《A Tale of Two - Beeduo》Locked In
Ranboo's POV:
The school day had finally been almost over. I had just got out of my last core class and was ready for a free hour. After that٫ just one more class and I could go home.
Or maybe not. Maybe I might be forced to stay in the janiter's closet for an extra two hours or so. That's what bullies do I guess. Maybe not today٫ though. Maybe they'd let me go this time. I never liked being left alone in the dark. It scared me more than anything.
I wasn't in the mood to be thinking about that, though. I had a free period that I would be spending with my very first friend. It was still so shocking to me. It was a happy shock, though. I was glad I had met Tubbo.
I approached the outside door just when I noticed someone really small run by my side.
"Hey, big guy! Excited for break period?"
I couldn't help but laugh. It was just Tubbo.
"Oh٫ hey, Tubbo. Yeah, I'm pretty excited, I guess." I smiled down at him. Not that he could see٫ but it was better that way.
"Are we going outside?" He looked all around the area we were in.
"Uhh, yeah.. But do you mind if we go to the back?" I didn't want to sound weird٫ that's just where I usually hung out.
"Sure! Why, though?" He didn't seem weirded out by that, just confused.
"Uhm.. That's just where I usually go during break. No one goes back there."
"You seriously don't talk to anyone, do you?"
Tubbo seemed slightly concerned and just looked up at me for awhile. I didn't want to worry him. It wasn't a bother to me. I didn't really mind being alone.
"No.. Don't worry, though, because I really don't mind it." I tried to assure him I was ok.
"Oh, come on. No one truly wants to be alone. You clearly just have trust issues." He said bluntly, calling me out.
"Uhm, yeah, I guess you can say that." I laughed slightly and rubbed the back of my neck.
"Well, you better get used to not being alone, then." He looked back up at me and smiled really big.
I couldn't understand why I was so happy all of the sudden. My face felt warm out of nowhere and my stomach would randomly ache. It hurt, but in a good way. I'd never felt happiness like this. I smiled really big this time٫ and by Tubbo's expression٫ he could tell I was happy.
We reached the back of the school٫ and we sat on the bleachers next to a small flower garden. It was filled with yellow daisys. Tubbo couldn't look away from them.
"I really like these." He rested his head on his hand٫ his elbow on his thigh.
"They're kinda pretty." I agreed.
"I know." He mumbled, still not taking his eyes off of them. But seconds later٫ he kept his position but turned his head in my direction. I couldn't help but look back at him. He was adorable.
"Will you ever take off your mask?" He questioned, staring directly into my eyes. Seconds felt like hours. I had a slight loss of words.
"I- uhm.. Maybe٫ Tubbo." I didn't want to disappoint him, but I think he'd be more disappointed with what he'd see if I did take the mask off.
"I can wait. I already know you're gorgeous, anyway." He smiled٫ his head still on his hand.
I thought I felt my face warming up. Maybe not, though. Maybe it was just heating up outside.
Tubbo finally spoke.
"So.. I was wondering if maybe you could tell me some things about yourself. I can tell you some things about me٫ too." He said with a quiet, raspy tone.
"Ok٫ sure.. What do you wanna know?" I looked over at him and he directed his eyes downward.
"Ok, we'll start simple. What's your favorite color? Mine's yellow." It made since why he liked daisies so much.
"Uhm.. I like blue."
"Haha, basic. It's still a pretty color, though. No judgment." He chuckled and I laughed quietly as well.
"Hm, what do you like to do in your free time?" He sounded like he was already running low on ideas.
"I don't really do much at all. I guess that's probably one of the reasons no one talks to me." I frowned slightly and looked down.
Tubbo scooted closer to me and raised my chin up. I lifted it up slowly and looked at him. He was just staring at me. I felt anxious and I felt my face warm up again.
I brought my knees to my chest and turned my whole body the oposite direction of Tubbo. I felt embarrassed for no reason at all. Why did I feel like this all of the sudden? It was so painful and confusing٫ yet I somehow didn't want it to stop.
Tubbo stood up and walked around behind me to see the front of me. I burried my head beneath my arms and my knees. He grabbed on one of my hands and brought it down to his side. I had no idea why٫ but I couldn't help but say-
"I'm sorry."
I just felt bad for some reason. I felt like he may have already been getting annoyed with me. My toes started moving uncontrollably and I felt even more anxious.
Tubbo stood up and pulled me up by my arm. I was a little shocked. I looked down at him and opened my mouth to talk.
"Tubbo I-"
Just then he stood on the tips of his toes so that he could reach over my shoulders٫ and pulled me in for a tight٫ yet comforting hug. His head was resting on my chest٫ and he whispered-
"I don't want you to be sorry for anything. And you don't have tell me anything at all. I'm happy with just you being here."
A tear started to form, and no longer after٫ it fell down my cheek. I felt so sad٫ yet happier than ever. I hadn't ever felt mixed motions. Tubbo had clearly done something to me٫ and it felt scary.
"Thanks, Tubbo.. For everything you've already done for me.." I knew he could tell I was feeling a little emotional at that moment.
"Hey, hey٫ don't worry, big man. I'll always be here when you need me٫ or when you don't." We both giggled at that last part.
Suddenly٫ the bell rang٫ and we were off to our last class.
I couldn't stop thinking about Tubbo the entire class period. There was only 10 minutes of class left and I had learned nothing. Why couldn't I just focus? Thinking about Tubbo wasn't a bad thing٫ but it was during class. I took a few notes then and there٫ but I really didn't even know what they were for.
The teacher allowed us to pack up earlier than usual٫ for whatever reason. I decided to wait outside of the classroom for the bell to ring٫ and not much longer after, it did.
As I walked down the hallway toward my locker٫ I seen Tubbo run towards me. He looked so excited. That kind of made me feel warm inside. His expression was just adorable. I wondered why٫ though.
"Ranboo٫ Ranboo!! Guess what?" He began jumping up and down grabbing both of my arms.
"What?" I was so confused but I was also laughing and smiling a bit.
"I've made 2 new friends already!! Eee! This is awesome!"
My expression completely changed just then٫ and I thought I felt my heart sink. What if he continued to make friends and then he didn't need me anymore? As stupid as it may have sounded٫ I felt like crying.
I was sure Tubbo had noticed how I went from smiling to being sad and afraid.
"Ranboo? Are you alright?" Tubbo still held onto my arms but stopped jumping.
"No, no. It's nothing.. That's awesome! I'm so happy for you." I made a big smile so that he could tell.
Tubbo looked down and smirked a little.
"You're jealous, aren't you?" He looked back up at me٫ still smirking.
I was completely shocked. How had he known?! I was then scared that he would be upset with me.
"I- wha- n-no!.. I'm.. I'm not!" I looked down in embarrassment.
Tubbo giggled. He let go of one of my arms and put his hand on my shoulder.
"No need to worry, big guy. No one's ever gonna replace you. You're my favorite." He smiled and I could see his face turning a little pink.
I giggled quietly and rubbed the back of my neck.
"..Thank you, Tubbo.."
Tubbo put his arms around my waist and pulled me in. My eyes grew wider and my face felt warm٫ I think.
"Of course.. You're the best. I hope you know that." His head was burried in my chest٫ so he was slightly muffled.
"I could never be as great as you.." I whispered quietly but made sure he heard me. He then just burried his head in my chest even more. I couldn't help but to laugh quietly. He was so cute.
We stayed in that position for awhile٫ until Tubbo perked his head up.
"Oh my god, I just realized that school's over!!" His face lit up instantly. He just kept playing with my heart and it hurt. In a good way, though.
Tubbo let me go and raced down the hallway toward the outside doors٫ leaving all of his belongings behind.
"Tubbo!" I started to laugh. "You forgot your stuff- you can't leave yet." I paced his direction.
"OH, YEAH!" He began screaming at this point. "I FORGOT ABOUT THAT! WHOOPS."
He got all of his stuff and ran out of the building. He was attracting a lot of attention. I didn't really like that for some strange reason.
I got my stuff and followed Tubbo as he waited by the door. He grabbed my hand and began walking on the sidewalk. He noticed his shoe was untied so he asked me to wait a minute so he could tie it.
I stood there, watching everyone leave building. They looked pleased. Then I glanced over and seen the janiter's closet on the side of the building. I started to feel uneasy and was slightly shaking. Tubbo stood up no longer after and noticed my lack of calmness. He put his hand on my shoulder.
"Ranboo? I-Is there something bothering you?" He looked quite worried٫ and I didn't want him to be.
"I- huh? No, there isn't." I rubbed the back of my neck and laughed nervously.
"Please don't lie to me, Ranboo." He sounded disappointed.
Suddenly the school doors bursted open. Oscar and another jerk٫ Jason٫ came walking agressively towards me and Tubbo.
Tubbo gripped my arm tightly.
"What do you want?" He looked fierce. He didn't look scared٫ more so annoyed.
"I thought we went over this. I've come to ruin your life obviously!" He and Jason began laughing. "So٫ Ranboo٫ have you told your new friend about that pathetic fear of yours? You know٫ the one about you being terrified of the janiter's closet?" He pointed and tilted his head towards the closet on the side of the building.
I couldn't help but start shaking even more. I didn't want to go there٫ but I knew that's what was going to happen.
"Well٫ Ranboo. If it makes you feel any better٫ at least you'll have a friend in there with ya." He smirked and Jason grabbed ahold of the front of Tubbo's shirt. Oscar than grabbed me and dragged me to the closet door.
He held up the key to unlock the door as I was shaking in terror.
When he opened the door٫ he shoved me in. No longer after٫ I could hear Tubbo yelling and griping until Jason threw him in the closet as well.
Oscar laughed and slammed the door shut. I heard the door click so I knew it was locked. Tubbo banged both of his hands on the door constantly.
"Let us out, you morons!! Just wait til out and I beat your-"
"Tubbo, there's no use.." I sat down in the corner of the dark, tiny room.
"I- Ranboo, does this happen often..?" He stopped banging on the door and looked down at me.
"I mean.. I guess you could say that." I pulled up my mask. I didn't want him to see my expression at all.
Tubbo slowly walked toward me and sat down beside me on the concrete floor.
"I'm sorry, big guy.." He looked down and tucked his knees closer to his head.
"No, Tubbo, I'm sorry.. I should've just accepted the fact that a loser like me isn't meant to have friends at all. Now all I've done is dragged you into my issues. This isn't right٫ Tubbo, I can't do this to you." I kept getting louder as my sentences progressed.
"Ranboo, stop!" It got quiet for a moment. "Look٫ this was also my decision, too, and I'm better than ok with it! You've already been a wonderful friend to me.. The best one I ever had.. A-And I'm not gonna let some stupid d(bleep)kheads get in the way of that! So.. stop blaming yourself. I think I'll be ok in here for awhile as long as you're with me.."
Tubbo scooted closer towards me and laid his head on my shoulder. I think I felt my face getting warmer. The sound of his soft breaths was enough to drive me crazy. I looked over to see that Tubbo had closed his eyes.
"Do you mind if we maybe... stay like this for awhile..?" He was slightly groaning. I think I was getting even redder because my face suddenly felt really warm. My stomach was aching a bit, too. I felt so nervous.
"I- uhm.. Y-Yeah, I don't mind.."
I felt my body suddenly tighten up. Then I felt Tubbo's hand on mine٫ and I was never more relaxed. I also never felt warmer inside.
I still wasn't quite sure what that feeling was yet٫ but it felt aweful and amazing at the same time.
All I knew right then is that Tubbo was asleep. Sound asleep. And he looked and sounded adorable. I never thought I would be happy to be stuck in the janiter's closet.
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