《System Holders》Chapter 0.2: Explanations


Life was progressing as normal for everyone. Until the Towers occurred. No one really knew what or how they got there, and everyone was beyond curious. However, peoples attention were shifted to people known as "System Holders". More than half the worlds population were gifted with these things. No one really knew what they did, the only thing that they knew was that their were 5 different Systems: Weaponist, Informatant, Mentalist, Physicalist and Non Combatant. These systems were voices in everyones head, and each system had a unique look to them from person to person, no System was the same, the only thing that was consistant was that each system more a less had the same size. Each System Type did things. Physicalists was able to have enhanced strength, however it differed for each person. Some people had overall better strength, some had stronger arms or legs - everyone had unique experiences. Mentalist Type was quite straightforward and because of this not a lot of research has been conducted. All that was found out is that Mentalist exceed in mental tasks and memory. Non Combatant Type were people who had no association with going inside the Tutorial Tower and had vocation abilities such as Blacksmiths, Jewellers, Farmers etc. All that was known about non combatants is that they specialised in crafting in order to help people who are combatants and go into the Tutorial Towers. The Informatant System was quite unique, as it had no such abilities as enhancing the mind or the body, the system was there to be asked questions, however they are quite limited as the answers they receive are based on how high they are on the Tower. Finally, Weaponists. Due to the rarity of this class information is barely known. Not many people have this System, however it is shown that people with a Weaponist System are proficient in using a variety of weapons. However, each Weaponist system has their limits. Some can only use one weapon, whilst others can use three. The weapons that they have proficiency in is also based on the system. Because of the uniqueness of each system, some systems are only compatible with certain weapons. This can be seen as a huge limitation as people without the Weaponist System can use every weapon, it's just that they don't have a Proficiency skill.


The only thing that the systems have in common is that they can bring up a status window. These windows look like:

Name - Age


Class Advancements

Inherited Skills:


System Type

System Level

Every System Holder started out with a class. However, these classes were bare bones. They differed from Mage, Tamer, Warrior, Swordsman, Archer, Healer, Cleric. All of these classes are Class Advancement Zero, meaning they are the bare minimum of a System Holder. However, non combatants have things like Farmer, Blacksmith, Jeweller, Merchant. Each person also has a Inherited Skill which is completely unique to them, and usually is alligned to your Class. These Inherited Skills are different ranks based on F- - S+.

The Systems also have a level to them too ranging from F- - S+ too.

Now, what are these towers? Every tower has 100 floors in every country capital, however they all looked vastly different. In Egypt (Cairo), the Tower is extremely wide and the floors are spread out, whilst The USA (Washington DC) is quite slender in comparison. The colours are also different aswell. The only similar thing is that each floor has 100 floors which had creatures on each floor, and the difficulty would rise as you go up.

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