《System Holders》Chapter 0: Introductions.


Jack. He was quite a chubby boy, although during his High School years he slowly slimmed down and lost quite a lot of his fat. He was 17 during the time of the 'Towers' occurence. He was planning to do his A Levels (first year) and was buying notebooks and pens. Although in highschool he wasn't necessarily secluded, infact it could be said that he was a friend of everybody, however he never really took to anyone in particular, and never really had a 'social group'. He was okay with this. The pale, brown headed boy enjoyed being alone in fact. Usually, he would be holed up in his room and play League of Legends for hours on end. Sure, he was hardstuck Gold, but who cares? He enjoyed it. Jack doesn't have much intelligence, moreover he was beyond average with his grades. Maths: C. English Language: B. English Literature: C. History: C. Business Studies: A. PE. D-. He never really took to anything. He didn't necessarily hate his life, in fact he was quite blessed with his upbringing and how his parents were supportive of his college (despite not being academic). He just never really saw a point in it. Life is finite, but he was spending his time playing League of Legends until late. What's the point? He was never ever suicidal, he doesn't have the guts to do it, despite how bad his life may get. It's not even that he hates his life, it's just he's bored of it. Nothing changes, everything stays the same, the only thing that he sees is his parents ageing. Which may be the most depressing sight there is.

Jack - Age 17

-Beyond Average.

-Not athletic

-Loves Macaroni Cheese.

-League of Legends addict.

-Through his Dads words - he's an "Inside Kid".


Adam. Not necessarily academic, his grades were around above average (Bs/As). However he is much more sporty than his brothers. He lives in the moment. He's not one to look in the past and dwell on things that he could've changed, instead he goes out and solves his problems first hand. At the occurence of the "Towers", he was working as an Electrician. He works under a company and goes into houses to fix whatever problems electricians fixes. Fun fact: He almost killed himself and has two scars on his wrist due to a powerful electric shock. He has brown hair however his hair is getting thinner with age due to family genes. All of their uncles, and Dad have bald hair. Adam is slowly getting their. His build is made up of muscle, however has a bit of a belly. It's safe to say he has more muscle than the average man. Unfortunately, Adam cares too much about his looks and goes on extreme diets from time to time to increase muscle mass/decrease fat. His personality is that of a blunt guy. He's brutally honest in a way which may come off as offensive, but he means well. He just isn't the best when it comes to words and how to express his feelings.

Adam - Age 21.



-Loves the fajitas his Father makes.

-If he had to pick a parent to save he would choose his Dad without hesitation.

Carl. The literal definition of boystrous is 'Carl'. This 14 year old chubby, ginger haired kid is unbelievably cheeky with his attitude, aswell as the way he treats other people, however, he can be the most delicate child there is, and greatly loves both his parents. During school, he paid no attention and failed majority of his classes, these "Towers" could have been seen as a blessing for Carl as everyone had expectations of him being in prison by the age of 18. Carl loves his food, he eats about anything and doesn't complain and actually shows his gratitude sometimes. He means well, it's just that he can't execute it properly and sometimes comes off as just plain rude. Although he tries his best. It's safe to say Carl has a short temper (coming from his Dad) and easily reacts to certain things.


Carl - Age 14


-Easily distracted

-If in a bad mood will make everyone suffer

-Bright Ginger Hair (Like Jill)

Jill. At the age of 43 she has encountered a lot of failures in life. Like her Mother dying at a young age, and more - a - less being ostrichised from her family as she didn't have above average looks at 18. Her weight was the main issue (aswell as her bright ginger hair like Carls) . She struggled(s) alot especially since she has had 3 children and has let herself become quite a large lady, however she can still go on jogs if she wanted to - it's just that she doesn't. She greatly loves her children, however the way she expresses it is strange to say the least. Instead of phrases like "I love you", she'd rather show her care by cleaning, or cooking, or some form of household chore. That's why when the "Towers" emerged, she struggled dearly and was on the verge of a mental collapse. This can be mainly be blamed for her family. She was brought up to be a slave to a husband and not much more. She eventually had a part time job so she doesn't go insane, but the "Towers" completely ruined that for her. She knows nothing outside of cleaning and generally maternal things. Her husband, who she loves have been married for many years and are childhood sweethearts.

Jill - Age 43

-Maternal yet materialistic

-Self doubts


-Doesn't mind confrontation as she speaks her mind a lot.

Matt(hew). Just like his wife, he never had a high paying job. If anything, he is the most working class man you could find. Has a sailors mouth, smokes away his doubts, easily angered yet is probably the most funniest Dad you could meet. Just like Jill, he has parental instincts and cracks Dad jokes every now and then. He's bald, and quite slender, however had a beer belly before the Towers. Matt was indifferent to the Towers, he didn't really want anything to do with them, and if he wasn't a System Holder, his life would've been the same and he wouldn't have even bothered with them to begin with, at the start of the crisis he was actually hesitant to even walk into the "Tower", if it wasn't for his System being so pushy he wouldn't have bothered. Matt acts on emotions and is easily swayed by them. He isn't very educated nor does he have any special qualities to him. A main factor to being himself is being overtly hard working. Despite his challenges in life he always tries his hardest despite the task.

Matt - Age 45.

-Amazing cook

-Lives a very mundane life (work, eat, drink beers on a night, sleep, repeat)

-Horrendous Dad jokes

-Bottles up emotions until they all come out at once

-Slender whilst having a beer belly and is bald.

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