《we got reincarnated to be parents》chapter 6: the reason why we reincarnated


"HOlLY SHIT!"Asahi screamed as he glared at the window hovering on top of the knife. [ weapon info ] _ type: knife _ magics: none _ MP: 0 [ combat info ] _ close range _ sharp and quick but not made for combat. _ recommended a high agility He forgot that he was on the phone with Yui because he thought of how convenient this skill is going to be. "WHAT HAPPENED" Yui screened to get his attention but the phone was too far away for him to hear. he then quickly collected himself and put the phone back to his ear to find her screaming and asking if he was alright. He calmed her down and ensured her of his safety and told her what happened. After hearing what he said she remembered her dad had a hunting hobby before his work made him unable to hunt anymore. He loved the hunt so he was bound to have some equipment left from those days. She ran to her parents' room with her phone in hand, she looked around a bit before finding a black metal box under their bed. She dragged it out, picked it up, and put it on the bed. She was struggling to lift it, in her old body, this would have been lighter than a feather but she struggled because of her current weak body. Yui opened the case to find a black-colored bow. She used the weapon properties skill on it and just like Asahi said, the same screen popped up on top of the bow. ting* [ weapon info ] _ type: hunting bow _ magics: none _ MP: 0 [ combat info ] _ long range. _ used to fire arrows piercing through animals with delicious meat. _ recommend a high dexterity stat. They both didn't really use bows but it was a good thing that they found a weapon that would help them. She described the info to Asahi and put the case back, she was gonna ask her father if she can have to practice with it. Of course, that was a lie but she couldn't really say that she wanted it to fight. "oh yeah, I was gonna go to your house before you called me," said Yui. "oh did you miss me already," Asahi mockingly said. "I'm over 60 years old, do you think I still fall for shit like that". "well no but you're only a 16-year-old girl now". "What a creep" she muttered, "well anyway it was about the rumor you talked about, I heard someone had got it from a souvenir shop close to the city". "a gift shop? that seems unlikely" he said with a confused look. "it doesn't really matter if it's unlikely or just a rumor, it's our last hope. And if we succeed in finding an artifact, we can focus on the reason we came back" After hearing her he knew that it wasn't the mood for jokes and turned to a more serious tone. "Yes, I understand" It was still 10 pm and they wanted to find the artifact as soon as possible so they both got ready and got out of their house after agreeing to meet up. they didn't concern themselves with looking good and picked clothes that were easy to move in to be able to fight comfortably. Asahi wore black shorts, a white shirt, and simple running shoes. Yui on the other hand didn't have anything that she could wear that would allow her to "fight more freely", she then decided to wear a black top and some gym jogger pants. Their meeting point wasn't far from them, it was a 15-minute walk from their houses, Yui came a little earlier than Asahi nut it wasn't long before she saw him run towards her. "arent girls supposed to be the ones that take longer to get ready," Yui said with a mocking smile on her face. "Oh shut up, you say you're old but you sure don't act like it," said Asahi while breathing heavily. "well anyways, it seems like we're finally taking a step towards our goal" "yeah," he said while smiling. His smile soon disappeared and he said "hey Yui, why do you think the gods chose us of all people. I mean we weren't the only powerful people at that time" "I don't know and honestly I'm ok with not knowing, I'm just grateful that I got to have an opportunity like this one" "Yeah, you're right," he said while smiling at her, he then turned his gaze to the sky and said "and doesn't really matter the reason we were reincarnated, because I know that we got reincarnated to be parents"

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