《A Tale of Two - Beeduo》Flashblacks


Ranboo's POV:

After all this time I've waited, I finally felt that it was the time. It may have seemed like I was moving too fast, but there was nothing more I could say to him after that. I had wanted to kiss him so badly for such a long time. I just couldn't hold back anymore.

After a long, sweet kiss, I finally pulled away. When I looked down at Tubbo, he was visibly shocked, and his face was redder than I had ever seen it.


Tubbo clearly wanted to say something, but he just couldn't find the words. I knew that by just looking at him.

"You don't have to say anything, Tubbo. I just needed to do that.. more than ever.. W-We should probably head back to my place now."

Tubbo gulped and nodded his head.

We weren't even home yet, and the walk seemed to last hours. Most likely because we hadn't said anything the entire time. We just looked over at each other once in awhile and quickly looked away once we made eye contact.

Soon enough, we reached my house. My parents were already asleep when we got there so we immediately went upstairs to my room.

"Uh- I-I'll get you some clothes." I spoke quietly as I walked to my old closet where I left my smaller clothes.

Tubbo stood in the middle of the room, looking around and tapping his foot constantly.

When I handed him his clothes, he rushed into the bathroom and slammed the door.

Tubbo's POV:

When I made sure the door was locked, I instantly fell to the floor, panicking.

I had no idea what to do at this point in time. I knew I wanted him, but I didn't know what to say to him now.

We had kissed one another. Things are gonna be so awkward from now on, because I had no idea how to talk to him about it.

I finally got up to change. It felt comforting to be wearing his clothes again. I felt like we were a couple, but I knew we hadn't quite made it that far.

I took a deep breath, and unlocked the door.

I looked ahead of me to see Ranboo standing there in front of the bed, facing the opposite direction of me. I could tell he was nervous by the way he was stood.


He stood like a pole, straight up. He looked tight as ever. He was clearly just as scared as I was.

I trudged over behind him, and slowly reached for his hand. He felt me grab it, and instead of relaxing like he normally did, he tightened up even more than before.

"R-Ranboo.. I know you're scared, I can tell. I-It's also really easy to see why.." I looked down, keeping a light grip on his hand.

"I-It's just.." He stayed facing the other way, and tilted his head down to the floor. "I'm sorry, Tubbo. I-I really shouldn't have done that."

There was a pause. A really long pause.

"I don't have the energy to talk right now. All I'll tell you is that I'm not mad at all. I-I didn't mind it or else I wouldn't have kissed you back."

"I-... M-Mhm yeah, we probably should get to bed now." Ranboo seemed shocked by my reply.

We lie down on the bed. I was tired of us facing the opposite direction of each other, so I tapped on his shoulder.

"Do you need something..?" He groaned.

"Just for you to face me." I said, and Ranboo turned to look at me. He had a confused expression but he listened.

Before he could say anything, I snuggled up to his chest and curled into a ball.

He didn't seem to mind at all. He did tighten up a bit, though, cause he was obviously surprised.

"You don't mind this, do you?" I whispered.

"Uh- no, not at all." He tried not to stutter, which made me giggle.

He loosened up and ruffled my hair.

Then, we fell asleep.


Ranboo's POV: (Sorry for all the POV switches)

I woke up to my alarm going off at 6am.

I hated school, but I knew I couldn't skip. I was too afraid to miss a lot of work. The start of the weeks are always packed.

Tubbo groaned. He curled up to me even tighter, showing me that he wasn't gonna move.

"C'mon, Tubbo. We have to get up." I began to move.

"No!" He instantly pulled my arm back towards him. "5 more minutes." He said.


"I said 5 more minutes." He cut me off, and I didn't say any more. I just lie back down, and he placed his head on my chest.


**6 MINUTES LATER** A/n: That's a whole minute passed time Tubbo you're in trouble my guy.

"Tubbo, we have to get up now." I rubbed his back before sitting up.

"Ranboooo, I don't wanna go to school, thoughhh. This isn't fair." Tubbo pouted and snuggled his face into one of my pillows.

"I know٫ but we need to. I'll go get you some clothes." I got up and got us both some clothes.

I threw his clothes on the bed and went into the bathroom.

When I came back out, Tubbo was already changed and was sitting up on the bed, staring off into space.

"Wanna head out early today?" I asked. "You know.. that way we can sort things out from yesterday..?" I looked down in anxiousness.

"Oh!- Oh yeah.. uhm, sure. We can go now.." Tubbo seemed to start getting anxious, too.

We headed out for the walk to school, and began slowly moving down the sidewalk.

"So.. There's clearly a reason why you kissed me. That's something that should probably be discussed." Tubbo began the awkward conversation.

"Yeah.. so uh- here's how I'll start it out: So do you remember all the times we had arguments about me- uhh, not being fully honest with you?" I spoke nervously.

Tubbo looked down as if he were remembering things.


"Hahah, you wouldn't understand."

"Oh, but I would, big guy."

"I'll tell you one day."—

—"Oh, ok. I get it.."

"Get what?"

"I- oh. Nevermind."

"No! What is it? You're confusing me, Ranboo.."

"Chill out. It's no big deal."

"There you go again. You never talk to me. You're not open with me. And I really want you to be, Ranboo, I want you to trust me like I trust you!"

"Tubbo! I would never lie to you if it wasn't for a reason! I do trust you, more than anyone. But some things need to be left alone so it doesn't cause... issues.."

"Well, clearly this has already become an issue! Why not throw in another one?"

"Because I don't want to have any more issues.. I really don't wanna fight with you, Tubbo.."

"Then.. tell me when something's bothering you.. please. I-I always want to help, b-but I can't read your mind, boo.."

"If I told you.. th-then things would be ruined... I'll tell you some day, Tubbo. When I can overcome my fear of it."—

There was a long pause.

"..Yeah, I remember.." Tubbo said quietly.

"Well, I-I kinda lied because I was trying to hide the fact that I'm... I'm in love with you٫ Tubbo.." I finally admitted.

"Uh- W-WAIT WHAT??! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" Tubbo blurted out.

"Uhm.. yeah..."

"WAIT YOU'RE ACTUALLY NOT JOKING?!" Tubbo yelled in disbelief.

"Do you honestly think I would lie about this?" I mumbled while looking down.

"HOLY S(bleep)T!" Tubbo yanked the ends of his hair.

Some time went by of me feeling awkward and Tubbo breathing extremely heavily.

"I- Ranboo.." We arrived in front of the school doors.

"I-I.." Tubbo began to tear up. "I have to go!" Tubbo shouted as he ran threw the school doors and down the halls.

I was thinking about chasing after him, but I couldn't. I lost all of my energy, along with my hope. My hope for him to like me back.

I knew we still had about 30 minutes until first period, so I decided to make my way to the back of the school. My only reason for being there was to sulk and cry, let my emotions out.

I wasn't there to remember my first time sitting on the rusty, old bleachers with him.

—"Will you ever take off your mask..?"

"I- uhm.. Maybe, Tubbo."

"I can wait. I already know you're gorgeous anyway."—

I remembered the hug he gave me.

—"Thank you, Tubbo.. for everything you've already done for me.."

"Hey, hey, don't worry, big man. I'll always be here when you need me, or when you don't."—

I started crying. I just couldn't help myself. I was so sure that he felt the same way I did. But by his reaction, I knew that I was wrong. He'd only seen me as a friend, and I just ruined it.

I told myself that I would never fall in love again.

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