《Kyra (Completed)》6
I got up and made my way out of my house and down the hall to her door. I wasn't letting her sleep on the floor.
I don't usually go out of my way like this but it's something about her that won't let me allow her to sleep like that.
What would my mama think? She'd slap the taste from my mouth.
I knocked on her door and leaned half of my weight onto my left crutch to steady myself in the fluorescently lit empty hallway.
The door opened and she gave me a blank face. She didn't say anything, but her face held a bored expression.
"Come on." She had changed her clothes, now having on some shorts that fit perfectly around her waist and a hoodie shirt top that stuck snug to her small frame.
I chuckled. "When did you become so stubborn?"
She scoffed. "Seriously, if you don't want nothing, get from in front of my door."
I sighed. "Just, come on. You not sleeping on the fucking floor period.." She sighed.
I knew she didn't want to sleep on that floor, that much was clear and she wasn't going to. She had finally given in; it was written across her face.
"What is wrong with you? Like seriously?" She stepped out of her house and shut the door.
I unlocked my door and pushed it open for her. She ducked under my arm and entered. I walked in behind her kicked my single Jordan shoe off.
"Ain't shit wrong with me.. Fuck is wrong with you?" I mumbled.
She shook her head. "Freckles, you are a piece of work." I rolled my eyes at the nickname.
I hated my freckles.
I frowned. "Why you always calling me that shit? I swear you anoying as fuck." I questioned. She shrugged. "I like your freckles."
I twisted my face in the ugliest scowl to ever grace the earth. "They're ugly.. Cut that shit out."I mumbled.
"No they're not."
"Yes they are."
"No they aren't. Stop that."
I groaned. "Man, Kyra shut the fuck up! You don't have them."
"Sometimes you have to learn to love your impurities to fully love yourself. I have a heart shaped birthmark on my side. I hated it my whole life and then one day on the beach, someone told me it was beautiful; your freckles are beautiful." She hesitantly ran her her finger tips down the side of my face before dropping her hand.
She left me to think about that as she made her way into the spare room. I walked down the hall to my room and turned on the light in the bathroom. I started at my reflection for a moment before shaking my head and walking out.
Fuck what she talking about..
A knock on the door, brought me out of the sleep I was immersed in. I sleepily opened my eyes and checked my phone for the time. I hated being woken up early as hell.
... Really?
I slid out of bed and opened the door. Freckles looked down at me before scratching the back of his neck.
He was fully dressed so figured he was going somewhere, what I didn't understand was why he was leaving so early.
"I'm leaving so I wanted to let you know in case you needed me." He mumbled.
"How could you possibly help me injured though?" He looked down at his ankle and then up at me.
"I'll be back at like nine o'clock."
I nodded. "Not to be nosey or dig, but where are you going?"
"For?" I asked confused.
Who practices for what at five in the morning?
He looked at me like I was crazy as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I was still really tired.
"Do you know who I am?"
I looked at him dumbfounded and arched my eyebrow. "Should I?"
"I play basketball." I nodded.
"For the Heat..." he murmured.
That's why he's an asshole.
"Explains why your rich."
he nodded. "Why are you going to practice? Your injured."
I shrugged. "They asked me to and I said yeah. Stop asking me shit.."
I nodded. "Well, I'm sleepy soo.... Yeah." I mumbled trying to cut the conversation short.
"Yeah, yeah. If you leave make sure you lock the door."
"Cam, I will still be sleeping when you get back." I mumbled.
"Right, right... Yeah bye." I closed the door and crawled back on the bed, shutting my eyes for a second time.
The doorbell woke me up this time. I groaned and threw a few punches at the pillow under my head before getting up.
I combed my fingers through my slightly tangled hair a little before opening the door.
A woman and a man stood at the door with smiles that dropped the minute they saw me instead of Freckles.
"Hi? Is this the wrong apartment honey?" She asked directing the last part to the man next to her.
"Are you looking for Cam?"
They nodded. "We're his parents." I almost coughed on my own spit.
I looked down at what I was wearing and cringed and my appearance. I wasn't tackly dressed or skimpy but it wasn't the most presentable either.
"Oh, he's not here."
She frowned. "Oh.." I stepped aside to let them walk in and shut the door behind them.
"Not to be rude or anything but who are you?" She asked sitting her purse down besides her.
I couldn't help but notice how much Freckles and Ariel resembled her. He had her smile and Ariel possessed the same dimples as their mother, not as deep but pretty close.
He got his height from his father. Freckles's dad was either the same height, or a few inches taller than him and they were built the same.
"I'm Kyra." She smiled. "We'll nice to meet you sweetheart. I'm Anna and this is my husband Clinton."
I smiled. "Nice to meet you."
"Do you know when Cam will be back?" Clinton asked.
"He said about nine. He's at practice." He nodded. "Thank you."
I figured I wasn't getting anymore sleep so I should go home and find something to do. I bought a lot of stuff for my house but didn't have the furniture to place it on.
I grabbed my purse and head towards the door. "I have to go, do you need anything? I have no problem running errands."
They both shook their head no. "Thank you anyway honey." I nodded. "Nice meeting you two." I said before walking out.
"Hey, are you in the area?" I asked after he answered the phone.
"Yeah, wassup?"
"I need a huge favor."
He chuckled. "Anything." I smiled.
"Can you pick my kitchen set up and help me get it up here."
He laughed. "Little ass. Aight. Text me the info ma."
"I will thank you."
"No problem."
"I'll give you two hundred dollars if you can make that shot Johnson." Coach challenged.
"I don't want take your money old nigga." He chuckled.
"Cam, it's baby change." I raised an eyebrow. "Oh, forreal? Wassup then."
I reached down and grabbed my crutches from the floor beside me.
"Get this nigga a chair before he fall over and be out a extra month!" Tj yelled causing loud laughter from my teammates to roar through the gym.
"Tj, shut the fuck up. Bitch you get two minutes playing time." Everyone laughed but Tj causing me to laugh.
I made my way to the chair that was placed just behind the three point line. Coach challenged me to make a three pointer while sitting down. It's clear I can't shoot standing.
I sat down and Dev handed me a basketball.
"How many trys do I get?"
"Three." Coach said jogging to stand under the hoop. I nodded and corrected my form before freeing the ball from my finger tips.
It hit the rim of the round hoop and bounced off.
"Told you this nigga couldn't do it!" Tj yelled.
I'm punch this nigga in the mouth.
I lined my arms up with the hoop and shot the ball again.
"I told you this nigga could!" Marcus yelled dapping me up along with the rest of the team.
Coach laughed and pulled his wallet from his pants pocket. He pulled out two crisp one hundred dollar bills and handed them to me.
"That's exactly why we drafted you son." I smiled. "Thanks."
I opened the door and he pushed my table in house. He looked so good today. He wore a plain grey pullover , dark jeans and some butters.
He smiled at me and stood up straight.
"So you can call me to pick up a damn table, but you haven't hit me up since you got here?"
I frowned. "I'm sorry Trey, give me a hug babe." He smiled and pulled me into a hug, kissing my forehead.
"Dammit girl, you gone be mine one of these days." I blushed as we headed back down the hall way. "Shut up."
We took a few trips to bring the chairs up and then we proceeded to move them into the dining room. After we finished I asked him to show me how to use my appliances.
"Fuck you buy this from? It's dope as hell." He mumbled controlling and switching settings with ease.
"It came with the place." He nodded.
"Where is the rest of your shit?" He asked looking around my empty house.
"All ordered and yet to arrive." He nodded. "Where you been sleeping? Ain't no bed in here."
"I, uh-" I was cut off by the doorbell and I had a sigh of relief.
I opened the door and Freckles stood before me. I bit my lip. "Hi."
"Hey, my parents said they met you." I nodded. "Sorry, I know you don't like me talking to your family..." I mumbled.
"Nah, they said you was cool." He mumbled. "You coming back over tonight?"
"Hey who's at the door?" Trey asked walking behind me. He looked at freckles who's eyes stayed on me. He gave me a quizzical look but even I knew he wouldn't say anything while he was right here.
"He's my neighbor."I said looked up at Freckles who finally looked up at Trey. They shook hands.
"You wanna stay with me tonight then?" Trey offered. I nodded, my eyes glued to Freckles.
"Aight let me get one of your bags." He walked off leaving me alone with Cameron.
"You staying with him? That's your nigga?" I glanced at him side ways. I was confused by his instant concern. Cam could honestly care less who he was and this was throwing me off.
"Not that it's any of your business but no; he's my best friend. Your parents are here. I can't intrude like that. Plus I'm a nuisance to you. Here's your way out."
He kissed his teeth. He wanted to say more but he chose to bite his tongue.
I grabbed my keys and phone and made room for Trey to pass out. I shut the door and gave Cam a faint smile. "See you around."
Trey grabbed my hand and we made our way down the long hall way. I glanced at Cam who shook his head and walked back down to his door.
"So who is she?" My mom asked sitting a bowl of ice cream in front of me.
She gave me a look. I knew exactly what it held. She was talking about Kyra. I gave up the act and scooped some of the desert into my mouth.
"She's my neighbor."
She furrowed her eyesbrows and I chuckled.
In my mothers mind, Kyra had gone from a nice girl to a hoe.
"Why was she in your house while your not here, answering your door? Are you dating her?"
I rolled my eyes. "No ma."
"Then why was she here?"
"She just moved in and her bed hasn't came yet so she was crashing on the floor of her apartment. I ain't letting no female sleep on the floor when I have a guest room." She smiled.
"What a gentleman like thing to do baby." She said.
I nodded. "You still talk to Chanel?"
I shook my head. "Nah, she came over a few weeks ago though."
She kissed her teeth. "You need to let that little girl go. I see it and your angry for no reason. You try to cover that up in my presence but your not good at it."
I sighed. "Ain't nobody worried about that girl." I mumbled.
She pursed her lips. "I will let you have that. Stop getting smart with me Cameron."
I kissed my teeth. "POP!" I yelled.
"Why do you always do that?" She frowned.
My dad walked in the kitchen and held out his hand. "Anna leave that boy alone and let's go to sleep for the night."
She rolled her eyes at me and I smiled as they made their way out.
The doorbell rang and I cut the kitchen light off, hobbling myself to the door.
"I left my bracelet on your coffee table."
Kyra walked past me into my house and grabbed the diamond tennis bracelet that was exactly where she said it was.
I was sure she didn't work so where did she get money like that from?
She walked past me and I tapped her.
She turned around and my eyes caught her light brown ones. Her eyes were something I never got tired of even when she bothered me.
"You're not a nuisance."I mumbled, not sure why I bothered to try and assure her.
She scoffed. "I'll see you around Cam."
"You got it?" He asked as I closed the door. "Yeah."
He lead me up the stairs and into his room. He dropped my bag on the ground and slipped his pullover off before glancing back at me.
My teeth sunk into my bottom lip and he smiled. "You missed me?"
I slowly nodded. He made his way across the room, pulling his shirt off and flinging it as he neared me.
"You gone show me?"
He curved his fingers into the belt loops of my jeans and bent down connecting his lips to mine.
My arms flew around his neck as we exchanged spit, our lips never leaving each others. My feet were lifted from the ground and soon enough, my back came in contact with the plushness of his bed.
I ran my hands over his flawless brown skin, my eyes taking in every muscle.
He proceeded to rid my body of every article of clothing I had on before connecting his lips to my skin.
The lower his head seemed to go, the squirmiest my body seemed to become.
"Calm down." He mumbled placing his palm flat against my stomach. I ran my hands over his hair that always seemed to be freshly cut.
I relaxed my body just as his lips brushed against the most sensitive part of my body. I moaned out loud as he wrapped his lips around me.
Flicking his tongue, he hit every spot expertly before dipping his tongue in my slit. "Shit, yes baby."
He ate me like I was the last thing he'd ever eat in his life before I finally came on his lips.
I knew it was completely wrong because he'd always catch feelings.
He needs to stop initiating sex; I'm not turning down head from him.
I tucked my fingers into the rubber of his boxers, tugging them down. He grabbed a condom from his bedside table and rolled it onto his member.
I stroked him a few times causing him to groan out before I slowly pushed his length into me.
"Shit!" I hissed slowly as he kneaded his hips into mine, hitting my spot repeatedly.
Moans escaped my lips uncontrollably as his dick slammed into me.
"Stepped your game up huh?" I chuckled flipping us over.
I lowered myself on him, fully prepared to bring the bitch out of him.
I raised my body from his about a inch before slamming back down in a slow grinding motion.
"Ah, fuck. Don't start." He grunted out yanking my head back.
I smiled. "Your ruining my hair." I said tuning my fingers through it.
My body bounced up and down at a fast pace as his hands rested on my sides, trying to slow me down, failing. He felt too good.
His hands roughly slid down to my ass earning a moan from me.
I felt him expand inside of me as my legs started to become weak.
I came all over the condom, that being the last straw before he let himself go.
He slipped out of me and tied the condom in a knot, tossing it in the waste basket.
We both got up and put on some clothes before returning to the sheets. I rested my face in the crook of his neck and fell asleep.
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