love you daddy." He chuckled. "I love you too."
"I want you to talk to Noni, she has been fighting at school and I don't want her to ruin her chances of getting into a good college." He disclosed.
I nodded. "I don't think I'm exactly a role model, I don't even have a job."
"But you went to college. You should get a job you know. I can't support you forever." I kissed my teeth. "Yes you could."
"Ok, let me rephrase that. I won't support you forever." I kissed my teeth and laughed. "I'll start looking. I am bored all day anyway."
He nodded. "Just make sure you talk to her. She thinks I'm too old to understand why she fought her."
I nodded. "You are."
I told them I'd see them in a little bit and went upstairs to my room. I was drained and tired and I wanted to be left alone.
Once I opened the door, my phone lit up because Cam was calling me. I looked in the mirror and plopped on my bed answering the call. His face popped up but he didn't look happy. Nothing new, I swear this man has a natural mean mug.
"Hey, babe."
"Sup, you been crying? Your nose is red and your eyes are puffy." I went on to explain my day and how I made up with my father. It was a pretty long stream of events but he stayed and listened to me.
"Wow, and you still want to meet her?" he asked. "Yeah, I mean. I want to meet my little brother."
He nodded. I swear he was quiet on the phone for five minutes trying to find the right words to say. I know the subject seemed sensitive but I felt okay. I cried all the tears I will about this and I need to move forward.
He nodded. "That means your staying up there?" I shook my head no. "I'm not going to look for her right now or anytime soon. I'm not ready."
He nodded. "Well when you decide that you're ready, ill go with you to Cali. Bitches be everywhere down there." I mugged him.
"Really?" I said with disbelief.
"Why you so salty? You my only bitch, I promise."
"Your not funny."
He kissed his teeth. "Nah seriously though, imma go with you. Be your shoulder or whatever." I smiled.
"Sounds perfect. Thank you." He nodded. I heard some yelling in the background and chuckled.
"Who's there?" I asked. "Everybody man.." He grumbled bitterly.
He looked behind him. "Nigga fuck are you doing!" He yelled.
I heard the person say something back but I couldn't hear what he said. It must have annoyed Cam because he kissed his teeth. "Aight, and when I hang up this call I'm smacking yo ugly ass."
I started laughing. "Cam you are so fucking mean."
"This nigga is drinking liquor out of a Togo container." I busted out laughing and he chuckled. "He deserve it."
"Well I'm going you let you go, you have guest to tend to." He sighed.
"I'm trying to pillow talk man."
I giggled. "Your disgusting."
"Nah, I just miss your little aggervating ass."
I kissed my teeth. "Whatever."
"Oh. You don't miss a nigga? Fuck you too. That's why you yellow as fuck."
I started laughing. "I'm a little lighter than you. Come harder."
"I ain't gotta argue with you."
I kissed my teeth. "True enough."
He shrugged. "Aight beautiful. Imma catch you tomarrow when you come back." I nodded and ended the face time call.
I came to the realization that I hadn't even seen Noni yet and I had been here for a day and a half. I was leaving tomarrow morning so I wanted to talk to her like my dad asked.
My door opened and Kaylen walked in sitting on my bed. My room looked the exact same way I left it. It was purple and white and I had quotes on the walls.
I've always loved purple so one day when I was like thirteen, my dad and I got up one random day and moved all the furniture from my room and started painting. My dad was always spontaneous.
"You okay?" I nodded. "You know if Noni is here?"
"Yeah, your dad picked her up earlier but you were crying and stuff." I nodded and got up.
Her room was down a different hallway then mine so I never saw her come in the house. I made my way down the hall way and knocked on her bright pink door. She opened it and a big smile spread across her face before she pulled me into a hug. "Hey, you okay?"
I nodded. "I was going to come say hey but daddy told me you might want to be alone for a while so I didn't."
"Yeah im cool. Your hair is growing girl." I ran my hands through her long black hair and she smiled. "I know right."
Me and Noni have different mothers so we didn't look too much alike. She'a had beautiful brown skin and long black hair. Lisa and my dad weren't together but she still had both of her parents unlike me. I still love my little sister, she just had it a little better.
Her mother is amazing and I love her. Lisa is really nice and she's always treated me like hers, but I'm not. As much as I wanted her to be she couldn't be and id hate to step on Noni toes, not that she would mind.
We sat on her bed and Kaylen tackled her. They started wrestling like they usually do. "Noni bitch you always gotta bite when you start losing."
I laughed as I sat watching them as they acted stupid. Kaylen was completely on top of Noni attacking her face with kisses as Noni fought to get from her grasp. "Cause you do too much."
They separated and laughed. "How's school, I hear you've been fighting."
"Did you also hear that bitches been getting outta pocket? Hmm?" I pursed my lips.
"What happened though? I told you - "
"We to pretty for that fighting shit. I know, which is hypocritical because you fought all through high school."
"True enough, but I don't want you to lose your scholarships over something childish. Next year if you fight someone, you'll be sent to jail and who wants to hire a girl with an assault record?"
She sighed. "I see where you're coming from. I'm done. I'll turn the other cheek."
I scoffed. "I ain't saying you gotta do that. You can argue the bitch down into the ground, but don't hit her. First at least. Dads gonna kill me."
She chuckled. "I'll tell him you helped, I mean you did. I need to polish up a little." We both laughed and I her a hug. "Thank you. Schools almost over anyway right?"
"Yeah. One more year." I laughed remembering that same feeling. "My mama stay giving me the 'Im gone kick you out when you eighteen' speech knowing she not though." We all busted out laughing.
"Seriously! She not though. She gone be lonely without me."
"What are you doing for your eighteenth birthday?" Kaylen asked.
Noni laid her head in my lap and shrugged. "Probably a dinner with them crazy bitches I got as friends." I nodded. "When are you guys leaving?"
"Tomorrow morning."
She frowned. "Bummer."
I chuckled. "You want to go out to eat or something?" She nodded.
"Okay go get dressed babe." I said leaving the room.
I jogged downstairs to my dads office and knocked on the door before entering. He looked up from whatever he was writing and waited for me to speak. "What are you doing?"
He sighed. "Marking down a presentation. I have to show for a company Monday. Some water bottle factory call Nature's BEST. He seemed uninterested. "Having fun?"
"No, I'm going to have to sit through them talking about how their bottles are made from natural materials but either way they put it, plastic is made from chemicals. It's bull."
I laughed. "Then why are you even giving them a chance to pitch it?"
"Image baby girl. Company can't down its appeal. They'll think we're no men." I nodded.
"Well we're going out to dinner. Pause this and come with." He sighed. "I can't Ky."
I walked over and turned the paper he was intently reading over. "You have all of tomorrow and I bet you were working on this yesterday Mr.CEO." He chuckled and nodded taking his glasses off.
"Come on, you need a break and a fresh brain tomorrow." He nodded. "Alright, meet you guys in the car."
What did I do with my life before I met Kyra cause a nigga bored as fuck alone. I don't know what I used to do, probably stare at walls bored out of my mind. I miss baby girl I ain't even gone lie about it.
"Yo?" I answered as a spoonful of AppleJacks entered my mouth.
"Wassup with my nigga?"I chuckled. "Fuck you want Cody? I told Austin I was coming tomorrow."
"Ayo Cam I can still beat yo young ass like you fifteen again my nigga watch it." I laughed. "Nigga your two years older than me and you ain't never beat my ass. You might have won. Don't get cocky."
"Whatever. Yo, let's go grab something to eat. I ain't seen you since you was in the hospital." I put my phone on speaker and walked in my closet pulling out this white t-shirt with Tupac on the front, his bandana in its rightful spot and a cigarette in his mouth.
"Aight where?" I slipped my feet into my bred 11's and grabbed my keys off the table.
"Fergs in like a half hour nigga." I nodded. "Aight. I'm on my way." I said before hanging up.
When I got there, I spotted Cody sitting at a table waiting, probably for me to walk in. I dapped him up and he chuckled. "Wassup bro?"
Ferg's was this popular bar/grill that everybody went to and hung out. They had the best buffalo wings I've ever tasted in my life and their fries were good too. Cody ate here for like a week straight after we came here for the first time, so I figured he'd want to come back when he said he wanted to go to dinner.
"Yo, you got taller since I last saw you!" I kissed my teeth and ignored his imbecilic comment.
I swear this nigga be acting like its a honnor to be one inch taller than me cause he don't ball. Fuck he just as good as me. He just don't want to go pro. This nigga wanna customize cars.
I mean he getting paid good working on Lamborginis and Aston Martins so I guess I can't hate on his hustle. At lease he successful with what he chose to do with his life.
He chortled and pulled out the menu that was lodged between the rack in the center of the table, containing common condiments.
"What you been up to though? Niggas saying you mean now." I kissed my teeth as a waitress took our drink and food orders and switched away. I hate when bitches try to prove a point. I don't need to you persuade me to look if its there already and switching hard as fuck makes you look loose and desperate.
"I'm the same." I mumbled.
"Why you always acting bored? Like nigga you not that chill."
I scrunched my face up. "When was I ever a loud ass nigga growing up Cody? I silently got bitches; you and that nigga Austin the ones who gotta do that sweet talking shit." He laughed.
"Naw, that's all Austin. That nigga still uses pick up lines." We both fell in stitches. "Lil nigga a lame Cody - give that nigga some swag man." I mumbled.
"He got that shit. He ain't ugly, nigga can dress. Just ain't got no game. Maybe if he shut up he could pick up a bitch."
"This nigga came in my house talking bout he about to fuck a hoe smelling like barbecue potato chips. I almost smacked that nigga." Cody almost fell out his chair because he was laughing so hard.
I watched him gather him self as a amused smiled spread across my lips.
"So you still single?" I questioned.
He nodded. "You know how it be with me. I ain't got the for time for that. They whine and complain and shit. When I find someone who all around doesn't annoy me, I'll wife her."I nodded and moved back so the girl could place my food in front of me.
She told us to tell her if we needed anything and then she left but not before smiling at Cody who merely sent a wink her way. After she walked off he chuckled. "Bitches.." We mumbled in unison before taking part in a hand slap.
Cody and me had the same mindset when it came to females. It's was kind of a 'I know what I want and if it aint that, I don't want it' type thing. You get it when you need it and send them packing..
"What about you? I feel like I already know the answer though."
I ran my tongue across my lips and shook my head. "Nah, I actually got somebody."
His eyes bulged out. "Word? What's her name?"
"Kyra - I couldn't stand her when we first met but she grew on me." He looked at me.
"If you ain't like her how was she constantly around you?"
"She was sleeping at my place for a few days.."
His face showed that he was piecing something together. "Oh, its that girl.."
I frowned. "How you know?"
"Mama was talking about her when they came over. She likes her man - " He mumbled.
"What she say though?"
He chuckled. "Nigga listen and stop cutting me off before I smack you." I put my hands up in defense and he continued.
"Said she had a good head on her shoulders and shit. I heard she pretty. "
I nodded. "Yeah, she beautiful."
He scrunched up his face. "Man, what the hell happened to you? You really like her huh?"
"I ain't finna fuck a bunch of hoes to prove I got it; I already know that. I ain't gotta wife a female to prove I'm capable of commitment; I already know that too. I just want to wait for the right person to come along and I found that. I ain't saying we finna head to the courthouse tomorrow morning, but I like her man.."
He nodded. "Well I want to meet her if you and mama talking straight. You know she couldn't stand Nel." I chuckled. "Man, she hated Chanel. She tried to be nice though."
"Bring her to my crib tomarrow. She can chill." I nodded. "I'll ask her. She out of town and she coming back tomarrow she might be tired."
"Aight." He mumbled as this random girl walked up to our table. I took a sip of the Bud Light Lime I was drinking and looked at Cody. He shrugged.
"Hey.." She said with a small smile. Me and Cody both sent a head nod her way but I was confused as to why she was at it table at the first place.
"So my friend over there has been watching you all night and she wondered if she could give you her number." She mumbled looking at me nervously.
"Where she at?" Cody questioned raising an eyebrow. She turned around and motion to a really cute girl that was was sitting alone at a table. She waved at me and I sent her a head nod and motioned her to come here.
She raised from the table and swifty walked across the floor to our table. "What's your name?" I asked as she shyly moved a piece of stray hair behind her ear.
"Leah." She said quietly.
"Aight. Why don't you and you friend come to this party he throwing tomarrow." I motioned towards Cody and she looked at him as he waved.
She nodded. "Sure."
I nodded. "Aight. Imma text you."
She nodded and they both said their goodbyes before leaving back to their table.
"Man, she was bad as hell.." Cody mumbled. "You gone hit it?"
I kissed my teeth. "Man, what?"
- In Serial8 Chapters
The Right Place At The Wrong Time
"What will you feel if, by inevitable circumstance, you never see your most beloved ever again?" ~~~ In the year 2000, 18-year-old Steven Vincenzo moved from the Philippines to the USA due to his father's promotion. They settle down in a small neighborhood known as Izzaya, in a city called Haggrew. Just a few days after moving, he finds out about a dark past from the Prohibition Era that still haunts the neighborhood, a dark past full of grizzly murders and kidnappings. Determined to know more about it, he finds out that there are ties to an old abandoned house he always passes by in the neighborhood, seeing it as a lead. Hesitant at first, due to the fear of breaking and entering. In order to find out more, he needed to go into the abandoned house where he finds a mysterious door that isn't like any other in the house. The infamous door that was presumed to be "The Culprit's Room." He enters the room where he suddenly got sucked in by an unstoppable force. He wakes up outside the abandoned house, to a confused girl in front of him trying to get him back into his senses. This girl was wearing vintage clothing and had quite a distinct accent that Steven had never heard of before, except in movies and TV series. Looking around, he knew something was definitely wrong. The abandoned house looked newly built along with other old houses in the vicinity. Trying to understand the situation he's in with all the clues he has, he eventually asks the girl what year it currently was to confirm his speculations. To this, the girl replies with a serious tone, "1927." Steven doesn't know what to do with all this information. Will he be happy that he could know more about the dark past and possibly try preventing it? Will he be distressed in trying to figure out how to come back to his own time?
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The Forgotten Lands
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I Just Want to Live a Peaceful Life!
Some people do their best in their second life, others become heroes after getting isekai'd. A handful of people go off to do great things after reincarnating in another world. Arthur just wants to work the safest job possible in his new, fantasy world. Sure, there's the threat of a Demon Lord ravaging the world with his giant armies, but there's already other people that's been reincarnated before him. Why use your overpowered ability to risk your life for a kingdom you barely know when you're living off minimum wage in a fantasy world?
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Words and Emotions of Me
"I write. I am a writer. I am proud of myself for writing."The last months have been a true roller-coaster of emotions for me, and I did the one thing a writer would do in such a situation-I wrote about them. I wrote until my fingers hurt from typing and I wrote until my hands were stained with ink.For me, putting feelings into words has always made me feel better, or helped me understand what I was going through. I believe in the healing and therapeutic power of writing.And so, I wrote poems. Poems that I want to share with the world.This is the collection of the poetry that I wrote so far. The poems that may be written in the future, after the collection is out, will also be uploaded.
8 121