《Unexpected Text Messages : Stu Macher x reader》Chapter 20: The Final Showdown


Y/n's POV:

" Woah man, there's no need for guns." I cautioned, hands above my head.

" Billy, we can talk about this man, just hear me out-"

" JUST SHUT UP. GOD STU YOU RUINED THIS. WE WERE FINALLY FREE FROM THE COPS." Billy yelled, shoving the gun further against my skull.

" Billy, put the gun down. I don't wanna hurt you man, but I will if I have to." Stu ordered, also raising his hands in surrender.

Great, both of us are cornered, just perfect. Why the hell does my luck always run out?

" Can you just drop the gun for fucks sake? Not everything needs to involve firepower." Billy turned me around and hit me in the face with the gun.

" Shut up. This all happened because of your stupid phone number, you're the reason Stu and I could be caught."

I feel blood running from my nose as I roll my eyes.

" Oh yeah, it's fault Stu texted me." Droplets of blood hit the floor.

" Shut. UP."

" Stop talking to them like that." Stu muttered, trying to get closer to Billy/

" They're a I can talk to them however I want to." Billy replied, keeping his focus on me.

Stu took a couple more steps closer, without Billy noticing. Stu then proceeded to charge Billy, knocking the gun from his hands. Stu's hands were around Billy's throat, squeezing as hard as he could. Billy gasped for air as he tried to kick Stu off of him, but Stu was too strong. I grabbed the gun from the floor, shakily pointing it at Billy ( who was pinned against a wall.

He sent a death glare to Stu.

" After all I've done for you, I SAVED you. YOU WOULD BE if it weren't for me.


I stared at the pistol in my hands. I have no idea how to wield a gun, what the fuck am I doing?

Billy turned his gaze to me, a sarcastic smile plastered on his face.

" Oh you're going to shoot me? Let me guess, you have master aim, and are going to shoot me perfectly the first ti-"

I moved to the side of Billy, shooting him through the side of the head. His eyes widened as his head dropped, the life draining from his body. Stu dropped Billy's corpse, eyes darting from me to the dead body.

" Y/n...what did you do?"

" He would've killed us both." I stated, clutching the gun tighter. Crap, fingerprints.

" My prints are all over this gun, what're we going to do?"

Stu opened a drawer in the cabinet nearest us. He pulled out a pair of black gloves, and reached into another drawer to grab an identical gun to the one I shot Billy with.

" We used the same gun so that the cops thought there was only one killer." Stu explained. He flipped Billy onto his back, placing the gun in his hands.

" They'll think it was a suicide, maybe he was overcome with grief and couldn't handle what he did."

" And what about you?" I spoke, " They know that you're his accomplice, won't they suspect foul play?"

" Hopefully not." He said, " But we should leave as soon as possible, someone probably heard the gunshot."

" "

" Y/n, your DNA is here, they'll know you had something to do with it."

" I bet loads of people have been here, there's probably tons of DNA from other people here as well."


" This is your blood we're talking about here. Even if they don't suspect you for foul play, what if they question you and take your phone for some reason? They'd see all of the texts."

" I can delete them."

" But do you want to?"

I stopped. Do I want to? Do I want to lose contact with all of them?

" You could finally get to meet everyone in the groupchat if you come with me. I'm sure Glen would love to meet you."

" I don't want to live the life of a killer Stu."

" You may not have a choice. Listen, as much as I hate to say it, it's either you run away with me, or you'll most likely end up in some form of prison."

" Can't we just mop up my blood."

" Can you tell the difference between Billy and your blood? odds are the forensic team could, plus your hair is probably scattered around too."

Droplets were scattered around the room, it would be impossible to tell who each droplet belonged to. As much as you hated to say it, he was right. You'd be caught.

" Fine, I'll go with you."

" You'll become the second ghost face?" He said, eyebrows raised.

" Whatever I have to do."

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