《Kyra (Completed)》10
I applied light makeup and straightened out my obnoxiously curly hair. I stuck my big hoops in the holes of my ears and turned to the side giving myself a once over. I had left my front door open, Kaylen texting me that she'd be here in a few minutes.
I was pleased with my appearance and she said she had something for me which was strange.
"You ready babe?" Kaylen asked knocking lightly on my door before walking into my room. We both had on white t-shirts and pants. Her were jean and mine were a leather looking material so we weren't matching, thank god.
I hate when two females match. It's weird.
She held a plastic shopping bag in her hand and she sat on my bed pulling out two basketball jerseys.
She tossed one on my lap and I picked it up, looking at the teammate printed on the back.
I almost mugged the shit out of Kaylen for buying his damn jersey but she wasn't aware that I knew Cam and that I didn't like him. Well, he didn't like me.
I honestly have no problem wearing his number but I'm coming to support Devin, Cam isn't even playing. Not that I would even come for a asshole like that.
"Really?" I said giving her a stale face.
She shrugged slipping on the jersey that had Tj's number on the back. "They didn't have Devin's number in your size."
I slipped the jersey on and looked in the mirror. With my hair down, you couldn't see the back of the jersey so I pulled my hair up into a neat high ponytail.
"This is weird, K. I don't think I should be wearing this nigga friend number to the game. Especially knowing Cam don't fuck with me like that."
Kaylen rolled her eyes. "I get what you saying, bu he might not even notice fr. Plus its too late to be trying to find another outfit. We're already running late. Lets just leave right after the game. He won't even see it."
"Come on girl, we're gonna be late!"
I slid my feet into my low top, black and white lugged Chuck Taylor's and grabbed my purse off my bed. I nudged her forward and and we walked out.
Outside of the arena there were food courts and stores to purchase team gear and souvenirs. Kaylen and I stopped at one of the tables containing markers and huge posters and made a sign for a small girl.
We were simply walking by and her mother begged us to draw a picture for her daughter. We were definitely caught off gaurd, but we didn't mind helping.
The stadium was extremely loud even before the game started. Since the heat had been the repeating champions, the crowd was full and hype. Lucky for us, Tj managed us court side seats to the game so we had a perfect view of everything.
I knew little to nothing about the game of basketball, but I had absolutely no problem sitting here for two and a half hours.
I was five feet away from sexy, athletic, fit men. The fact that they were sweaty and focused made me even more turned on.
The lights in the stadium went off cuing that the game was about to start. A short pudgy man jogged to the middle of the floor and the crowd went wild. I had no clue who he was.
"Wassup MIAMI!" He shouted into the microphone. "Are you ready for the reining champions!" Kaylen started screaming next to me and I just laughed and clapped. This man was making everything more exciting.
The mascot, Burnie; ran out on the court performing a back-flip onto a trampoline and dunking the ball into the hoop.
Me and Kaylen stood up screaming at the performance. That had to be incredibly difficult to perform in a costume and he did effortlessly. He deserved the applause.
"" The man shouted. "I said,"
The crowd went ballistic as the players ran out on the court and started doing little hand shakes and dances as the announcer called off the starters and their names.
I noticed Cameron sitting behind the bench on the sides of the small aisle they formed. He was in a charcoal grey fitting suit, a bright orange tie perfectly knotted around his neck. His crutches were not where to be found on the ground beside him and a big smile was on his face once his teammates sat on the bench.
They were all happy to see him, dapping him up and giving side hugs as they sat down.
The players headed out on the floor, one player from each team heading to the center for the jump ball.
The heat got the ball which was good. They went through a series of plays and calls throughout the team. You could tell what starter was replacing Cam because he wasn't as in sync as the other players were.
The heat had better offense and defense than the team they were playing against, the Minnesota, Timberwolves.
It seemed as if the other team cracked under certain circumstances. When the Heat pulled ahead in a almost twenty point fourth quarter lead, the wolves became extremely sloppy. They started fouling something terrible rewarding the Miami Heat with a amazing win.
I ran out to get some cheese fries before returning back. People were leaving the arena, still cheering for the win. Kaylen stayed seated, her head, buried on her phone. "Come on Kay."
"Ooh, let me have some!" She squealed stuffing a few fries in her mouth. I frowned. "Slow down, before you be looking fat when you see Tj tonight."
She mugged me, but stopped eating my fries after I made the comment. "Fine, but what about you? You gonna be looking fat when you see Devin."
I kissed my teeth. "I never gain weight when I eat. Your stomach sticks out for like four hours." I said laughing as we reached her car.
She rolled her eyes. "What you wearing tonight?" She asked looking over at me.
I shrugged. "I'll find out when I get home. I unpacked the rest of my clothes this morning. I've never done so much ironing in my life." I said as I replied to the text Devin had sent me.
"I'll see you at the club babe!" She yelled after I stepped out of the car. I waved and watched her pull off before walking in the building.
As I walked towards my door, I found it strange how me and Cameron didn't run into each other anymore. I didn't want to see him, but I wasn't exactly avoiding him either.
It was two minutes past ten so I had about an hour to get ready for the club. I took a quick shower and walked in my closet to search for an outfit.
I didn't feel like wearing a dress or a skirt for that matter so I settled for some dark wash jeans, cuffed at the bottom that fit perfectly. I never wore my clothes extremely tight. They fit the way they were made to fit. I didn't have the fattest ass or the biggest breast to be showcasing them to the world anyway.
I got dressed in a cute black dressy crop top and paired it with some dark wash distressed skinny jeans. I grabbed some strappy snake skin heels and a matching clutch to complete my look and headed to the bathroom.
I put on some lipgloss and did my eyebrows. That's all you really needed when you were naturally beautiful.
I looked so good and I wanted every man in that damn night club to be drooling over me the second their eyes landed on me.
I grabbed my clutch, dropping my keys and my cellphone in before heading out.
The line to the club was wrapped around the building. I wasn't sure if the club was really popular, or if it was that the females knew the players were here.
I walked to the front of the line and the bouncer asked for my ID. I accidentally forgot it at home. I cursed to myself.
He looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "Is there a problem?"
I chewed my lip, "I forgot it, but I really am 21! I promise."
He laughed. "Nice try, no ID no entry "
"But my friends are inside they can vouch-"
"No ID, no entry."
"Sir-" I started.
"Yo, if I gotta say it again. I will remove you! I really don't want to so I suggest you walk away." He warned.
I rolled my eyes and took a step back. I placed my hand on my hip. "Do I look like a little ass kid to you?"
"No, but you look underage." He shot back. "Does it matter how old look?"
"I cant let you in here. Im sorry."
I huffed and sighed in defeat. I rolled my eyes turning around. I got dressed up just to get denied and be told to go home.
"Kyra?" I glanced up to see who called me and Cam was walking up to the entrance where I was standing.
He looked good; really good and he was walking. His crutches were gone but he had a small boot on his foot. A white t-shirt and a dark wash jean jacket graced his shoulders and olive green cargo pants fitted perfectly against his waist. A simple gold chain hung around his neck, a fitted cap on his head and tan timberland boots on his feet.
"Hey.." I said awkwardly biting my lip as I looked him up and down. I seemed as if he was doing the same to me.
He was definitely one of sexiest people I've ever met.
"You, leaving?" He asked raising an eyebrow. I nodded. "They won't let me me in. Apparently, I'm underage because i forgot my ID."
His face scrunched up. "I thought you were twenty-one?"
"I am, he just doesn't believe I am."
"I can't get you in, but you gotta play along with me aight?" I looked him confused. "Huh?"
He grabbed my hand and waved at the screaming females in line as we approached the bouncer again.
"Sup, Rick? Why you ain't let Kyra in?"
"She's ain't got no ID Cam. I can't." Cam chuckled and wrapped his arms around around me from the back.
I felt awkward because this wasn't like him at all, but at the same time, his touch was warm and inviting, unlike his usual attitude. It was weird to see this side of him but I liked it.
"Rick, she just has a damn baby face. She's 21, i promise. If anybody ask let them know she with me." He chuckled before kissing my neck. "She's my girl."
His soft lips sent a shiver down my spine. I glanced up at him and he looked down at me with a cute smile on his face that made me smile.
He smelled so good.
"Oh, shit. My bad for giving you a hard time little lady." I smiled and nodded. "No problem."
"Go ahead." He lifted the rope and Cam released his grip, grabbing my hand.
We walked into the club and instead of dropping my hand, he held it. The club was loud, bumping a French Montana song that had the crowd hype. I smiled at the scene. It had been way too long since I went out.
"Cam?" He turned around. "Hmm?"
I glanced down at out intertwined hands and he cleared his throat before dropping his hand from mine. "My bad." He said scratching the back of his neck.
I nodded. "Thank you for that. It was nice. I'll get out of your way now."
He kissed his teeth. "Kyra.."
I waved him off. "It's okay." We walked up to the VIP and the security guard glanced back at Cam before letting us through.
A body pressed against mine and I smiled hugging Kaylen back.
"You look so sexy Ky Bear." I smiled and twirled. "Thanks, you too mama."
"You got the belly out? You tryna get Devin to fuck you tonight for something? You know I'm for it. Trey must get boring."
I chuckled. I forgot I didn't tell her about what happened with me and Trey. She always never cared that we had sex.
"We stopped that a few weeks ago." She gasped. "Really? What happened?"
"He caught feelings and I don't look at him like that." She frowned. "Aww, my poor chocolate baby."
I chuckled. "Whatever."
She smiled. "Devin is probably packin though. I have a theory that all basketball players have huge penises."
I started laughing loud and ugly. "We're did you conjure the theory from?"
"Big feet, big meat? Come on, I know you've heard that." She said laughing. I nodded. "I guess."
A set of arms wrapped around her waist an she blushed. He kissed her cheek and waved at me. "Sup little bit." He greeted with a grin.
I smiled and sent him a head nod. "You guys are like already cute. It's sickening." He smiled. "This gone be my baby soon enough." She grinned wide. "Aww."
I rolled my eyes. "Where is Dev?"
Tj turned around a pointed to a group of guys, talking near the back corner.
I nodded and made my way over. I spotted Devin and I smiled. As I neared the group, some guy pointed to me and Devin turned in my direction confused before smiling.
He met me half way and pulled me into a hug. "I'm glad you came, damn you look good." I blushed. "Thanks."
"You came with Cam?" I frowned and shook my head. "No?" I asked confused.
"Oh my bad, I though since you two messed around he would have just brought you."
I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Did he just say messed around? Cam can hardly stand to touch me, how could we ever mess around and where was Devin getting that from?
"Messed around?" I asked.
He nodded. "Yeah, he told me y'all kissed before the day I came over to help you." He said before chuckling. "Shit, I wanted you but I guess he beat me to the punch. No hard feelings though, that's still my nigga. He just got the beautiful girl first."
I was lost in the sauce at this point. Either Devin was absolutely nuts, or Cam lied so Devin wouldn't pursue me which I don't understand because Cam hates me.
I decided I was going to teach Cam a little lesson since he decided he wanted to lie. I was going to play along with this little game he had going on.
I leaned up and kissed the side of Devin's mouth. He smiled and patted the small of my back, saying he'd talk to me later before going back to his conversation.
A waitress walked by with a tray of shot glasses and I quickly downed three regretting it as the Hennessy traveled down my throat.
I searched for Cam and spotted him sitting on the couch with some half dressed girl. She was smiling big in his face, coming off as if she was easy. How could you take her seriously?
I swooped my hair to the side and made my way over to him. I sat on the other side of him and glared at this girl.
"Hey, babe. Who's this?" I asked glancing at the girl across from me.
"Briana." She answered.
I smiled fakely and nodded. "I'm Kyra."
She pursed her lips. "Who are you exactly?" She said with a hint of attitude.
"This handsome mans girlfriend." I said with a smile as I placed a hand on his waist.
She nodded. "My bad."
"Kyra, what the-" I cut him of quickly. "You want a drink babe? They have Henny?" I licked my lips, averting his attention to them.
He looked down at me and furrowed his eyebrows. "What?"
I looked at the girl and chuckled. "Must be all of the drugs he's taking for his foot. Do you mind getting my boyfriend a drink?" I asked leaning into his body.
She nodded awkwardly and got up. I was sure she wouldn't get the drink because at this point she was either confused, jealous or mad as hell that he was 'taken'. Maybe all of the above.
"Fuck are you doing?" He asked clenching his jaw.
I put on a innocent look. "What are you talking about?" I asked with small smile. He kissed his teeth. "Don't play stupid."
'Juicy' by Pretty Ricky came on and I squealed. I was finna hype up the bar a few notches.
I stood up and sat on his lap. He placed his hands on my waist, probably to push me off but when I started grinding my hips on his, his hands relaxed against the bare skin of my waist.
I bit my lip and swung my hair to the side seductively as and moved my hips smoothly against his. He started to grind back and I smirked looking back him.
Our eyes met, lust apparent in his.
I lifted off and on of his lap as I grinded hard into his pelvis and he threw his head back. I felt his erection growing and smirked to myself.
After the song ended I moved to get up but he pulled me back into his hard chest, his arm wrapping diagonally across my body.
"What the fuck are you doing? That shit ain't cool." He gritted out lowly in my ear. I chuckled. "You weren't complaining two seconds ago."
He kissed his teeth. "I don't know what you're doing? But cut that shit out." He said releasing me roughly.
I smiled and stood up reaching my hand out. He looked up and mugged me. "You better hurry up before everyone notices how hard you are."
He contemplated whether to get up but I knew I had won already. He stood up and grabbed my small hand in his large one. I held him close behind me, covering his front as we made our way to the hallway leading to bathrooms of the VIP sections.
Kaylen looked at me confused and I have her a look, signaling I was okay. She nodded and turn back to whatever Tj was talking about.
The hallway was clear of people and once we were out of sight. I turned to Cam and flicked his nose. I know that was childish, but I didnt care.
"Man what the Fuck is wrong with you? You on some weird shit." He said while rubbing his nose.
I scoffed. "Why are you telling people we kissed Cameron! You know damn well we have never kissed before."
He kissed his teeth. "Fuck would I tell somebody we kissed for? Get the fuck out of my face! I should have never helped yo ass get in this bitch!"
I raised an eyebrow. "Cameron, look me dead in my face and tell me you didn't tell Devin and Tj we kissed when they stopped by your house after they helped me. Lie to my face." He chuckled and looked away down the hallway.
I scoffed. It was actually true.
"You just can't let me be happy huh?! I leave you alone and you still continue to try and make my life miserable." He looked down at me, but stayed silent.
I didn't understand what I ever did to him that was so damn bad. I didn't deserve for him to 86 me and Devin before I even got a chance to get and know him. Now that Devin thinks we kissed, he's not even thinking twice about pursuing me.
Cam ruined that.
I sighed in defeat. "You win. I give up." I said throwing my hands up." I turned to walk away and he grabbed my arm.
"What Cam?" I questioned, rolling my eyes. "You've made it clear I get on your nerves. What more do you have to say?" I felt my snarl on my face.
"Get your hands off me too" I added looking at his arm still wrapped around my wrist. Cam stepped forward and pinned me against the wall, puzzling me. I tried to break free but it was no use, he was too strong. His muscle completely overpowered my body.
"I'm sorry." He said lowly. I almost couldn't believe those words left his lips. He wasn't the apologizing type. Not to me at least.
"Why'd you do it? You hate me that much? Or is it because you don't want to see me with Devin? I get it. He's your friend, you hate me. Make perfect sense! Your a-"
"This is the last time imma tell you that I don't hate you." He spat cutting me off harshly. "You ever stopped to consider that I did it because I want you?"
My eyes softened and he released me from his grip, backing into the opposite wall of the hallway. Two drunk girls walked by, giggles leaving their mouths as they made it to the lady's room, pushing the door open and stumbling in.
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Tunio is orphaned by the dark elves completing the break of the curse. Charged by his father to forgive, Tunio seeks to start his own life. He is sent away from Fort Northern Wiles with Captain Hiwot. Onboard he makes friends with Aquillia the Elf, Metilia the half elf, and Gazali the captain’s son. They arrive at Peace Landing the Gnomish island city.King Angularis fears for his own crown, as plots and intrigue begin to surround him. The first of the eight seals have fallen, and the fear is that another will fall. So, he seeks to find the Belt of Veritas which is rumoured to have the ability to grant the wearer the discernment between lies and truth.Anatoli loses his mother and discovers that his father has another son, a true son that he didn’t abandon and seeks revenge on Tunio. First taking his fathers sword and then doing what he can to hamper Tunio even if it means lying to the king.
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The Tales of the Revolution
Synopsis: As a scholar of science and technology, Joseph Algorith was a man who pursued his dream in unrealistic methods, using his intelligence to surpass all hurdles in this Galactic Era. He was an idealist that combined his thoughts with realism. However, unbeknownst to him in how it had happened, he had gained the opportunity to research a new system, a massive planetoid shrouded in mysteries and magic. However, to fully realize his ambition and creativity, he must save the human race of this magical world, filled with different races and monsters. “The Heavens had forced me, so I shall propose and never will be disposed of.”- Joseph Algorith Spoiler: Basically, he is reborn, with his knowledge as a scientist of the galactic era, into a new world with magic and aura powers. In this world, humans are part of the 7 major races, but two (or three) are planning to enslave them, while the others are watching on the sidelines. His plans are to develop modern weapons to strengthen the human nation because the mages and aura users aren't immortal or have steel flesh even as they get more power to the point they can deal damage of a howitzer using special moves. Though it doesn't mean that there aren't magical armours (and other things)... Extra: I'm not sure if romance will be in this. Depends on whether you, the readers, would like it or how I develop the story further. And there won't be an exact release schedule as I prefer my pace of writing and because I'm busy in life (school and extra activities, FML). If you find any mistakes, please remind me. Also, my writing style and the pace of the story may be slower than other stories you might have read on this website. Though I may make some revisions with the story, considering my editor's thoughts. Also, my story has some concepts from RTW in terms of the idea of creating weapons in a magical world, however, the plot is mine. After reading, tell me, what do you think of the beginning? What do you think your rating would be.?If possible, comment down below anything that could help me improve or to express your thoughts. Lastly, please NO COPY AND PASTE!
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Siren's song
Being a popular singer isn't easy at all but being a Siren is even harder. Most humans are drawn to the song a siren sings. What about demons, tho?That was something Iruma was about to find out soon, as his parents sold him away. He was adopted and didn't mean anything to them to begin with. Too bad that this was just the beginning of the little siren's adventure through the underworld.A/N:Feel free to correct my bad writing.Rights on the pictures go to the artist.I do not own Mairimashita! Iruma-kun! , rights to the owner.
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