《Kyra (Completed)》12
"Kaylen, I want to meet my mom."
Kaylen started rattling off about why I shouldn't search for her but I was too far in my own world. I had been thinking about this for weeks but this was the first time I spoke up about it.
Lately it seemed, everywhere I looked I saw a mother, child relationship and if I didn't get myself together I would break down.
Under all of this niceness and whatever facade I put on, there lies anger and the deeper you lurk you find the hurt I feel.
Kaylen has never understood and she never will because she will never be in my position. My father was my mother. My father combed my hair and took me dress shopping when I had a school dance.
My father, this person I'm convinced scared her away. He's why she doesn't love me; why she left me.
"Why are you suddenly so interested in this now? You could have been done this.." Kaylen stressed.
"Because its never been an option. He's guarded me from the the situation my whole life."
She sighed. "What are you going to do?"
"I want to go to Virginia." I blurted out.
Kaylen and I had been sitting in this small cafe in the city for an hour just catching up on things. She had been spending a lot of time with Tj and they were becoming extremely close. It was nice to see her with someone who treats her how she deserves to be treated.
"Oh, you going to see Uncle Michael?"
I shook my head no. "Grandma Rose."
"Your dad's going to be pissed if you go ask grandma." I shrugged.
I could honestly careless what my dad thought. He tore me away from my mother and I had to grow up without her. I want to know where she is; I want to meet her. I want to hug her and tell her that I love her. I want to build a relationship with her that we were never able to establish. I want the same love from my mother that Noni has, that Cam has.
"I don't care. I know Rosie knows; she knows everything."
She nodded. "We'll, I'm coming with, I want to see Rosie too. When do you want to leave?"
"Tonight." I said checking my phone. She looked at me in disbelief. "Ky I can't just drop everything like this. I, unlike you have a job."
"You work on Saturday?" I asked raising one of my brows. "No but-"
"We'll be back on Sunday. Tj won't die."
She chuckled fakely. "Haha, funny. What about Noni?" I scrunched up my face. "What about her?" I said walking out of the cafe.
This isn't Noni's issue.
For the last twenty minutes I had been running back and forth from my closet to my bed putting clothes in my suit case.
It was going on six and my flight leaves at eight. I was trying to get everything packed so I'd have an hour to think about anything I might forget to take with me.
My door bell rang and I scrunched up my face as I walked to go answer it. Kaylen was supposed to meet me at the airport, not come to my house. Knowing her she probably forgot.
I opened the door and Cam smiled. I licked my lips at his appearance and let him in closing the door behind him.
"Sorry, I ain't been over in a few days. This therapy been kicking a nigga ass. They helping me run and shit." I nodded.
He pulled me into a hug and I kissed his chin. "Cam.." I mumbled.
He looked down at me with a cute smile on his face and I blushed. Something about the way he looks at me now makes me feel special. "What's up." He answered smoothing out the back of the shirt I was wearing.
"I'm leaving.." I whispered.
He scrunched up his face and released me from our embrace. I bit my lip and crossed my arms backing up. "What did I do? If I upset you I-" I grabbed his hand and shook my head.
"It's not you, nor is it permanent. It's two days Cam." He sighed out of relief and nodded.
"Where you going?" He asked sitting on my couch. "To Virginia."
"It's where I'm from."
He nodded. "I get that, but we are you leaving so suddenly?"
"I need to find something I've been looking for for a long time. If you can understand."
He chuckled. "Naw, you talking in riddles and you look off; upset. You can't talk to me? Keeping thoughts locked in side yourself does nothing but wear and tear you."
I took a seat next to him but shifted my direction so that I was facing him.
"I know we haven't really had serious conversation so, I've never told you that I don't know my mother."
He furrowed his brows. "What you mean you don't know her?" He questioned.
"I've never known my mother; even since a little girl. I'd ask and ask about her and he'd never tell. My father has this hate for my mother that is so strong and I've never understood it. I just want to know her and know why I couldn't meet her. What's so bad about her?"
"You don't think he shielded you from her for a reason?"
"I can't think of one good enough to excuse him for what he did."
He nodded pulling me on top of his lap. He rested his forehead against mine and kissed my lips softly. I was beginning to love his kisses. "Is that why you seemed mad that day he called you in my room?" I nodded.
"So you're trying to find her?" I huffed and nodded. "I think my grandma knows."
He nodded. "I'm from Virginia too. I would come with you but I start back practicing tommorrow. I wish you luck anyway little nigga. Where you from?"
"North Springfield. You?"
He nodded. "Rich folk. I'm from Richmond. It's a bout a hour and thirty five minutes from you."
I smiled. "I knew you're father had a country accent." Cam laughed and nodded. "Yeah, I had a country lisp when I was younger but I grew out of it."
I laughed. "You were probably so cute."
He kissed his teeth and nodded. "Oh yeah, I always been a sexy nigga."
I started laughing. "Shut up."
"What time is your flight?"
"Eight." He looked at phone and his eyes bulged put. "Ky what the fuck? It's 5:30. When were you going to tell me?!"
"I was going to stop by on my way out but you're here so now I don't have to. Cameron please don't start an argument over that. I just want to lay with you till I leave. I don't want to fight with you right now." He sighed and pulled me into his chest slowly backing us into the hallway.
Giggles left my mouth as he smiled down at me. He made me feel silly.
He bit his bottom lip as my back hit the door to my bed room. "How long you said we got again?" He asked his mouth connecting to mine.
I sucked on his bottom lip and he groaned lifting my body up against the door, my legs resting around his waist loosely. "Thirty minutes till seven."
He nodded and pushed my door open laying us on my bed making sure not to hit my suitcase. "Can you help me close that?"
"Fuck you pack all this shit for? You're only going to be there two days." I shrugged. "I'm a girl."
He furrowed his eyebrows. "You is?"
"Shut the fuck up.." I mumbled.
He laughed and picked me up, my legs wrapping around his waist as we walked into my closet. He sat me on my dresser and started pulling out clothes from the racks. He made few trips from my bed room to my closet.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Repacking. Now you have three really nice outfits courtesy of yo personal stylist." I busted out laughing and hopped off the dresser heading back into my room.
"I would check but I don't have time. I'll just change clothes at my dads if I dislike anything."
He chuckled. "Whatever. Lets go before you end up being late."
He grabbed my suitcase and we walked out.
Me and Cam entered the large airport and I searched around for Kaylen. She wasnt in sight and I worried she'd cause us to miss our flight.
"Kyraaaaaa!" I turned around at the sound of her voice and smiled.
"Hey baby." I said kissing her cheek. She looked up at Cam and smiled before wagging her eyebrows at me.
"You're Cameron Johnson right?" He nodded. "Just call me Cam though, rest of my name ain't necessary." He mumbled.
Kaylen laughed. "I officially like you. I'm Kaylen, Kyra's cousin." He nodded. "You always this loud?"
"You always this smart mouthed?" He smirked. "Guess I got my answer."
"Likewise.. Soo? What are y'all?"
I looked up at Cam and he smiled and kissed my forehead. "This is my girlfriend." I blushed and buried my face in his side.
"Well... Boyfriend? Yeah, we gotta go." He chuckled. "Aight." He said before turning towards me.
"Text me when you land cause if you don't imma blow yo apartment up." I laughed. "Promise."
He nodded. "Can I have a kiss?" He chuckled and leaned down placing his lips on mine.
"I miss you." I mumbled against his lips.
"You ain't went nowhere."
We shared a laugh and I pecked his lips before letting go. I grabbed my suitcase from him and grabbed Kaylens hand.
"Be safe beautiful!" I smiled and waved. "Bye babe."
"Oh im babe now?" he said with a smirk as he slowly walked backwards. I blushed, ignoring his question before turning around.
After we checked in and went through security we sat in one of the terminals across from the waiting section for our flight.
We settled on Starbucks and I got a carmel apple spice seeing as how I disliked coffee. I figure that had always been a good trait about myself because coffee stains your teeth and can become addictive.
"When did you start going out with him?" She asked raising her left eyebrow.
"A few weeks ago. It's a long story for another day.." I was hoping to cut the conversation short. Kaylen would get loud in the middle of this airport if I told her how Cam treated me before he told me he liked me.
"I had saw you two at the club, sneeking off on game day. He's soo damn fine. What happened to Devin?"
"He found out Cam liked me and that was the end of that..." She nodded.
"We'll, he's sexy and tall as hell. Things really do come in threes." I started laughing. "Shut up Kaylen."
We got up and grabbed our bags heading to the walkway. The attendants checked our tickets and let us through.
Once on the plane, I set my phone to airplane mode and stuck my earphones in my ears closing my eyes.
Two hours and four minutes later we were landing in Richmond. Kaylen and I caught a taxi cab, making the hour and a half long drive to my dads house.
I was familiar with the distance because it was a trip I took almost every weekend when I was younger. I wasn't from the hood but you basically could say I was because of how much I was there. My friend Raina lived in Richmond and I would constantly come down just to hang out with her.
It's how I realized the difference between real and fake; stuck up and humble. The difference between where I was and where I belonged.
I used my old key and unlocked the door, pushing it open and walking in.
"Yassss! Air bitch." Kaylen yelled.
I laughed. "Right, it's hot to be as late as it is." I mumbled. "I'm tired as hell though."
She kissed her teeth. "You? I worked today. Tired is an understatement."
Some of the lights were on down stairs indicated that my father was home. Our house was huge and my dad usually housed our out of town family when events came around. There was plenty of room, and then some.
It was about 11:30, but I knew my dad would be up. He was a night owl and could stay up all night and go to work the next day and be totally functional.
"What the hell?!" His voice boomed out of nowhere. Me and Kaylen jumped startled by his sudden out burst.
He let out a sigh of relief and dropped the golf club from his hands. "What the hell do you have a golf club for?" I questioned looking at him skeptically.
"I hear voices in my house at damn near midnight. Last thing I expected was my daughter who lives out of town." He said in a 'duh' tone. "Sup Kay-Kay." She chuckled and ran giving him a hug.
"Hey uncle Mike. You look good."
He smiled. "Thanks. What are you two doing here?" He asked raising an eyebrow.
I didn't want to tell him I was going to see Rosie so I had to make up a quick lie. I looked over at Kaylen who looked as dumbstruck as me.
"Raina called and I missed her so I said I'd visit." He scrunched up his face.
"What airport did you fly into?"
"Richmond." He nodded. "Interesting. And doesn't Raina live in Richmond?" I sighed. "Why are you here? The truth this time?"
My father was way too smart to be talked to as if he was incompetent. I might as well tell him the real reason why I was here. I mean either way he couldn't stop me.
"I wanted find my mother."
He scoffed. "Dammit Kyra! Why?!"
I kissed my teeth. "I have a right to know her! Stop being an asshole about this!"
"Your going to open a door to something and you're not ready."
I scoffed. "Yes I am! I've been waiting my whole life! When will it ever be the right time?"
"Never Kyra! Not for me! Never! That's a can of worms that you can't close once the lid is off! I kept you away from her for you! You Kyra!"
"This was never about me and you know it! Something happened and its your fault that's why you get so defensive. You scared her off! That's why Noni was here years later!" I spat pushing him hard in his chest. My dad was on the cockier side so he didn't move an inch.
He sighed in defeat and put his hands up in surrender. "You know what? You're grown Kyra.. But when you learn, you're not going to see her in the same light I promise you."
Kaylen grabbed my hands and pulled us apart. "I'm going to bed. Kaylen the guess rooms are free game." He said before trudging up the stairs.
- In Serial9 Chapters
Reasons to Stay
Immortality has a cost, it differs from person to person. Some regret seeing their loved ones die, some regret they themselves cannot die, some regret the boredom and some regret nothing. This man regrets not having a choice, so after millions of years of getting shot, beheaded, beaten, stabbed and stoned he escaped from the world by hiding in a bunker with his books. He had studied all forms of science, he had lived history and created art, he was content with being alone with his mind until one day a man with a monocle appears, and he learns the truth. Hi! This is my second novel and I just had this idea when I was trying to sleep and my mind was making me re-live all those goddamn nightmares you don't want when it's 1 am and dark as shit, so I thought of happy things like the fantasy genre and my inevitable death and i'm like why not?
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During the Taiping Rebellion in the 1800s, the rebels conquered a third of China and its wealth. When the Qing Dynasty recaptured the Taiping capitol of Tianjing, the remaining rebel forces fled with the Heavenly Kingdom's treasury. Grant Foreman believes these to be the fantasies of history enthusiasts until a rare gold Taiping coin is found in another part of Asia. Grand events are set in motion as Grant's wish for a peaceful college life is interrupted by unnecessarily hazardous adventures, incredibly gorgeous women, handsome dangerous men, and unexplained phenomenons. The thrills of life just don't stop for the university's unlikely adventurer.
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Landfill Life
Humanity is dumping an ever increasing amount of scrap into landfills.Plastics which no organism can digest.Chemicals so toxic no organisms known to man dare touch.Yet life finds a way amidst all this.The plastic can be absorbed as armor.The chemicals contain potent energies.
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Soul Status (HIATUS)
The MC lives in a world where having a status is commonplace but due to an incident in the past he himself has no name due to not having the ability to summon his status. Being close to 15 years old the MC must now go to school and against all odds somehow survive 3 years against people who are powered by their status. If he can't then his life will be jeopardize as the MC won't be able to get a job and he doesn't have any other options due to him being statless. Can the nameless MC somehow produce a miracle in being able to accomplish the impossible and be on par with his peers at school? *Note: I'm very new at writing and would be happy if people would point out what needs to be done to improve my story and I will try to at least post 1 chapter each week. I will also update/modify the story's tags if anything changes as the chapters go on. Soul image is found in this website https://www.circleofhope.net/blog/what-do-you-think-about-the-soul/ and the word status is a snapshot of an image found in this website https://www.shutterstock.com/search/status?searchterm=status&page=2
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Delicate as Glass
[participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge] Nuri, an [Assistant Glassworker], only has a single Skill. It’s really not fair. He’s worked in the hot shop his entire life, following in his father’s footsteps after his parents passed away, but he’s stuck. Despite possessing above-average talent as an artisan, he still hasn’t shed his [Assistant] status, gained a second Skill, or even leveled enough to reach the first Threshold. Besides, he’s bored; most days he daydreams of adventure and becoming a hero, or pines for the renown that’s sure to be his if he evolves his Class into a [Master Glass Smith], but nothing ever changes—until suddenly, fate strikes, and nothing is ever the same again. These days, Nuri sees more magic, prestige, and adventure than he can handle as he gets swept up in realm-shaking conspiracies and desperate fights for his life. Maybe a boring life wasn’t so bad after all. Disclaimers: 1) Names were mostly chosen through random generators and aren’t necessarily final. If they seem derivative or boring, blame RNG. 2) Skills, Classes, levels, and the entire system is currently a work in progress; please be kind if it’s not very well fleshed out yet. 3) This is the first full-length novel I've set out to write without a single plot point ready. I had nothing in mind other than a recent visit to a hot shop. Molten glass is pretty awesome. 4) Related, I know much less about glass than I’d like. I did some research, but mistakes are bound to happen. If you have a correction, thanks! Please be polite about it. 5) The prose is my experimental attempt at first-person, present tense. I realize it may not be everyone’s preference, but I hope you’ll give it a try anyway!
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The Royal Ice Princess
Zoe is denied of her destiny. A destiny which is her birthright. A birthright denied by her own family.Living with a man who is as hard as nails, you tend to pick up a few things. Zoe learned a long time ago that showing emotions just proves that you are weak, so she turned into a heartless bitch or at least for the world. She was a rock, a confidante and idol to her friends and loved ones.But one day, everything changed with the arrival of a new student in school. He came like a storm, bringing back memories, opening old wounds just to find the mystery that Zoe is, because even in all the mess, there is a secret that Zoe is hiding.But will it be too late for Zoe before her secret destroys everything?Love. Relationship. Friendship. Loyalty. Drama. Mystery. And a little bit of royalty and palace politics thrown into this mix.Follow Zoe in her journey, where she has to face her past, let people in her heart, forgive those who hurt her and most of all learn to love before its too late.......... ***I suck at description but please give this story a chance. Its not something you might have read before.
8 143