《The Ripper》Revelations


The professor stood before Elise with his smile that resembled that of a wolf in sheep’s clothing. “I don’t know anything please, please just let me go. I swear I won’t tell anyone please; I’m begging you.” Elise began pleading to her captors, causing the professor to sigh as he brought a chair to sit before her.

“Sadly, my dear that is false.” The professor began, “You see you recently came in contact with a man” Elise mind began to whirl thinking to herself who exactly was he talking about. The professor seeing her face could tell what was going on in her head.

“Now I have been searching for this man for a few years now, you see this man isn’t like you and I. He is of another race of creatures, Demi-humans if you will.” “what?” Elise was confused and was beginning to believe her captors might be insane which just made convincing them to let her go a whole lot harder than she thought it would be.

The professor signaled for his men to bring over a Tablet which he proceeded to retrieve before playing a video for Elise. The video first showed a lab with a small girl in all white, wearing a collar on her neck. The sight was disturbing to say the least to Elise as she was concerned about what they were doing to the child who looked no more than eleven, but she was soon speechless. The girl in the video’s eyes began to glow followed by the terrifying sight of bone spikes popping out all over her body, with her face not being an exception.

The video was cut off now showing an Asian man in all white with the same collar over his neck, this man stood before a dog which seemed to be a golden retriever. The man got down on one knee being face to face with the dog, his eyes began to glow as he placed his hand on the dogs and what followed was a scene she did not expect to see not even in her wildest imagination. The man and the dog began to fuse transforming into some sort of two headed Dog monster.


Elise was shown more videos of people exhibiting a whole slew of abilities, “I take it you believe me now.” “What was that?” Elise asked still confused as to exactly what it was, she had seen, before today she thought things like that existed on in the realms of science fiction but now… “okay, even so I have never met someone like that in my entire and I’m if I did, I would never forget.”

The professor handed over the tablet to one of his men, “Now, now if they went around showing of what they could do, do you think they would have remained obscure to now? You see the one I’m looking for is called X-1 but he likes to refer to himself by another name… what was it he called himself… I can’t seem to remember, oh yes. Eric, Eric Lycan.”

Elise’s brows rose at those words, she couldn’t believe what she had just heard but looking back on the night when they first met, she knew in her heart that the man was right. “Okay, now we have established you know who I’m looking for, how about we get straight to the point and you tell me exactly where he could be hiding.”

Elise kept numb at those words she had no idea where he could be, but even if she did, she was not going to tell the man before her anything, she couldn’t forget the collars she had seen. “Don’t misunderstand me, just because I’m speaking calmly to you right now does not mean I wouldn’t dare harm you.”

His words had confirmed what she thought all along these guys were definitely not the good guys. The professor examined her expression for a few seconds before getting to his feet, “very well, we are doing this the had way then.” He turned to one of his men, “why don’t you help make her pretty and ready for the camera, if she knows something, I’m sure she’ll talk during the process and if not, we go with plan B.”


Eric was worried sick, sure he hadn’t known Elise long but he felt guilty. Every time he looked at Rose, he felt even more guilty, if he had just turned away after that night none of this would be happening right now, but alas there were no ifs in this world.

Agent Michaels had just walked back putting his phone away, Eric watched him with expectant eyes. Agent Michaels saw this and sighed, “I’ve got bad news, the E.V.O might be all-powerful all-over Africa, but outside Africa, not so much. The British government doesn’t agree for a strike team to be sent over as they are concerned for their citizens safety and don’t want to turn this place into a warzone, which means we are all on our own. Before you ask, they can’t if the British gets involve there is a high chance information would leak to the public which is something the UN itself doesn’t want to happen. I’ll say our best option now is to skip town then I can call an extraction team and we get you and the kid out of the country.”

“Not without Elise”, Eric argued back causing the Agent to sigh “we have no other choice”. “No, there must be someway what about satellites” “That’s impossible. They are experts in avoiding Satellites and even if by some chance we could actually catch them with it there are the diplomatic problems is bringing a satellite into another nation’s airspace more so a satellite we are not supposed to have” Eric got pissed but just as he was about to speak up, the screen began to Fitz out and suddenly they all heard Rose’s voice “mommy”.

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