《Songbird (PeterPan//OUAT)》Chapter 6: Hello Again


"Bloody. Freaking. Hell!" I cried as I whipped around to face the former-sparkly-green man. "You didn't even bother to warn me!" He shrugged indifferently as he walked away. I growled and whirled around to face the others. Emma looked bored, Regina seemed guilty, Hook as well, Snow and Charming just looked away.

"So that's it? You're just going to stay quiet? Is it because this is the first time you've seen me pissed or what?" Snow shrugged before nodding her head from side to side, "Yeah, pretty much."

"This is idiotic. We should focus on finding Henry." Emma stated as she walked over to the edge of the boat that soon began to rock violently. I tried to keep my temper, remembering my magic, but it was kind of hard when all I wanted to do was blast the stupid blonde into oblivion. "I don't know if you've noticed, Savior," I said mockingly as I stalked over to her, "but we're in the middle of the bloody ocean with a dark island 8 miles away!" She scoffed, ignoring me. My eye twitched, then Regina spoke up. "Well, you both have valid points but we aren't going to get anything done if the captain doesn't do his job." she yelled pointedly as Hook. "Oh shut up Regina, you're not the only one worried." Snow spoke up. I glared at the fairy tale queen, whom cringed.

"We wouldn't be in this mess if it weren't for you." Charming stated, backing up Snow. My glare switched on him as he took a threatening step towards Regina. In the blink of an eye I had my sword out and pointed at Charming's throat. Emma then pointed hers at me, Hook pointed his at Emma, Charming pointed his at Regina, and Regina held her hands out towards Snow. "Well, isn't this a sight." Croc-y stated as he walked in with some new attire. I rolled my eyes, "Yes, because now was the absolute perfect time for a wardrobe change." Regina snickered and I smirked in triumph. For some reason the boat rocked violently sending Emma over the edge and the rest of us towards the ground. I groaned as Snow began shouting for Emma and Regina helped me up from the pile of barrels I fell into.


I stiffened at the familiar chill creeping up my spine. Mermaids. "Get the nets, now." I commanded Charming as I walked towards the edge and concentrated. The storm was getting worse as rain fell heavily from the sky. "Why should I listen to a teenager?" He asked rhetorically. I swiveled my head towards him with a fierce glare.

"You will listen to me because I am a lot stronger than your mundane arse!" He nodded slightly before grabbing the nets and throwing them overboard. I moved my hands in a way which allowed the currents to change so the nets caught onto Emma and I pulled them up, along with Emma.

As soon as I did something rammed into the side of the boat. Chaos erupted then. I was dropped as more and more mermaids crashed into the boat. Rolling from side to side, I attempted to stand up only to be hit in the head by Snow. I glared at her smug expression as I stood up slowly and curled my fingers into a fist before slamming it into her jaw. She blinked, disoriented, as Charming came up and pushed me to the ground once more. "Seriously? Maybe I should just hang out with the deck then, we are becoming very acquainted." I said sarcastically as a flash of purple appeared to the right of me. I turned and caught the eye of the same mermaid that tried to steal me away from Peter my first week here. I gasped, shocked, as she pulled out a shell and blew into it. The storm raged even more and I stood up, pissed. My hands flew out and I laid them flat in the air in front of me. The storm immediately quieted and I drew my sword before placing it to her throat.


"Yeah, now we're getting somewhere. Filet the bitch, Haven." Regina said with a smirk. I smirked as well, "Gladly."

"I could've easily made her into sushi, you know?" I stated as we walked out onto the now dingy sand. "Trust me, we know." Snow said as she continued rubbing her bruised chin. I rolled my eyes, "Quit overrea-"

Charming interrupted me, "You could have broken her jaw!" I glared at him and stated calmly, "And it would've healed." He scoffed and rolled his eyes as we ventured deeper into the woods. I stayed at the back of the group as they continued to plan and chop away at leaves. I heard the cries of pain from the trees with every slash. The cries were loud to the point where I stayed behind just to comfort the poor plant.

I placed my hand upon its bark and sung quietly to the fragile creature.

"You always did have a way of calming things down, Little Bird." I ignored the oddly soothing, yet creepy, voice and continued to sing to the tree in front of me until the cries softened. Once done, I turned around and was immediately backed up into the tree. I looked up, into the eyes of Peter, or Pan, or the demon as Hook likes to call him. "It is my duty Peter." I stated nonchalantly as I attempted to get out of the cage-like grip. I was unable to. "It's Pan." He said as he leaned down slowly. He kept his gaze on mine as he moved in closer and closer, until his warm breath was on my lips. "Whatever you go by now will not matter to me. Either way, you are Peter, my Peter, and I'll be damned to hell before you ever sink into the darkness." His gaze flickered down to my lips for a split second before he found my hazel/green eyes once again. "You're a little late on that, Little Bird." I smirked before bringing my hands up and around his neck. "Are you sure about that, Peter?"

Anyway, Stay sharp my rabbits!!


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