《Avery》{edited} Chapter Five ||Helpless||


First published November 2015

Edited 6-14-2016

"Why do I feel you?" Avery's cold voice lashes out causing a deep hurt rolling through Kayden's body.

He doesn't like the fact that she can feel Cameron. A growl forms in his throat. He clamps down on it. As bad as he hates it this could benefit her.

"What do you...."

"Nick.Nicholas." Courts banshee voice pulls Avery's cold gaze away from Cam, who lets out a stress filled breath of air.

Court comes around the bend dressed as she always is. In skippy clothes. "Ah, Nick baby I found you." Her whiney voice rings out. How Nick can be around her is beyond Kayden. The girl is a complete power hungry twit.

Kayden's body tenses and he steps closer to Avery when a sneer covers Courts face. "Who's this?"

He can't help but smirk when Court shows her jealousy. He finds insecure girls like Court amusing.

Nick steps around Avery moving closer to Court while Kayden and the others move in closer to Avery. Boxing her in.

"This is Avery. Jeff's niece." Nick says.

He watches a smile stretch across Courts face, "The looney one."

A growl rips from his throat before he realizes. Oh well.

Avery is his to protect. He knew it as soon as he caught her cold winter scent. He can't help but notice the quiver that goes throughout Avery's body at the sound of his growl. He smiles on the inside quite happy that she reacts to him.

"Umm....So where are you guys going?" Court asks her eyes anywhere but on the more domentint wolves.

Kayden watches Avery move around Court and Nick with a predatory grace. She's so cold. He wants to know why she is the way she is and how he can bring a bit of life back into those dead blue eyes of hers.


"What?" He snaps out to Nick.

"Where you not listening?"

"No." He watches as Cam jogs to catch up with Avery.

"Kayden." He brings his attention back to his brother.

"Court said Deans at the beach fighting some of the others."

Shit. Avery can't go down there.

"No. You all go back. I didn't ask for you guys to come." Avery's cold voice cause him to tense up. Trying to hide how his body response to it. To her.

Even if one of them could convince her to go back to the house, which is highly unlikely it would be to late.

Kayden watches as she pauses on the beach. Her body relaxes a little bit as she looks out towards the lake. To bad it won't last long.

"What are we going to do?" Cam whispers out.

"Nothing." Aden answers earning a frown from Cam.

"Look." They turn their gazes toward Avery.

Her head is turned to the left, body once more tense. Tight with coiling tension.

"Ah.Damn." Cam whines.

Kayden moves catching up to Avery walking on her right. He watches her face as she passes through the group of six guys. Barley noticing them. She looks mesmerized by something and he doesn't think it's Dean or Jimmy. She stops right in front of the two wolves. Kayden right beside of her ready to act within seconds.

Surprise rushes through him as he watches Dean back away with a whimper, ears flat and tail tucked. It's a first. Either Jeff makes him stop or winning a fight does. Not a five foot slight of a girl.

"What's she doing?" Hearing Nick, Kayden puts his gaze back on Avery. She's squatted down beside Jimmy, her arm stretched out. Her eyes flickering around her hand.


"I don't know." Aden barks out.

Kayden watches her eyes. The only thing giving something away. Her graze moves around her hand, up her arm and towards her chest.

"She's taking his pain away." Cam says to no one in particular.

"That's not possible." Aden snaps.

"Well, she is."

Kayden reaches for Avery as she falls on her back.

"Don't." Cams scared voice stops Kayden's hand that's a mere inch away from Avery.

He watches as her mouth opens in a silent scream, eyes wide.

"Damn it. Cam what the hell is going on?" Kayden growls out hovering over Avery as her body starts to seize.

A burst of pain and pleasure blasts him to his knees. Takes his breath away.

Shit. What was that?

Getting his barring he raises his head. Everyone around him is either unconscious or on the ground like him.

Cam looks to be doing a little bit better with Aden's hand clamped on his wrist. While Aden looks on the verge of passing out.

"It was her."Cam gasps.

"How?" Nick barley gets out through pants of his own.

"Her shields are down." Cam groans causing Aden to tense.

Kayden looks Avery over. Her eyes blink. Her harsh pants moving her chest up and down fast.

"Is she ok?"

"I thin....." Cam gasp as he falls down and Avery God Avery. Her body comes off the ground like something unnatural. Her body bending and bowing like in that movie the Exorcism.

The sound of her bones snapping jolts him more aware and out of the pain, pleasure filled haze.

"Do something." Kayden growls out at Cam.

"I can't." Gasp. "She projecting." Cam grunts out the last part as he falls face forward in the wet sand with a groan.

Aden is passed out and so is Nick. Only Kayden and Cam is still conscious. Barely.

It feels like forever as he watches helplessly on as Avery's body bends and her bones break.

Finally she falls back on the ground. No longer moving.

He's so pissed. He couldn't help her.

"Kayden. Don't touch her." Cam whispers out, panting for air.

Kayden grinds his teeth together as he crawls the short distance separating him and Avery.

All he wants to do is grab her up in his arms and never let go. Whatever is going on with her damn well get fixed.

His eyes scan her body. One would think she was dead if it wasn't for her shallow breathing that hardly moves her chest. He cocks his head listening for her pulse. God, it's so weak.

Her eyes are vacant more than normal. Like blue empty glass. It's like she checked out.

He doesn't know what to do. His hands hovering over her, fingers flinching but not touching.

Kayden looks behind him at the sound of groaning.

Cam's setting up with Aden still pasted out beside him and Nick is slowly getting to his feet.

"Go get help." Kayden snarls at his brother.

He turns his graze back to Avery. She's so still. Lifeless. It causes something between a whine and a growl to pass from Kayden's clinched lips.

He feels useless. And sick to his stomach. He never wants to see something like that again. It'll haunt his dreams and waking hours for years.

"She she okay?" Cam asks in a tired strained voice.

"I don't know." It comes out as a growl.

"I heard her bones break." It was the worst sound ever. Kayden can still here it echoing in his ears.

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