《A Tale of Two - Beeduo》What A Night


1/5/22 (Late)

Ranboo's POV:

I woke up to the Janiter yelling.

"What are you boys doing in here this late? Go home right now!" He pointed outside and I grabbed Tubbo's hand and pulled him up, without him even noticing.

"Thank you, and I'm so sorry." I walked quickly out of the closet٫ dragging Tubbo with me.

He let go of my hand and looked up at me.

"Huh? W-What's going on..?" He was so quiet that I could barey hear him. I realized that he probably really needed that nap.

"We're out of the closet."

I pulled out my phone to check the time.

"8:53pm?! Oh my god, Tubbo, I am so, so sorry! Y-You should be home by now!!"

I was afraid he'd get in trouble because of me.

"Agh٫ why can't I do anything right?!" I wrapped both of my arms around my head and looked down. I was sort of panicking.

"What? Ranboo, we've talked about this! It's not your fault that people are jerks to you for no reason!" He raised his voice.

"But I could've told you about this beforehand! Then you would at least know what to expect.."

He pulled one of my arms down to his side٫ but I quickly pulled away.

"Why are you so.. ok with this..?" It got really quiet.

"..Because, Ranboo.. You've shown me a lot of kindness in the short amount of time I've known you. Y-You try to act like everything's ok because you don't want me to worry. Only someone with real courage could do that٫ you know?"

"You need to go home, Tubbo.." I said. Tubbo frowned at me.

"I-I don't want to٫ though!" He got quite loud.

"Yes, Tubbo! You have to! Your parents are gonna be worried.."

He paused for a brief moment before asking-

"Ranboo٫ have you ever had a sleepover?"


"Mom٫ do you mind if I stay with a friend for the night?"

"Sure٫ but don't stay up too late. It's a school night."

"Promise, mom. Love you!"

"Love you too, Tubbo."

He hung up the phone and looked up at me.

"Your parents wouldn't mind if I stayed over, would they?" My eyes glanced to the side.

"Uhm.. They'd probably actually be happy. I've never had a friend over.."

"YAY! I GET TO BE THE FIRST ONE!!" He looked so excited. My stomach began aching again٫ and my face felt warm in the cold air. How had he done this to me?

"Hahah.. I guess so." I rubbed the back of my neck. I felt really nervous. Every kid my age had been bound to have at least one sleepover by my age period, but this would be my very first one. I really hoped I wouldn't make a complete fool of myself. Especially not in front of him.

He grabbed my hand and began skipping down the middle of the street. I was on the right side, closer to the sidewalk. If we weren't careful, he could've been hit by a car. But I wasn't worried because I knew that I wouldn't let that happen.


He just kept skipping down the road٫ holding my hand and humming.

I heard a small noise coming from behind me. I turned to see a car zooming down the road.

Without thinking٫ I pulled Tubbo agressively toward me and held him tight. I heard the car beep twice. We were both panting٫ as he was leaning against me.

"A-Are you ok٫ Tubbo?" I let go of him.

"Oh.. Yeah, I'm ok. Th-Thank you.."

He looked at the ground٫ covering his face. I was then worried that I had made him embarrassed or uncomfortable.

"I'm- I'm really sorry, Tubbo. I didn-"

"What? No, no, no٫ don't be sorry, Ranboo. I'm good." He quickly looked up and smiled before hugging me.

"See٫ it's ok. I-I like this.." I honestly thought my face was on fire by then. What was he doing to me?! My feet began moving uncontrolably due to my nervousness.

He could clearly tell I was freaking out a bit٫ so he grabbed my hand٫ and I was all better.

"I like it, too.."

I started hugging him back. I could hear him slightly laughing under his breath.

"I'm so ready to go to your house, Ranboo. It's gonna be awesome!!" He ended the hug and looked up at me٫ still holding my hand.

"Yeah.. It is." I laughed. I'd never been so happy around someone as I was around him. I didn't know how to feel about the overwhelming pain that I somehow wanted to last forever.

We began walking to my house٫ and soon after٫ we arrived. I opened the door for him and we walked in.

"Thanks٫ big guy." He looked up at me and smiled.

My parents must have heard him because they immediately turned around. They looked completely shocked.

"H-Hi, mom and dad.. Uh- this is my friend٫ Tubbo.." I laughed nervously and pointed at Tubbo.

"Hello! Nice to meet you!" He waved politely and smiled.

"Oh my٫ it's very nice to meet you٫ Tubbo!" My mom got up to shake his hand. She looked so happy.

My dad stood up and patted him on the back.

"Welcome! Glad to have you here." My dad looked down at him and smiled

Tubbo and I waved at my parents before walking upstairs to my room. I had just cleaned it so I felt kind of relieved. Tubbo flopped down face first on my bed.

"I'm soo tirreddddd." He was muffled in my blanket.

"I agree." I laughed a little and my face heated up a bit. He was so adorable.


"Oh, that's ok. I have a couple extra tooth brushes and I guess you can borrow some of my clothes. I don't think they'll really fit you very well, though." We both laughed

"I'm sure it'll be fine. Thank you!" He got up and hugged me.

I- Uh- y-yeah, you're welcome.." I couldn't even be around him without feeling like I was going to have a heat stroke.


He laughed a little and walked over to open up my closet. He grabbed some clothes and looked over at me.

"Uhm- w-would you mind I maybe- borrowed a hoodie..?" He looked down at the floor.

"I- no, I don't mind. Go ahead."

He smiled and became all bouncy as he picked one out.

"Thanks, big man!" He sprinted towards the bathroom. Once he got in٫ he quickly shut the door behind him.

I felt warm. Tubbo was going to be wearing my clothes.

I suddenly had a breathtaking thought cross my mind. Would Tubbo be sleeping in my bed?

Tubbo opened the door and came out of the bathroom. He was all red and my clothes were huge on him. The image was adorable in every way.

"Hahah٫ you look nice." I teased him٫ though I meant it.

"Why٫ thank you, Mr. Boo." He posed and smirked.

"Weird nickname. I'll take it, though." We both laughed.

"Uhm.. B-By the way٫ I uh.. I don't have a guest room in my house so-"

"Your bed's fine." He interrupted and smiled real big.

My face grew really warm. I would be sleeping next to him! I knew that friends did this, too, but it still made my stomach flutter.

"O-Oh.. Haha, ok." I kept stuttering and he giggled.

"That's cute." He wasn't even phased by what he'd just said, which I didn't understand how.

I pretended to ignore what he'd said. I had nothing to say. I couldn't think of a response.

"Ok, so٫ uhm.. Are you ready to go to sleep or is there something else you wanna do?" I asked him٫ still feeling warm about what he had said.

"I'm not too sleepy٫ but not energetic enough to really do much. Maybe we could watch The Office." His face lit up when he brought up that show. How was he this adorable?

"Hahah٫ alright. The Office it is." I couldn't help but giggle. I loved his expressions. They made me smile.

"YAY!!" He jumped on my bed. I laughed even more٫ feeling extra warm inside٫ along with an achey stomach.

I grabbed my laptop off of my desk and brought it to my bed. I sat down next to Tubbo and pulled the blankets onto both of us. He snuggled up and brought the blanket closer to his face٫ before scooting closer to me.

I turned on The Office and we began watching. Soon enough٫ after about 3-4 episodes of Tubbo hysterically laughing٫ he finally fell asleep.

I had been up waiting for him to fall asleep so that I could take off my mask and he wouldn't see me. I carefully got out of bed and walked over to my dresser to put my laptop away. While I was over there٫ I took off my mask and placed it down beside the laptop. When I turned to go back to the bed٫ I seen Tubbo sitting up looking at me٫ eyes open wide.

I gasped and quickly covered my face.

"I- Tubbo!" I said muffled because my hands were on my face. "G-Go back to bed!"

"No, no, no! Oh my God٫ you're gorgeous." I peeked through my hands and seen the mesmerized look he had on his face.

My face felt warmer than ever.

"Why have you been too scared to show me? Ranboo, look at yourself! You're stunning." He stood up and came over to get a closer look.

He gently grabbed one of my hands and brought it down to my side. Then the other. He began laughing.

"I have no idea what you're embarrassed about, but your face is beautiful." He looked at me one last time before hugging me.

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and pulled him closer. He layed his cheek on my chest. I think he heard how fast my heart was beating because he started giggling. I didn't mind, though. I wanted to stay like this forever. But it was time to go to bed.

"Tubbo٫ we have school tomorrow. We need to go to bed." He shook his head.

"No, we don't. They cancelled school because the vice principal got into a car accident. My mom texted me that while we were watching The Office." He looked up at me.

"Oh, wow- tha-that's awful." I felt a little sorry.

"Mhm. I don't think it was a really bad accident, though. Surely they'll be ok." He smiled٫ and I instantly felt better.

Tubbo always gave out a very positive and welcoming vibes. I didn't know how he did it٫ but it was one of my favorite things about him.

"I'm still really tired, though. It's passed 2 in the morning." He began stretching. I laughed.

"Hahah. Ok, then. Let's go to bed." I let go of him٫ walked over to the bed٫ and layed down. Tubbo layed down on the opposite side of me٫ and I was facing the other direction.

The bed quietly creaked as Tubbo moved closer to me٫ leaning his head on my shoulder and lightly placing his hand on my waist.

" ..Are you ok with this?" He was sort of groaning٫ and my face was bright red for sure.

"M-Mhm.." I couldn't respond with much. I was too flustered.

"Ranboo, if you're uncomfortable please tell me.." He was still groaning٫ but he sounded more stern.

"N-No٫ I'm not.. I-..I like it, actually." My body tightened up. I felt so nervous.

"Heh.. That's relieving." I felt him relax a bit. I did, too, once he slowly brought his hand up to my shoulder and began lightly rubbing it.

I fell asleep like this. We both did. I didn't think I'd ever slept better, and Tubbo was the one to thank for that.

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